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Best Baseball Quotes This Month

  1. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2013 3:26pm UTC
    I hate when people put irrelevant tags in their quotes

  2. chocomickey14 chocomickey14
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2013 9:19pm UTC
    I think boys who play baseball should be required to wear their baseball pants all day during school all during baseball season.

  3. doublesidedice doublesidedice
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2013 10:59pm UTC
    I saw a guy dancing at the baseball game I went to today. I watched him, and he turned around and started dancing for me. I'm not even sure what to think or do right now. That was so.... I don't even know xD

  4. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2014 1:33am UTC
    Why did Hitlër get hit with a baseball?
    Cause he did nãzi it coming.
    *Ba dum tsk!*

  5. cdavison07 cdavison07
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2013 7:14pm UTC
    Guys in baseball pants ♥
    oh my lawd ♥ ♥ ♥

  6. bluegreeneyes28 bluegreeneyes28
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2013 11:37pm UTC
    Golden Boy
    chapter three
    I survived day one of senior year. I was headed out to the parking lot to meet Mackenzie at her car. Mackenzie Benson has been my best friend since the sixth grade. It was one of those things you don't really know how you became friends but you just feel like you always have been. That was me and Mackenzie. I knew Mackenzie was probably still walking to her locker, even though most people were finishing up and leaving school, she doesn't feel the need to rush. So I waited outside her car by myself. As I waited Drew Mazz, Jack Elliot, and Vinny walked by. I didn't want to look at any of them but I felt one of them looking at me. So I glanced up to see Vinny looking at me. Ugh. I purposely looked away and thankfully saw Mackenzie heading my way.
    "Girl open the doors." I called out. I saw her fish into her bag.
    I swung the door open quick and didn't bother looking back to see if he was still looking at me. I didn't want to know. I didn't care. Mackenzie finally joined me in the car.
    "Hey girlie, how was your day?"
    Normally we wouldn't have to ask this question because our schedules had aligned since freshman year. Wouldn't it be that senior year that we have not a single class together.
    "Well my days starts, goes on and finishes with the "Golden Boy." I said.
    "Get out! Vinny's in all your classes?"
    "Every single one."
    "Thats crazy. I'm sorry. Maybe he'll just stay out of your way."
    "He's been staring at me all day. Its creeping me out."
    "Did you ever think maybe he still cares?"
    My jaw dropped. Mackenzie knew better than to talk about this. Vinny made it perfectly clear freshman year the thing that was more important to him. It was baseball. Relationships and people don't matter to him.
    "Don't even say that. Kenzie you know how he is. He doesn't do relationships. He just plays baseball and hooks up with girls."
    "Mackenzie please just don't."
    I flipped her the visor in the car down. I didn't want to hear her talk about how he did like me, how he did care, how baseball wasn't more important that it was just important. I didn't want to hear it because it wasn't true. Did he like me? Maybe. Did he care? Maybe. Was baseball more important than me? Absolutely was. Vinny was always going to car more about baseball than girls. I took a minute to look at myself. Despite how I was feeling at the moment my eyes looked bright, I still had a nice tan going from the summer, and my hair looked good long and straight. I maybe only be five foot three compared to my blonde five foot six blue eyed best friend,I was cute. I could get a guy right? Maybe it was time to start trusting boys again.
    Maybe it was time to move on.

