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Best Ariel Quotes Today

  1. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2013 8:32pm UTC
    If you've ever wondered why Disney tales all end in lies, here's what happened after all their dreams came true.
    Ariel: I loved being a princess down in the beautiful ocean blue. But mermaids are gonig missing, they end up in someone's stew. So just try to put your self into somebody else's kills. You're killing my ecosystem with fishing and oil spills. Thank you BP, thank you BP. The British are killing, oil is spilling. Now I can't see. My eyes! Chinamen feast on flounder's fins. Plus the Japanese killed all my whale friends. Oceans are browning, I think I'm drowning, thanks to BP. You s.uck!
    Jasmine: Hey, I'm okay. But I'm slightly scared. My husband's a mark for the war on terror. Aladdin was taken by the CIA. We're not Taliban, you've got the wrong man in Guantanamo Bay! Prince Ali, where could he be? Drowning in wa wa? Interogation from the nation of the "free". Bin Laden's taken the fall. We're not trained pilots at all. Jafar went crazy and no one put up a fuss. We're for freedom, Genie can vouch for us. Bush was crazy. Obama's lazy. al-Qaeda's not in this country. Set free my Prince Ali!
    Belle: This town's gone wild since I married Adam. They think I'm going straight to h.ell. But the charges laid on me of b.eastiality could wind up getting me thrown in a cell. No, I'm overrun by mad men, I hear they plan to burn me at the stake. They legit believe I'm S.atan and now I hear that PETA's gonna take my beast away.
    Pocahontas: After John Smith travelled back to England, I helped my people cultivate the fields. More English, French, and Spaniards came to visit. And they greeted us with guns and germs and steel. They forced us into unknown lands of exile. They pillaged, r.aped, and left us all for dead. So now I'm far more liberal with a weapon when I separate their bodies from their heads. Have you ever held the entrails of an English guy? Or bit the beating hearts of Spanish men? Can you shoot an arrow in some French guy's eyeball? Can you paint with the red colors in these men? I can m.urder if I please 'cause I'm dying of disease. I can paint with the red colors in these men
    Thanks to BP. Where's Prince Ali? B.eastiality. I've got S T Ds.

  2. kelly* kelly*
    posted a quote
    March 5, 2014 5:57am UTC
    Format Credit: Sandrasaurus
    Cinderella walked on broken glass
    Aurora let a whole lifetime pass
    Belle fell in love with a hideous beast
    Jasmine married a common thief
    Ariel walked on land for love and life
    Snow White barely escaped the knife
    Rapunzel had to find a new dream
    Tiana kissed her prince and turned green
    Mulan left to be a man
    Pocahontas stayed to save her land
    It's all about the smiles and tears;
    Because love means facing
    your biggest fears
    Format Credit: Sandrasaurus

