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Best Ave Quotes This Week

  1. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2013 11:48am UTC
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    I'm thankful for many things
    But most importantly, I'm thankful for you all.
    Ashy; I love you, okay? You are like my cuddle buddy and all, you're just perfect. Like oml. I could go on and on about how perfect you are. Please always remember I care about you, okay?
    Ave; You're beautiful. Even when you're sad you still manage to smile, fake or not it manages to get me to smile, thus, thank you. Stay strong, simply because you are loved.
    Tori; I'm glad you're alive. You're such an energetic, brilliant girl. I just wish you'd see it because you really are perfect. Many people love and care about you so try to stay strong, okay?
    Sam; Thank you. For like everything. Thanks for being so kind, sweet, amazing, happy, perfect. Just thank you. You're so wise and beautiful as well. Just, never change.
    Malaika; You. Oml. Okay. No words can express how amazing you are. You have problems of your own but you look past them to be there for everyone. You are one of the sweetest people I know.
    Erica; I'm honored to call you my friend, even if you see me as some creepy stalker dude. You are amazing and brilliant and funny and perfect and just. Wow. Ily.
    Joshywoshy; You were scared of being judged when you first joined. I really hope you've gotten over that. You are amazing and adorable and awesome and cute and I promise to eat you soon.
    Krista; God I hope that's your name. Anywho. You're so sweet and amazing. Like You're perfection. You always know how to make people smile, even on their worst day. Stay awesome, please.
    Taylor; You're awesome, okay. Ily. You're so funny and just cool. I really wish we talked more because you really are amazing. You're profile is just perfect. You're very caring and sweet and just. Stay amazing forever, okay.
    Steve; Okay, that comment was a dare. Sorry if you like hate me now. Anyway. You are so amazing. I may not have ever talked to you but I've seen how you always help everyone and it is so sweet. Thank you so much for making this website, you've changed many lives and probaly saved many of them too. Like you may think 'Oh, it's just a website.' But it's more than that. People who don't belong found somewhere where they do, where they can be themself. Thank you so much.
    Jannette; I do believe we started off on the wrong foot. I'm glad that you decided to look past that and give me another chance. If you hadn't I would've never come to know how amazing and awesome you are. Thank you.
    Bri; You're awesome. I love you. You were like one of my first friends on here, to think Doctor Who could bring people so close. We also need to fangirl about Black Butler soon. Anywho. Thank you for always being perfect and amazing.
    Spencer; I love talking to you. Like there are days I legitly only get out of bed in the morning to talk to you. You may hate people and all but really, you are like super sweet. Ily okay. Stay amazing.
    Lu; Sigh. I don't even know where to start. I love you. You have like a bajillion reasons to leave me but yet you still stay. Thank you for that. I honestly don't think I could've found a more amazing, more perfect person to call mine. You are like. God. If he existed. Yep. That's how amazing you are. You're perfect. Like whenever I think of you, the only flaw I can really think of is that you live so damn far away, and you can't help tha You're so adorable and you're one of the few who see past my 'I'm okay' stuff when I'm not. Then instead of pushing me to tell you what's wrong, you do like everything in your power to make it better. Thankyou. I love you.
    Everyone else; Thank you for like all the amazing quotes and for making my day with them. You all are special and amazing and perfect and brilliant. Please, never let the crule words of society bring you down because you all are amazing. Ilyall.

  2. ~Spoken Silence~* ~Spoken Silence~*
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2014 9:22pm UTC
    I'm crying now....
    this morning it was because i felt wortheless
    and i felt like i destoryed everthing
    I'm still crying
    but now
    its because of 5 different people messaging me
    all at the same time
    and streamed across the screen was "ilove you"
    in every box
    I'll live for you
    because I don't want you to float up as a ghost right after me
    I'll live for today
    and look for tommorow
    I'm still crying
    and sobbing
    but im giggaing too
    its a happy cry
    so thank you so much
    for making me know i am worth something
    im not pathetic
    and that im loved
    thank you
    I love you<3
    "i'll live, for you"

  3. *Tori Leigh* *Tori Leigh*
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2014 11:26pm UTC
    So I was talking to a friend here on witty and I was talking to her about
    the combination of bath salts and body butter and how awesome they are
    and I basically sent her a paragraph telling her about them and at the
    very end I compared what my skin was like afterwards and I literally said:
    "your skin will be glowing like fcking radioactive baby butts"

  4. ~Spoken Silence~* ~Spoken Silence~*
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2014 9:31pm UTC
    I will lift the fog. I will lift it. I have too. The fog....the dark clouds that just kiss earths surface...the lurk everywhere...and make you'r days worse...but I will lift it. I will lift the fog. For you, I will save you. I will lift the fog and make the rest of your days sunny... I promise. I promise. I will. I will lift the fog.

  5. ~Spoken Silence~* ~Spoken Silence~*
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2014 8:17pm UTC

  6. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2013 8:30pm UTC
    My teacher is asking me how to pronounce "Ave" over email.
    Is this weird to anyone else?? How hard is it to say Ave? I know
    it may be hard for you people with accents and I appreciate your
    effort for attempting.

  7. nothing Important* nothing Important*
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2013 1:46pm UTC
    Ij ust want to make a shout out to one of the best people I know. Ave aka skaterrules23. I love her so much she is so beautiful and amazing I'm soo glad I have her as a friend :) < 3

  8. I'm a Niall Girl* I'm a Niall Girl*
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2014 10:30pm UTC
    Save Me by Ryan Adams from the album Ashes & Fire released in 2011


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