  7. bluegreeneyes28 bluegreeneyes28
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2013 4:28am UTC
    Golden Boy
    chapter five
    We were now a month into school. Senior year was supposed to be a blast, and I was not off to the best start.I was heading to my first class after lunch which was Life Management. Its the class that's supposed to prepare you for life after high school. Entering the hallway it smelled amazing. The advanced foods students must of made something really good today. That smell was going to be very tempting because the Life Management room doubled as the foods classes room. Being distracted by the smell, I didn't notice until I sat down that the room had a complete make over. The room looked identical to a nursery. Up at the very front of the room, there were baby bottles, diaper bags, baby carries, strollers, snugglies, pink and blue baby hats, and in the very center babies. Mechanical babies of course, but babies none the less. Our teacher had even went as far as to cover every other in either a pink or blue table cloth. As people came into the room the were all whispering about what was going on. I had a feeling we all were going to have to take care of a baby for a few days. Thats shouldn't be too bad. Finally our teacher, Mrs. Auger, walked in.
    "Settle down," Mrs. Auger said."If you remember when we went over the syllabus we have a few big projects this semester. Well welcome to your first project, baby care!"
    Exactly what I thought. Taking care of a baby for a few days, this would be an easy A.
    "For the first time with this project, since we have an even amount of boys and girls, you will be paired off to take care of one of the babies for a month." Mrs. Auger continued talking.
    WHAT? First of all a month? And second, a partner? I started to look around the room and look for potential "fathers". There was ten boys in this class. There were five boys sitting at one of table with a blue table cloth and five at the one with the pink. The boys at the blue were guys I didn't really know well but they were all better than the guys at the pink table. The pink table had all baseball players at it. Gabe Kane, Mike Summers, Jack Elliot, Drew Mazz, but any of them would be better than the last guy at the table because the last guy was the "Golden Boy".
    "Now I'm going to go around and the girls and you will pick your partner from this bag. Then you will announce the name you picked and go grab the gender of the baby assigned and arrange yourselves accordingly." Mrs. Auger came up to our table. This was being left to chance? There was a one in ten chance of pulling the wrong name from that bag. Suddenly the bag was shaking in front of my face. I felt like I was sticking my hand in the a dog's mouth and asking it to bite me.
    Please not Vinny. Please not Vinny.
    My heart sped up as I unfolded the piece of paper.
    Vinny Carlson
    "Vinny Carlson." I choked out.
    "Yes!" Someone across the room yelled. I wiped my head to look at the screamer, to see Vinny with his arms in the air. I looked at him and his eyes were practically dancing. What in the world was he so happy out? He got up out of his seat and walked over to me.
    "So what did we have mommy?"He asked me.
    "A boy." I said.
    "Wonderful. Shall we go pick up our son?"
    Why was he being so chipper? This was a nightmare. Well I grabbed all the little things, Vinny got the baby. He still had a huge smile on his face and it got even bigger when he picked out the baby. Once we were sitting he started chatting again.
    "So what do you think we should name our son?"Vinny asked.
    "I don't know." I said.
    "Vinny junior?" He suggested.
    "Not a chance."
    "What about Graham?" He said next.
    "That's my grandpa's name." I said softly.
    "I know. So how about it? Baby Graham. Baby G for short." He shot me a grin. That stupid grin.
    "Okay that's good."
    Vinny smiled and then stated examining the baby. He was looking at Graham's butt. Pffft. Vinny made a grossed out face and I started laughing. It may not have been the blast I was looking for but it was a start.
    feedback? Shoutout to JimmyIsWeird for the awesome feedback.

  8. horselover782 horselover782
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 10:15am UTC
    people: who do you think will win the 49ers or the ravens?
    me: i didnt think baseball started yet?

  9. GhostTown GhostTown
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2014 5:03pm UTC
    I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger.
    Then it hit me.

  10. thatguy_69 thatguy_69 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2013 11:38pm UTC
    The way she swings
    The way she talks
    The way she hits
    The sounds she makes
    No I do not have a girlfriend
    The She I am referring to Is my baseball bat
    The Easton S2

