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Blacklipstick Quotes

  1. Cameron* Cameron*
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2013 4:49pm UTC
    So, I wore the black lipstick today, like I said I would. And, one kid yelled, "Emo!"And, another kid was like, "What the heck are you wearing?! Are you going goth?!"
    To the first kid, I told him, "First off, emo is short for emotional, so technically everyone's emo. Second off, you're stereotyping, and I don't like you." Then, I turned around and walked off to my locker.
    To the second kid, I told him I was happy that he didn't say emo, at least.
    One girl said she knew I was going to wear make-up one day, and that one day was either going to be really bright and cheerful colors or black.
    I think my principal thought I was going 'emo' or something, and asked me during lunch how was my day. She's never asked me that before or to anyone else, at least in front of me. But, that could be because we got a new vice principal (he also asked me how my day was).
    A handful of people asked me why I was wearing black lipstick. Like, why can't I? Not much people freaked out when one of my friendishly-people (< My word for people who I'm kinda friends with but we don't talk as much as friends and or hang out much.) wore pink lipstick, but that, most likely, was because pink can blend in.

  2. Cameron* Cameron*
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2013 9:41pm UTC
    So, I got black lipstick yesterday cause Halloween's over and all . . .
    And, I'm wondering if I should wear it tomorrow for school.


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