  3. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2013 4:42pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 12
    The healing process went surprisingly quick which astounded all of my doctors. They kept at glancing from my X ray to me and back at the X ray. Niall was snuggled up next to me and I was slowly combing his hair with my fingers as I watched them examine the x rays.
    “This is mental…”
    Pretty soon I was getting up and walking around all by myself. Niall always hovered over me when I did this, just in case I fell, which never happened. My quick recovery got some publicity too. News reporters came and interviewed me; but whether it was more my recovery miracle or the fact that Niall Horan’s girlfriend sprained her ankle while swimming was just too good of a story. All during the interviews, Niall and I kept exchanging cheeky smiles, which I’m sure the camera man captured….
    When I finally left the hospital for good a couple weeks later, Niall and I walked hand in hand out.
    “I can’t say I’ll miss this place…” I said looking back at the building.
    Niall laughed and brought me under his arm.
    “I have a surprise to show you.” He whispered and he chuckled when I turned to look at him, my eyes wide. “What is it?” I nearly screamed but Niall just smiled, leading me to his car.
    I tossed my bag into the back seat and Niall pulled out of the car park.
    We drove for a while, always keeping close to the shore. It was a beautiful day, but surprisingly I didn’t see a lot of people. Actually, the beaches were totally deserted...When I asked Niall, he just smiled and shrugged, which made him look very guilty.
    Niall stopped the car after turning onto a long road. It was completely empty. On one side were a couple of beach houses and on the other side was a sparkling beach. The only thing missing…were the people.
    “Ok, Niall this is creepy. Where is everyone?”
    He winked and said, “Weeellll….let’s just say a certain boy band decided to have a free concert on the beach, leaving this part empty, and all ours.”
    I gaped at him, and then started smiling like crazy.
    "You are seriously, the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for.”
    Niall gave me a cocky half shrug.
    “Yeah, I am pretty spectacular.”
    I rolled my eyes, taking his warm hand in mine.
    I spread my arms out wide, feeling the sweet salty air whip past me. I was perched on top of the car, my legs hanging in the sun roof as Niall drove. I placed my foot on his shoulder and he laughed. I leaned my head back, absorbing the succulent glow on the Sun. The radio was on full blast.
    Niall parked the car and gently pulled me back into the car, kissing the spot below my ear.
    “Beach time.”
    I giggled, feeling his breath gently buffeting my ear. I turned to face him, gently taking his bottom lip in my teeth.
    “I’ll race you.”
    He smiled, even though I was still biting his lip.
    "You’re on.”
    I bolted from the car, hearing his laughter from the car as I ran, my feet tripping in the soft sand, slowing down my sprint. That was all Niall needed to catch up with me.
    I felt his strong arms wrap around me from behind and he hoisted me effortlessly of the ground, turning me slightly until I was thrown over his shoulder. I laughed, and buried my face into his soft hair.
    We sat side beside on towels, the sun drying our wet bodies. I was a little scared to go back into he water, but with Niall’s arms around me, I felt like I could conquer the world.
    “Niall, would you be a dear and put sun block on my back?” I asked, a playful grin tickling my lips.
    He propped himself up on his elbows and brought his Aviators down on his nose, reveling his ice blue eyes.
    “I would love to.”
    I rolled to him, so our skins touched and I was on my stomach. His arm wiggled itself under my chin, creating a comfy pillow that I pressed my cheek against. The other hand stated to massage my back, smearing the UV protective goo all over my back. I sighed as his thumbs dug into spine, creating a pleasurable sensation that vibrated all over my body. He bent down to press his lips to my salty skin, trailing kisses all over my shoulders. He pulled my hair back to kiss the back of my neck.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!
    15+ faves in the next 4 hours and I will post another chapter tonight, if not one will be up tomorrow!

  4. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2013 7:10pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 13
    Ariel's POV
    That night I stayed over their house that night. We all piled onto the couch in the dark living room while some random movie played. Eventually Niall and I teamed up and ended up pushing all of the boys off of the couch, giving us more room to cuddle.
    "Oh it's a good thing we love you Ariel." Harry muttered coldly and I smiled at him, flashing him a hand heart over my eye.
    Louis rolled his eyes, but got up and kissed the top of my head.
    Soft snores gently filled the room, and I found the sound stangley comforting. It reminded me of how much these boys have warmed their way into my heart. I glanced up at Niall, his face peaceful and beautiful. I saw the slight flicker of his long blonde eyelashes as he stared up at the ceiling, he was on his back on the couch with me snuggled tightly agasint his strong chest.
    "Hey." I whispered, a smile playing on my lips.
    His eyes closed and he grinned, as if the sound of my voice made him happy, "Yeah?"
    I gripped his broad shoulders, bringing myself up to his face. His eyes opened as he pressed his lips agasint mine in a way that sent chills down my spine. I giggled, loving the wet feeling that our lips made against one another.
    "Quit giggling." he growled playfully, his teeth gently taking ahold of my bottom lip.
    He gently tugged at it and I laughed, my hand coming up to run my finger through his thick hair. A pillow suddenly came down hard on both of our heads.
    "Hey none of that; I'm trying to sleep."
    Niall threw the pillow back at Zayn's head.
    "You don't like it go sleep somewhere else."
    Zayn looked up at us, a huge blanket thrown across his tall body and multiple pillows tucked around him.
    "Nah, I think I' good."
    I laughed, reaching down to ruffel Zayn's hair.
    "No! My quiff!"
    That made Liam wake up screaming which made Harry kick him. Louis jumped up and shoved a pillow over Liam's screaming face.
    I climbed back onto the couch with Niall who sighed and rubbed his eyes.
    "Come on baby, lets go somewhere else."
    He gently slid his arms under my legs and I giggled as i looped my arms around his neck, his sexy man smell giving me chills. His other long wove itself around my shoulder and lifted me up, my small frame snuggling into his taller one.
    "Niall! Carry me too!" Louis screamed and ran toward us.
    I gasped. "No! Louis don't-"
    Too late. Louis had jumped and the three of us came tumbling to the ground.
    "Louis." Niall said pleasantly.
    "Yes Niall?"
    Niall slowly sighed. "…….yeah it's a good thing I love you."
    Louis laughed and untangled himself from Niall and me. Niall laughed and looked down at me.
    "So…where were we?"
    I shrugged, snuggling into his chest. He got up, picking me up with him as he did. We walked to the stairs.
    "Hey baby, do you want to get on my back instead?"
    When I gave him a weird look he said, "If we fall going up the stairs, you won't get hurt as bad."
    I laughed, slipping from his arms. He stood motionless as I walked behind him, my hand trailing over his chest and back. I hopped up, my arms gripping his neck as his arms lopped around my thighs.
    After we got up the stairs, Niall walked us to his room. He didn't let me slip from his back; all he did was crawl onto the bed and lay on his stomach, me still clinging on his back. I laughed, rolling off his back, looping my arms around his warm torso. Niall turned to face me, a sleepy smile playing on his lips. Those lips; I wanted them.
    I pressed my lips to his, loving the way his arms would slide round me, gently flexing his muscles. Our lips detached, and his rubbed his nose against mine. His eyelashes brushed my cheek bones and I giggled.
    Niall's POV:
    I glanced down at the beautiful girl in my arms. Ariel was fast asleep, her breathing slow and steady. I brushed her blonde hair away from her forehead with my nose, so I could kiss the tender skin.
    She didn't answer but the sound of my voice made her smile as she snuggled closer in my arms.
    My heart pounded against my chest, and I thought she could feel it on her own heart. "I…think I'm in love with you." I whisphered.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!