  11. bluegreeneyes28 bluegreeneyes28
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2013 1:15am UTC
    Golden Boy
    chapter six
    A month of school was now behind us. For a lot of people it was about the count down to graduation. I wanted to enjoy ever moment of senior year that I could. But I did want more than I had. I know that I'm the Golden Boy, and should be happy that I basically have everything a guy my age wants, and have the pick of any girl in the school. But the one thing I want, doesn't want me. But I'm determined to change that. I was heading to my first class of the afternoon. Life Management. This was one of my favorite classes because it was one of my few classes with Drew. Me and Drew walked into the classroom and I immediately was drawn to Brooklyn. I walked as close to her as possible hoping to catch a whiff of her perfume. She wore this vanilla stuff that made her smell like cookies. It drove me wild. But today all I could smell was whatever the foods class had been cooking earlier today; chili?
    "Yo over here." I recognized Jack's voice calling out to me and Drew from a pink covered table at the opposite end of the room from Brooklyn. Once I sat down, I started to fiddle with the pink plastic cloth on the table. Why is there a pink cloth on the table? I started to look around the room all the tables had these plastic cloths in pink or blue.I looked around the room more and noticed the baby car seats at the front of the room. Oh.my.god. the baby project. My older brother Anthony did this project a few years ago. He had to take care of a baby for a few days. He was really bad at waking up when it would cry so it would cry all night. It was a real pain in the you know what. But I sleep really light so I wouldn't have to worry about my baby crying all night.
    "Looks like its the baby project." I said to no one in particular at the table.
    "I am gonna nail this project." Drew said. A bunch of the other guys said the same thing but I knew deep down why Drew wanted to do a good job on this. He wanted to prove he was going to be a better dad than his was to him. I leaned over to him.
    "You're gonna be a great dad man." I whispered.
    He smiled. "Thanks."
    "Settle down," Mrs. Auger said."If you remember when we went over the syllabus we have a few big projects this semester. Well welcome to your first project, baby care! For the first time with this project, since we have an even amount of boys and girls, you will be paired off to take care of one of the babies for a month." Mrs. Auger continued talking.
    Everyone started talking at once. I immediately looked around and started counting girls. I had a one in ten chance of getting Brooklyn as my partner. I was liking my odds. I stayed silent while the boys discussed who the best "mom" would be in class. Mrs. Auger walked up to Brooklyn with the bag first. I crossed my fingers under the table and watched her unfold her slip of paper.
    "Vinny Carlson!" Brooklyn said.
    Jackpot! I couldn't help it, I threw my arms in the air and shouted yes. I didn't care, I was pumped. A month of playing mommy and daddy with Brooklyn Hamilton was a dream come true.
    "So what did we have mommy?"I asked once I was over by her.
    "A boy." She said flatly. She did not look excited. There was no brightness to her beautiful green eyes like there usual was. This was my golden opportunity to make her realize I was the one. That me and her were perfect together. I went and collected the baby while she grab the other necessities we needed for this.
    "So what do you think we should name our son?" I asked.
    "I don't know." She said still seeming bored.
    "Vinny junior?" I decided to suggest something I knew she would never go for.
    "Not a chance."
    "What about Graham?" I knew this was risky.
    "That's my grandpa's name." She said softly.
    "I know. So how about it? Baby Graham. Baby G for short." I shot her what hopefully a sexy grin.
    "Okay thats good." She agreed.
    I started to play around with Baby G. I was looking at his but when suddenly I heard. Pffft. Oh.my.god. this thing farts for real. I heard Brooklyn start to laugh. I look over and see her smiling and the brightness in her eyes is back for the moment. I'll let this baby fart in my face everyday if it means making her smile like that.

  12. converse_girl17 converse_girl17
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2013 9:38pm UTC
    he gave me his baseball hat

