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  1. WithABrokenHeartThatsStillBeating WithABrokenHeartThatsStillBeating
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2015 4:42pm UTC
    so lead her on and tell her lies..shes just a girl, right?

  2. *Yours Truly* *Yours Truly*
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2015 12:42pm UTC
    Mindless Excerpt #1
    She walked along the beach, under the gray cover of the sky. The ocean looked equally as murky and unsettled as the sky did.
    Thunder rumbled, and a bright flash of lightening streaked across the afternoon gloom. Her feet were freezing from the touch
    of the ocean foam, but something about it made her feel less numb, so she couldn't bring herself to move. She huddled close
    to the assortment of dull boulders sprinkled about the base of the cliff, as she picked her way towards the sea. There was no rain--not yet,
    but waiting made her restless. She inched around a jagged rock, damp sand clinging to the bottoms of her feet, and at last
    found herself collapsing at the waters edge. Still, it receeded away from her, into itself, as if repulsed.
    There was something lonely in the gesture she made next--something desperate. She dragged herself forward on hands
    and knees towards the cold, unwanting waters. She left prints in the sand.
    It wasn't anything. At least, it almost wasn't. To her though, it was everything. Because the water coiled in on itself like a snake
    readying to spring, and then it washed forward, and she couldn't have been happier to find relief and acceptance--finally.
    Even as it made her skin burn with the cold, it felt better than her aching heart.

  3. *Yours Truly* *Yours Truly*
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2014 3:01am UTC
    His pupils were dilated, absorbing half of the ocean I knew they were.
    They said he never spoke to anyone, but he spoke to me. The words
    rolled off his tongue, like waves retreating back down the shore. His
    eyes were trained on my lips, transfixed at the chaos pouring from my
    mouth. Who knew a trainwreck could fit inside a human form? I bet him
    that I would do worse, and made myself a liar. I regretted it like I'd
    gripped a thorny rose, until I saw his smile.
    Credits: crazyneoncolors. All rights reserved, people.

  4. avexoxo16 avexoxo16
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2014 10:07am UTC
    I hate that feeling when
    You know you were being led on...

  5. heartofstones heartofstones
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2014 4:29pm UTC
    Fake Friends - never ask for food.
    Real Friends - are the reason you have no food.
    Fake Friends - call your parents Mr./Mrs.
    Real Friends - call your parents DAD/MOM.
    Fake Friends- have never seen you cry.
    Real Friends - cry with you.
    Fake Friends - borrow your stuff for a few days and then give it back.
    Real Friends - keep your stuff for so long they forget it's yours.
    Fake Friends - know about you.
    Real Friends - can write a book about you.
    Fake Friends - knock on your front door.
    Real Friends - walk right on in and say "I'm home".
    Fake Friends - will help you up when you fall down.
    Real Friends - will help you up... after they finish laughing.
    Fake Friends - are around for a while.
    Real Friends - are for life.
    Fake Friends - will read this.
    Real Friends - will steal this.

  6. KristenC KristenC
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2013 2:25pm UTC
    Dude, my ex, who I haven't talked to for a year messaged me on Facebook yesterday saying he misses me. That kind of bugs me because I know he knows I have a boyfriend.

  7. Dαυgнтєя Of Sαтαи * Dαυgнтєя Of Sαтαи *
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2013 1:16am UTC
    If only I had the guts to tell you my feelings..
    no,instead I rather bottle things up and let it haunt me at night.

  8. DakkyDukky DakkyDukky
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2013 9:33am UTC
    Hey, could someone do my profile up all fancy and stuff? I really don't like it and I'm quite busy right now and I can't do my own. e.e

  9. LalalaBella LalalaBella
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2013 2:31pm UTC
    It's been a year daddy, I really really miss you.
    Mommy says you're safe now,
    in a beautiful place called heaven.
    We had your favorite dinner tonight
    I ate it all up...
    ...Even though I don't like carrots
    I learned how to swim this summer
    I can even open my eyes from under water
    Can't you see me?
    I started Kindergarten this year
    I carry around a picture of us in my Blue's Clues Lunch Box
    You are the greatest Daddy
    I can swing on the swing by myself ...
    Even though I miss you pushing me
    Can't you see me?
    I miss how you used to tickle me
    Tickle my belly
    My belly hurts
    It isn't too hard to see we're in Heaven
    I try not to cry
    Mommy says it's okay
    I know you don't like it when I cry
    Never wanted me to be sad
    I try daddy but it hurts
    Is it true you're not coming home
    Maybe some day I can visit you in Heaven okay?
    It's time for me to go to bed now
    I sleep with the light on.
    Just in case you come home, and kiss me good-night.
    I love you so much.
    I miss you Daddy

  10. hatetheloved hatetheloved
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 7:17am UTC
    If they ever said 'take a picture, it'll last longer' - i'll say:
    Sure, it would serve as a record of what
    you're literally doing, but it really doesn't suffice.
    It doesn't capture how beautiful you look
    just being yourself. A picture can't show how
    marvelous you are and how bright you shine.
    It can't display the true impact of how you can
    make any casual action magnificantly wonderful.
    So no, I'd like to keep onlooking... if thats okay with you ;)

  11. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2013 8:49am UTC
    I Just Wanna Feel This Moment...
    f o r m a t | H e l l o F o r m a t s

  12. imaginationgirl imaginationgirl
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2013 12:21pm UTC
    God Creating Me
    God: Ok let's add a gallon of socially awkward
    God: A dash of attractive
    God: Oh, its empty, darn
    God: A drop of ugly
    God: *Accidently poors whole thing*
    God: Oops..


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