  5. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 12:36pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 18
    Niall's POV:
    I had never really seen Ariel so upset before. Even when she was in the hospital she always kept her calm. But when i was maybe at risk, no way. When she told me the psycho fan was back, i didn't give it much thought, knowing that one girl verses our body guard team wouldn't really stand a chance. But that didn't seem to calm Ariel down one bit.
    I leaned my head back against the head board of my bed, arms crossed as i watched her from across the room, peering out the window. I watch her long eyelashes flicker with every passing car, every slight movement on the streets below. This was crazy; I was the one who should be protecting her, after all the girl had found Ariel. I made my heart break to know that this fan scared her so much. I absentmindly touched the scar, knowing that this girl terrified Ariel to get to me.
    I got up to cross the bed room to wrap my arms around her small form, gently pulling her away from the window. I slid the curtain over the glass, my other arm still wound tightly around her waist. She leaned her head back against my shoulder, her hand gently stroking the muscles on my arm, her small fingers seeking comfort on my warm flesh I flexed my arm, feeling it coil tighter around her small stature, the feeling making her feel safe. Once the curtains were pulled close, i slid that arm under her knees, knocking them out from under her, bring her up to my chest. She snuggled in, her fingers tugging on the collar of my t-shirt. "I love you..." She whisperer quietly and the three simple words made me grin like an idiot."I love you more..." I said back, kissing her nose, throwing her over my shoulder as I walked back to the bed, her adorable giggle filling the room.
    Psycho's POV:
    I lowered my binoculars, smiling slightly as i watched Niall close the curtains, cutting of my view of Ariel's pathetic crying face. Good, i was getting a bit tired of watching it. She had been watching the streets, but never seem to notice me spying on her concealed across the street behind a garbage can. That female dog was so dead if she tried to protect Niall. I smiled even more as i walked down the dark alley away from the beach house, his face filling my head as I swung the binaculars around my hand. He was mine, not her's. I had been so close when i ran on stage. i had my number written on a piece of paper in my hand that i would shove in his pocket as i kissed him, so after he would call me, thinking that i had guts fro running on during a performance. But Liam had to freaking get in my way and then the body gueards, and now Ariel. Next time, i wouldn't give up so easily next time.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!
    15+ faves for a new chapter!

