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Eating Quotes

  1. snowinseptember* snowinseptember*
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2014 12:32pm UTC
    teen dictionary
    eating (verb).
    1. when there is
    nothing else to do

  2. hello_universe hello_universe
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2014 1:37am UTC
    I have to stop eating!

  3. nothing Important* nothing Important*
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2014 6:53pm UTC
    I'm eating for 3 now!
    Me , Myself and I

  4. notyouraverageteenagegirl notyouraverageteenagegirl
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2014 8:14pm UTC
    quick word of advice:
    if you can, EAT.
    obtaining the "ideal" body image
    shouldn't be as important as your
    health. don't starve yourself
    because you think it's
    what society wants.
    just eat.
    format credit: notyouraverageteenagegirl

  5. Iwannacookie2304 Iwannacookie2304
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2014 5:42am UTC
    When you throw a piece of food into your mouth and catch it first time and feel like god

  6. sheyennemari3 sheyennemari3
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2013 10:53am UTC
    I'm fourteen and I always feel so nervous,
    Tell me why is it that everyone is so perfect?
    While I feel so worthless,
    and they look so happy While lately for me,
    my mood has been so crappy.

  7. lemon.cake* lemon.cake*
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2013 9:55pm UTC
    Is it me or, whenever I get food and sit down in front of the TV,
    I don't start eating until I'm on the right chanel.
    Am I the only one?
    Format by Urbanlayoutsxoxo

  8. abbiemarie* abbiemarie*
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2013 12:02am UTC
    If I don't eat my stomach hurts, I can't sleep and I get really emotional, if I eat my stomach hurts worse and I can't stop thinking about how much food I just ate.. I just can't seem to win..

  9. 1DLOVE11 1DLOVE11
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2013 2:33pm UTC
    I haven't eaten in 20 hours.

  10. abbiemarie* abbiemarie*
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2013 1:25am UTC

  11. abbiemarie* abbiemarie*
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2013 2:05pm UTC
    Thank God I'm not having any acutal thanksgiving meals so I don't have to make up excuses on why I'm not eating..

  12. abbiemarie* abbiemarie*
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2013 11:28pm UTC
    I'll go a couple days without eating and when I'm finally hungry enough to eat I'll just eat like a fruit cup or something like that and convince myself that I'm full and then the cycle repeats..

  13. *~Andria~* *~Andria~*
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2013 6:22pm UTC
    Confession #1
    When I'm bored, I eat...I really need to stop that...

  14. AllieSmith7 AllieSmith7
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2013 1:04pm UTC
    So, we have this Asian kid in our class, and it kinda went like this..Marlee: Do you really eat cats?Hunter: On days that end in Y..*Five Minutes Later*Marlee: Days that end in Y? That's every day!Tatum: God, you're slow!

  15. MyWittyProfile MyWittyProfile
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2013 10:03pm UTC
    95% of the time, if I hadn't immediately replied to your snapchat,
    that means I'm either eating or sleeping.
    The other 5% of the time when I don't immediately reply,
    is that I just don't like you.

  16. abbiemarie* abbiemarie*
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2013 5:14pm UTC
    I just keep telling myself it's okay to skip this meal, and the next one, and the next one.

  17. DreamLikeReality DreamLikeReality
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2013 7:07pm UTC
    Eating eggs is like...*deep voice* devouring the unborn.

  18. cherrycarey96 cherrycarey96
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2013 10:26pm UTC
    I am so tired of my mind yelling at me when I try to eat.
    "Nope, we cannot eat that, that is a new substance."
    "Put. it. down."
    "I think you've had enough already, Ms. Piggy."
    "NO. Do crunches. Run. Do something. Too large."

  19. myboys myboys
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2013 5:41pm UTC
    i literally ate so much today
    first i had half of a watermelon
    (that i ate by myself {this took like 2 hours bc i was watching youtube videos while doing so})
    then my grandpa brought me home some breakfast
    (four scrambled eggs, 2 pieces of toast and 2 strips of bacon)
    after that i had a grapefruit
    (self explainable)
    then my cousin sister and i made cookies
    (i ate 2)
    with our extra cookie batter we decided to make a monster cookie
    (it just finished and i ate like one fourth of it)
    then my aunt brought my brother and i sandwiches
    (6 inch)
    Its only four and I started eating at like 11 this morning
    I already agreed with myself that im not eating tommorow.
    I swear i ate enough food to feed a third world country for a month

  20. J I L L I A N ; )* J I L L I A N ; )*
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2013 4:26pm UTC
    O O


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