  13. bluegreeneyes28 bluegreeneyes28
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2013 12:37am UTC
    Golden Boy
    chapter eight
    Today was the interview with Brooklyn for winning homecoming king. Honeslty I could of cared less that I won and the girl who
    was my queen Selena Curry. Dear lord I couldn't stand the girl. She thought just because she was the head cheerleader
    popularity was entitlted to her. She also thought she was entitled to be my girl friend because we were the two most popular
    kids in out grade. Gag me please. I like girls who actually have a nice bone in thrie bodies and Selena doesn't have a single
    one. I was about to the journalism room when I could hear Selena's voice already.
    "Oh the baby project. I heard everyone has a parnter, but I bet your a single mother because who'd want to partner with your
    ugly-" She was saying. Thats when I decided to burst into the room.
    "How's my baby-momma?" God I loved being able to say that. And for the first time it made Brooklyn smile. I went over and
    looked at my son. Brooklun asked me to sit down and went off to look for something else she need and Selena took that as a
    sign to start talking to me.
    "Are you seriously her partner?" Selena asked.
    Yes and I was stoked about it.
    "Yeah so what?" I shrugged, rocking Baby G in his seat.
    "Well because you're you and she's so you know. Whatever. When can we hangout again? Its beenn too long?" She placed her hand on my arm. I shrugged it off.
    First off Brooklyn was so much better than Selena and no I did not want to hangout with her.
    "I'm gonna be kind of busy for awhile." I nodded my head toward Baby G.
    "Just dump the baby on her. Who cares not like she does anything."
    And not play mommy and daddy with Brooklyn Hamilton for a month? She couldn't be serious.
    "I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonn earn my grade on this project."I told her.
    "Whatever Vinny." Selena glanced at her watch. "Can we do this sometime today Brooklyn? I have practice soon."
    Brooklyn came back and started asking question. I had to give answers that everyone expect from the Golden Boy. After answering her final question Selena left, giving me some alone time with Brooklyn. Score. But I still needed to answer that last question.
    "Can you just write something like it felt awesome. People wouldn't want to know the truth." I told her. And she look intrigued.
    "What do you mean?" She asked me.
    "Is this off the record?" I asked glancing at the recorder and notebook.
    "Sure."I shoved it aside immediately. "Now what did you mean?"
    "I didn't want to win. I didn't even want to be nominated. But I got all of that becuase of how people view me. Because I'm the
    Golden Boy."
    "What could possibly be bad about being you?" She asked.
    "Being the Golden Boy doesn't mean you get everything you want." I looked her in the eyes for a split second after saying
    that. "I know you're probably thinking what could I possibly want that I don't already have, you might be surprised."
    "Okay. I'm not going to push it. Did you wanna make a schedule for the baby?" She asked.
    "That sounds like a good idea." I said. We were having a nice normal conversation and my phone started buzzing like crazy. I tried as long as I could. Ugh.What was so important? I had six texts from Jack. The last one caught my attention immediately.
    Jack Elliot: DREW'S HOUSE IS ON FIRE!
    "Oh.my.god!" I shot out of my seat.
    "What's the matter?"She asked.
    "Drew's house is on fire!" I was panicing. I didn't know what to do.
    "Oh.my.god. Vinny go!"
    "Can you come with me? I don't think I can go alone right now or drive."
    "Let's go." She agreed quickly.
    We were flying down every back road possible to beat traffic. The girl could drive but I couldn't really think about that right now.
    All I could think about was my best friend being okay.
    Please God let Drew be okay.
    Off topic but does any watch Big Brother?

  14. purple_flower purple_flower
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2013 6:59pm UTC
    “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game” ― Babe Ruth

  15. bluegreeneyes28 bluegreeneyes28
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 2:33am UTC
    Chapter Five
    Chips POV
    God she had a great laugh. We were warming up by the dugout with two possible catchers forthe team. I was lucky to even be over here with her. The coaches knew Hannah and how she pitched, they instructed her to go to the sidelines with Hunter. She whispered something in one of the coaches ears.
    "Chip." He called out.
    "Yeah?" Curious what he wants with me since he knows nothing about me.
    "Sidelines, you'll throw some with Jake our back up cathcer."
    He was giving me some alone time with Hannah I couldn't believe it. When I reached where Hannah was on the sideline with the coach he spoke to me again.
    "Baker says you can throw, and we trust her judgement. Show us what you got." He tossed me a ball. I showed him my fastball, change-up, curveball,and cutter. He nodded impressed.
    "I know I don't throw anything like Hannah's curveball." I said.
    "I'm impessed. Your in. Stay overhere." He walked away.
    "Welcome to bullpen." Hannah said behind me, throwing her first pitch. It popped loud in Hunter's glove.
    "Yeah baby! Thats what I'm talking about." He called out from his crouched position.
    "Thanks." Why did he call her baby? I decided to ignore it for now. "And you know thanks for talking me up to them."
    "No problem. Your a good pitcher and like the only guy here who pitches on like the same level as me."
    Did she seriously believe we were on the same level?
    "Hannah we are so not on the same level? Do you know how insanely good you are?"
    "I-" she began but was cut off by Hunter's voice.
    "Yo babe let's go back to throwing."
    "Are you two an item?" I had to ask. She laughed not a mean or sarcatic laugh but a genuine laugh.
    "You're cute. And no were not. Hunter's like my brother."
    "Say that again."
    "The first thing you said."
    "You're cute?"
    "Yeah that."
    She laughed again. "Well you are." She winked at me, and turned away to start throwing again. I stood and looked at her for a minute. I thought to myself, this could be the start of something. But then I looked and saw Bobby looking at me like he was disgusted and shaking his head. Crap. I didn't know what to do about this. What was more important? Something that could be a chance with an awesome girl or my blood?