  6. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 4:24pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 15
    Niall’s POV:
    It was late when I opened my eyes. I rolled over to look at the alarm clock. It was a little past midnight and I rolled back over. My arm reached out to pull Ariel closer. Only she wasn’t there…I patted the mattress, searching for her. I opened my eyes and looked around the room, rubbing my eyes. I got up and walked out into the hallways, still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I searched for my lost princess.
    I eventually found her; she was sitting at the hotel’s computer, her eyes narrowed in concentration. I snuck up behind her and wrapped her shoulders up in my arms. She jumped slightly but soon I felt her relax in my embrace. “Hey cutie.” I said kissing her hair. She giggled. “Hey you back.”
    I looked over her shoulder at the screen, and frowned. “Really?” It was a video taken by someone’s phone of the concert from that day. I was paused, and the image was the crazed fan jumping on stage. She was in mid sprint towards me. I felt her shrug. “I just want to know who she is; or better yet who she thinks she is that she can hurt you like that and-“ I cut her off by turning the swivel chair around so she was facing me, my lips trapping her’s. She smiled, breaking the kiss. 
“I’m sorry, it’s just…” She paused to races my cheeks with her thumbs. “She hurt you, which means she hurt me even more.” I stared into her crystal blue eyes, feeling my own feel with tears.
    “Oh, baby.” I aid, pulling her off the chair and into my arms. “Don’t worry, it will heal,” I paused and she looked at me. I shrugged. “Eventually..” She bit her bottom lip and buried her face into my chest, her tears dripping over my bare skin. The salt water made me shiver and I gripped her tighter. “You said that nothing bad would happen to you.” I heard her whimper. I looked down at her. “hey, how was I supposed to know I was going to get attacked on stage?” I said it in a teasing tone and she giggled.
    I placed my finger under her chin, lifting her face up to meet mine. “Can I make it up to you?” She sniffed and shrugged, not meeting my eyes. I dipped my face down to her eyelevel. “I love you.” Her eyes snapped up to meet mine.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!
    15+ faves for a new chapter tonight!

  7. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2013 6:04pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 17
    Ariel's POV:
    I laid back lazily on the porch swing of the boys' beach house, aimlessly playing on my phone. I was waiting for them to come back from an interview and I had my ear phones in listening to it, smiling as i heard Niall's sweet voice flood my ears as he answered a question. I giggled when right in the middle of the sentence he hiccuped, getting a chuckle from the interviewer and a ear splitting gales of laughter from the rest o the boys. I was too busy giggling that i didn't notice the slight creek of wood as someone stepped onto the porch and I glanced up, pulling on ear phone out. A girl my age stood there, wearing short and a T-shirt, much like i was. my first thought was that she was a fan that had figured out one Direction was staying here for the summer and had come to stalk them, but something made me stop. Maybe it was her long fingernails, or the way her piercing grey eyes held something sinister, or her startlingly familiar black hair that reached her jaw line. I was up out of the swing in a matter of seconds. "You." i said in a dark voice. I could clearly see in my head her black hair in a wild dissaray as she ran to Niall on stage; her practically crazed look. I bet if I held one of her nails up to his scar, it would be a perfect match.
    The girl blinked, clearly not recognizing me as Niall's girlfriend. Then her eyes lit up, now knowing who i was. "OH! Your Ariel, aren't you?" I smiled slightly, nodding my head. I saw her run the pad of her fingers over one of her long nails, probably the same one that scratched Niall. "Did you come here to finish the job?" I asked, taking a step towards her, my hand on her hip. I was taller than her which gave me an edge. She narrowed her eyes. "As a matter of fact yes." I blinked, my fist balling up. I was ready to protect Niall if it came to that. "Stay away from him." She smiled, truring to walk back down the steps. "Who's going to stop me, sweetie? His equally blond girlfriend? Please." My jaw dropped and I had the sudden urge to run up behind her and pound her to the ground. "Beeyotch."
    Niall's POV:
    The first thing i saw when I walked to the house after the interview was Ariel sitting on the porch steps, her forehead leaning on her intertwined fingers. I frowned, sitting down next to her, taking her tightly held hands in mine. "Princess?" I asked, my voice full of concern. She looked at me, her blue eyes for once dull and she gave me a small smile. "Hey Leprechaun."
    The sudden loss of bubbliness scared me to no end. "What's wrong?" i asked her, squeezing her hands, wanting an answer. She sighed and took one of her hand away to stroke the scar on the side of my face. it had faded a lot and I was on the verge of disappearing completely, which we were both thrilled about. I held her gaze as she ran her soft hand up and down the dull red line.
    "She came back....she came back to find you."
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!
    15+ faves for a new chapter!

