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Greece Quotes

  1. chachawawabubu chachawawabubu
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2014 7:39pm UTC
    1. 15 facts about you
    2. Initials of the person you love
    3. Your closest friends
    4. The thing you most fear
    5. The saddest moment in your life
    6. Favorite sport
    7. Favorite song
    8. Your deepest secret
    9. First impression of the guy you like now
    10. Last time you cried
    11. Thing closest to your heart
    12. When you hear this song you cry
    13. Place you wanna visit badly
    14. Favorite book
    15. Favorite animal
    16. Favorite show
    17. Last time someone hurt you
    18. The story behind your life
    19. Person who scares you the most
    20. Last major injury
    21. Favorite youtube video
    22. Phone type
    23. Biggest confession
    24. Last break up
    25. Last heart break
    26. The day you regret the most
    27. First friend
    28. Favorite drink
    29. A letter to someone in
    Place I wanna visit badly
    GREECE! Seriously, I want to go there so bad it's not even funny. I'm even planning on retiring there when I get all old and wrinkly and stuff.

  2. glitter162* glitter162*
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2013 2:06pm UTC
    What is the most slippery
    country? Greece.

  3. ChrisMat ChrisMat
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2013 9:24am UTC
    So many quotes about Turkey O:
    Does anyone know what happened in Greece?

  4. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2013 8:43pm UTC
    I hope you all know that the real Greek creation myth doesn't say anything
    about humans having four arms and gour legs or Zeus splitting them in two. If you're going to talk about Greek mythology, at least get it right.

  5. OhStephh_* OhStephh_*
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2013 2:59pm UTC
    alcohol, alcohol, alcohol is free

  6. SkyBluexxx SkyBluexxx
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2013 1:04pm UTC

  7. NinjaEl NinjaEl
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2013 7:33am UTC
    Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω
    α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω
    Weird right ??
    Don't copy

  8. emogirly1996 emogirly1996
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 2:51pm UTC
    day 1- 15 facts about you.
    day 2- the initials of the person you love.
    day 3- your closest friends to you.
    day 4- the thing you most fear.
    day5- the saddest moment in your life.
    day6- favorite sport(s).
    day7- favorite song.
    day8- your deepest secret.
    day9- first impression on the guy you like now.
    day10- last time you cried.
    day11- thing closest to your heart.
    day12- when you hear this song you cry.
    day13- place wanna visit really badly.
    day14- favorite book.
    day15- favorite animal.
    day16- favorite show.
    day17- last time someone hurt you.
    day18- the story behind your life.
    day19- person who scares you the most.
    day20- last major injury.
    day21- favorite youtube video.
    day22- phone type.
    day 23- biggest confession.
    day 24- last break up.
    day 25- last heart break.
    day 26- the day you regret the most.
    day 27- first friend.
    day 28- favorite drink.
    day 29- a letter to someone in your family.
    day 30- a letter to a friend.
    Honestly, really want to go back to Heaven. I wen tthere once when I was extremely ill, and it was amazing. The feeling was literally undescribable. I felt loved, alive, new, and more importantly...free. I felt free.
    But if I have to choose a place on Earth, I've always wanted to go to Italy or Greece. I love their history so much. c:

  9. chachawawabubu chachawawabubu
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2013 4:57am UTC
    30 day challenge ♥
    day 1- 15 facts about you.
    day 2- the initials of the person you love.
    day 3- your closest friends to you.
    day 4- the thing you most fear.
    day5- the saddest moment in your life.
    day6- favorite sport(s).
    day7- favorite song.
    day8- your deepest secret.
    day9- first impression on the guy you like now.
    day10- last time you cried.
    day11- thing closest to your heart.
    day12- when you hear this song you cry.
    day13- place wanna visit really badly.
    day14- favorite book.
    day15- favorite animal.
    day16- favorite show.
    day17- last time someone hurt you.
    day18- the story behind your life.
    day19- person who scares you the most.
    day20- last major injury.
    day21- favorite youtube video.
    day22- phone type.
    day 23- biggest confession.
    day 24- last break up.
    day 25- last heart break.
    day 26- the day you regret the most.
    day 27- first friend.
    day 28- favorite drink.
    day 29- a letter to someone in your family.
    day 30- a letter to a friend.
    Day 13- the place I want to visit really badly is probably Greece.

    posted a quote
    March 1, 2013 7:57am UTC

  11. fruitsbasket fruitsbasket
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 11:21am UTC
    Happy Birthday, Greece!
    (Here's a cat)


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