  16. bluegreeneyes28 bluegreeneyes28
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2013 7:37pm UTC
    Golden Boy
    chapter four
    Day one of senior year was awesome. Brooklyn is in every single one of my classes which means I get to see her everyday,even if she's not thrilled about it. When the school day ended I was met by my best friend Drew Mazz. Me and Drew have been best friends since were little. Like there isn't a memory from my childhood that I can remember that doesn't involve Drew. He was with our other buddy Jack Elliot waiting for me to drive them home. Jack was one of our buddy's from the baseball team. Thinking about the baseball team made me think about Brooklyn and how she still hated me. I wanted so badly to change that. As we walked out of school, I saw her waiting by her friend Mackenzie's car. I couldn't help but look at her. It always happened when I was near her, my eyes were just drawn to her. I caught her eyes and she immediately looked away. I'd be lying if I said that didn't sting a bit, but I kept on a front for my friends.
    "Ready boys?" I asked them as we approached my car. My car was my baby. She wasn't a monster or anything big but she could fly. Blew those big cars out of the water. Drew called shotgunand slid into my co-pilot and Jack piled into the back.
    "So how was everyone's first day?" Jack asked.
    "It was going good till English. I got Kasper." Drew said.
    "Aww man you're going to have to work your butt off. And you better because I will kick your butt if you're ineligible in the spring." I warned my friend. Drew was smart don't get me wrong but Kasper is the toughest teacher at this place. She ruins kids.
    "No worries man. How were your classes?"
    "Actually pretty perfect.Senior year is going to be a breeze." I left out the part about Brooklyn being in all my classes cause I didn't want them to get a lectured on me. I pulled up in front of Jack's house.
    "Get out you ugly monkey." I jokingly said.
    "If I'm ugly I don't wanna know what you are. See ya tomorrow." He slammed the door. I headed in the direction of Drew's house.
    "Can I come over?" Drew whispered. Oh man. Drew only spoke softly when something was bothering him. I looked over at him, and could tell he wasn't ready to talk about whatever it was.
    "Ofcourse man." I turned the car around and headed to my house. I pulled into the garage next to my dad's giant SUV. His car was nice but like I said I love my baby. We went straight to the kitchen where my mom was at the counter.
    "Hi Vinny. Hi Drew how are you?"
    "I'm great Mrs. Carlson how are you?"
    "I'm good. Would you boys like a sandwich?
    "Thats sounds great."Drew beamed at my mom. Drew loved my parents. I knew his home life was all messed up since he dad was barely around and when he was all he did was fight with his mom. I wonder if something happened last night and that's why he wanted to come over. I'd have to find out later. After we ate some sandwiches I asked Drew if he wanted to do some batting practice in the yard. We went and set up the pitching screen. There was nothing but woods behind my house so we could blindly hit balls into the woods without breaking any windows. After Drew hit we went to search for the baseballs in the woods. I decided maybe now was the time to talk to him.
    "Drew buddy everything all right? Did something happen last night?"
    "He came home. Fought with mom.Took money and left. Then mom left.I get a call from a bar at three am that I need to come get my mom cause she's wasted. I'm so sick of being an adult when I supposed to be a kid still. I can't wait to move out next fall."
    I can't imagine having Drew's parents. They expect him to be an adult when they act all childish. I wish I had a better way to help him.
    "Maybe this weekend can I crash here and we go out and pick up chicks?"
    My mind immediately went to Brooklyn.
    "Sure, I'll play your wing man."
    "Wing man? You got your eye on someone already?" He thought for a moment. "Dude no."
    "Please do not tell me you're still hung up on Brooklyn Hamilton? You could have girl in school you want. You already had her. You need to move on."
    No. I wanted Brooklyn. And I was gonna do whatever it takes to get her.
    Moving on wasn't an option.

  17. Rapunzull18 Rapunzull18
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2013 7:09pm UTC
    Dont let the fear of striking out. . .
    keep you from playing the game.

  18. ASongOfIceAndDirewolves* ASongOfIceAndDirewolves*
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2013 2:55pm UTC
    It's okay if you think baseball is boring...It's kind of a smart person's sport anyway..

  19. pez_candy44 pez_candy44
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 7:13pm UTC
    I wanna hit you like a baseball bat.

  20. ✖︎whatever✖︎* ✖︎whatever✖︎*
    posted a quote
    October 31, 2013 12:01am UTC
    Boston deserved this.
    Go Sox! ♥
    Formant: abstractreality


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