  8. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2013 9:53am UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 22
    Ariel’s POV
    Jess shook her head, scrolling through more degrading pictures of Sasha. “It’s true. She was a spoiled little b/tch that got whatever she wanted whenever she wanted.” She paused to smile at me. “She wanted Niall, and you stopped her. You are like a national hero to us Directioners.” I raised my eyebrows, my cheeks burning with the new news. “What about Sasha…?” Jess shrugged, slipping her phone back into her pocket. “Ever since she couldn’t get Niall, she left town. Good riddance if you ask me.” She and Britney slapped a high five and I couldn’t help but feel bad. Maybe if I had introduced Niall and Sasha civilly without being protective and jumping to conclusions, Sasha could get his autograph and then be happy and would have left us alone.
    Jess and Britney followed me around the store and we laughed and got to know one another. Jess was a wild child and although there was obvious friendship and love between the two, Britney did everything to keep Jess reined in. Britney had a calming, authoritve figure about her and Jess was a complete goofball. We traded cell numbers and I signed their Ritz box and we departed after Britney finally pried Jess’s tight embrace from me. I laughed the entire time.
    I had pushed the store door open, feeling the relief of sun on my face compared to the chilled store. I gripped the groceries with one hand, my other digging my phone out of my pocket. I walked as I tried to find Sasha’s hate filled Twitter. I felt sad for her. She was probably a misunderstood kid that wanted friends by trying to buy their admiration and when that didn’t work, she resulted into violence and anger. I found myself angry as I typed on the home page for everyone to leave this poor girl alone, that she was confused and misunderstood and just wanted to meet Niall and-
    I never saw that car coming, but I defiantly looked up just in time to see the driver’s face only. Sasha’s eyes were alight with hate and rage as she gunned the engine on the car, the sound filling my ears. In the background somewhere, I could hear Jess and Britney screaming.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!
    15+ faves for a new chapter!

  9. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2013 8:13pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 8
    Ariel’s POV:
    I walked over and gently shook his warm shoulder.
    “Niall?” I whispered.
    He grunted and reached up to brush my hand away. But when our skins brushed together, his eyes snapped open.
    “Ariel?” He asked, rubbing his eyes, his voice thick with sleep.
    I suddenly felt shy, and I stood there with tears still falling, brushing my feet over the carpet.
    He squinted at me, before whispering softly, “Are you crying?”
    I nodded and he jumped up, taking my face in his large hands, wiping my tears away.
    “What happened?”
    I bit my lip before whispering, “I had a nightmare.”
    He stared at me for a second before pulling me into his arms, my feet leaving the floor.
    “Oh princess, you know I’ll never let anything hurt you right?” I sniffed, my face buried in his comfortable shoulder.
    “I wasn’t the one who got hurt, Niall.”
    He pulled away to look into my eyes, his expression soft.
    “Do you want to stay here?”
    I nodded, snuggling myself back into his affectionate embrace. He chuckled and simply picked me up bridal style and walked us back to the bed. He laid me down and I quickly made room for him. He pulled me into his chest, his arms wrapping around me. I nestled my head underneath his, my forehead pressing gently into his shoulder.
    “I promise you, nothing will ever happen to you or me.” He said, gently stroking my hair.
    I nodded, my eyes beginning to droop. Niall was strong, warm and comfortable. Another wild idea zapped my brain.
    “Yes princess?” I blushed, thankfully that he couldn’t see my small embarrassed smile.
    “Could you sing to me?” he chuckled and tightened his grip on me before whispering.
    “Of course.”
    The last thing I remember was his steady heartbeat thumping against mine, and his beautiful voice, gently singing me to sleep.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!

  10. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2013 7:10pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 3
    Ariel's POV:
    My head was snapped out of my daydream by the buzz of my phone. I groaned, reaching for it across the window seat. I didn’t even look at the number.
    “What?” My voice came out sharp and cold.
    Everyone knew I was still suffering from Niall’s departure. Of course they had tried to be there, but in the end they realized I just needed space. Niall was my first real love, and now his One Direction fame had dragged him away from me, from his princess, from us.
    There was a pause on the other line and I was about to hang up when a voice was hear from the other end.
    I let out a gasp and held the phone close to my ear.
    “Niall? Is that really you?”
    I heard his irresistible chuckle and my heart gave a not so gently thump.
    “Yes, it’s really me, princess.
    ”My nickname flooded my ears like hot chocolate to my mouth.
    “I miss you so much, baby.”
    My voice cracked with the intensity that my heart was pumping into the words.
    I heard Niall let out a gasp and he whispered back, “I miss you too. And guess what?”
    I sat up, the smile forming on my face too strong to hide.
    There was a laugh in the back ground and Niall snapped, “No! I’m telling her! Back off Louis.”
    I giggled, imagining Louis’s famous pout.
    “Tell me what?!” I nearly screamed.
    Niall laughed. “I’m coming back to South Carolina. This time I’m staying for the whole summer.”
    I didn’t say anything, but happy tears streamed down my already wet cheeks. My crazy, lovable leprechaun was coming home to me.
    “Ariel? You still there?”
    In the back ground I heard Harry ask, “Did she die or something?” I laughed, embarrassing hiccups escaping me from my over excited lips.
    The sound made all the boys crack up.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!

