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Best Ears Quotes This Month

  1. Picturesque Wonderland.* Picturesque Wonderland.*
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2013 6:12pm UTC
    You covered your ears
    with your hands and
    placed your head
    between your knees
    because there were trains.
    The rushing of your thoughts
    and the fast beat of your heart
    that passed straight through
    your chest and
    into my own
    and your eyes were shut so
    tightly that I knew the bright lights
    behind your lids were
    blinding you.
    there, too.
    I asked you what you
    were thinking about
    and you said,
    " I'm trying not to. "

  2. Nananananaa Nananananaa
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2014 5:23am UTC
    When my teachers rhetorically ask the class
    "Why can I hear talking?"
    I sarcastically whisper
    "Becasue you have ears."
    One time my science teaher actually heard me and she said she actually deaf in one ear...

  3. appleloop* appleloop*
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2013 2:30pm UTC
    You can walk into a room and spot them. They seem fine when you talk to them but every now and again, across the room, you catch them looking off into the distance at an invisible point that maybe, they once reached. They laugh a little different. They hesitate a little more. Now they know what it feels like. And something about their eyes when they listen to music says "Turn it up until my ears bleed. Let it be the last thing I hear."-Iain Thomas-

  4. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2014 12:24pm UTC
    You awaken the ears of my ears
    And open the eyes of my eyes

  5. Ralph* Ralph*
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2013 6:42pm UTC
    My heart plunges to the bottom of my feet when someone spoils a book for me.
    Novels are an escape for just a few moments, stripping away all your worry &misery.
    It is an adventure you have not yourself experienced exactly as the protagonist has.
    It is a piece of life that will make you laugh and cry over people that do not exist.
    The book itself along with the characters can be there for you when nobody else is.
    The book can have a meaning to you afterwards.
    Novels are a gift, a simple piece of literature that makes you listen with your eyes.
    My heart demands an apology when it is taken from what could have been an adventure.

  6. wittysoftball3 wittysoftball3
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2013 10:24am UTC
    Music is like the perfect reality
    being swallowed by your ears.

  7. DreamLikeReality DreamLikeReality
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2013 8:58pm UTC
    Your smile, makes me smile.
    Your laugh, makes me giggle.
    Your eyes, they're the only thing I can look at.
    Your voice, the only thing I hear.
    Your lips, they're so soft and precious. I just want to kiss you.
    You're hair, I just want to play with it.
    You, you're perfect and I just want to spend all day long with you.

  8. dontsellyourselfshort dontsellyourselfshort
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2016 8:16pm UTC
    I just want a hand to hold and two ears that will listen and a mouth that will tell me stories.

  9. dontsellyourselfshort dontsellyourselfshort
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2016 8:22pm UTC
    I have to believe that there are moments of uncorruptable beauty upon this earth.

  10. sparkleyunicorns7 sparkleyunicorns7
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2013 9:43am UTC
    When I get bored
    I look at peoples ears....
    and I laugh.

  11. MayaLorinda MayaLorinda
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2013 6:59pm UTC
    People Having Babies
    Normal People: Is it a boy or a girl?
    Me: Does it have attached ear lobes?

  12. unicorn104149musically unicorn104149musically
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2017 10:45am UTC
    Love your ears before getting them pierced

  13. Madddyp_16 Madddyp_16
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2013 7:27pm UTC
    The annoying moment when I am trying to watch a video on YouTube,
    And the same add keeps playing over and over.

  14. jessylynn143 jessylynn143
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2013 1:53pm UTC
    I just pierced my own cartalige. I DO NOT advise anyone else to do it. I want to cry :'(

  15. DepressedHby DepressedHby
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2013 8:44pm UTC


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