  11. enchantedxo enchantedxo
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2013 6:28pm UTC
    Wish I could be
    Part of your World

  12. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2013 7:36pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 5
    Ariel’s POV:
    Niall’s hand held my smaller one as we walked out of the air port into the parking garage. The other boys had run ahead of us, but Niall and I stayed behind, wanting a little privacy (no not that kind of privacy you perverts). He dipped his head down to kiss my cheek, his lips staying close to my skin for a few seconds longer. I lifted his arm up and snuggled under it, savoring the scent of cologne.
    “Have you gotten even taller?” I asked him, craning my neck to look up at his face.
    He laughed and shrugged.
    “Either that or you shrunk.”
    I playfully smacked his broad shoulder.
    “I did not shrink, you meanie.”
    He winked. We got stopped a couple times by fans wanting to get Niall’s picture and they even asked me to take pictures too.
    As we walked up the levels of the garage, we heard a strange scream fill the building, the noise echoing off the cement walls. We both stopped and exchanged scared looks.
    Then, it followed by a familiar laugh and Louis screamed down to us, “Did you get my bird call?”
    Niall threw his head back and laughed and I shouted back, “That was a bird?”
    The boys’ laugh answered us.
    We finally made it to the car and we all piled in. As I tried to squeeze in next to Niall in the front seat, I felt Zayn garb me from behind and push me into the back seat.
    “I don’t think so. We haven’t seen you in forever so you’re sitting back here with us.”
    I laughed and Niall flipped Zayn off.
    I squeezed in between Louis and Harry.
    “Harry, hands off butt.”
    Niall and I said at the same time. What made us all laugh was that Niall didn’t even need to look up to know what Harry was doing. Harry’s huge hand went up as if a gun was pointed at him.
    “I didn’t do anything!”
    Louis pulled Harry’s head down and started petting his curls.
    “There there Harry, I know you’re innocent.”
    I snorted and Harry stuck his tongue at me.
    We pulled into the huge beach house the boys had rented for the summer. We all jumped out and as soon as my feet as hit the ground, Niall’s arms were around me. I laughed as he nuzzled his head into my neck. The boys ran ahead of us into the house, but Niall and I took our time, my arm around his waist and his around my shoulders. As we walked in, a nerf missile narrowly missed my head.
    “Duck and Cover!” Niall screamed, gently pushing me behind one of the sofa in the living room.
    I heard Louis’s deranged laugh as he and Zayn kept firing at the couch, hoping to hit one of us. I glanced at Niall and reached over the couch to grab a throw pillow.
    “I’m going in.”
    Niall’s eyes filled with horror.
    “No! Ariel don’t do it! You have so much to live for!”
    I shook my head and kissed him.
    “I’m sorry.”
    I pounced over the couch, the pillow raised in front of my face as a shield. Louis and Zayn cried out as I charged my shield ready. I had a direct hit at Louis’s face and another one at Zayne’s chest. They both fell over, struck dead. But not before Louis fired a hit right at my stomach. The nerf stuck to my clothing and I clutched the spot in fake agony.
    Louis raised his arms and screamed, “Victory!” before he closed his eyes and died.
    I felt two string arms slide around my waist, hoisting me up.
    “Ariel! No! Pease don’t die on me now!”
    My eyes flickered open half way as I stared at the beautiful boy who held me.
    “Niall? I need you to do something for me..”
    Niall’s blue eyes got wide.
    “Anything princess.”
    I stared into his eyes as mine began to close.
    “I left the kitchen oven on…..please turn it off.”
    My head rolled back as my life left my body. Niall shook me, tears forming in his eyes.
    “No! Ariel! The oven…I don’t know how to work it!”
    He buried his face into my shoulder and sobbed.
    Harry stood at the door, sipping on a juice box.
    He looked thoughtful as he said, “Her….dying wish…was for him to turn off the oven…” he thought for a little bit and shrugged, sipping on his apple juice as Niall wept over my not really dead body.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!

  13. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 5:24pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 9
    I woke and the first thing I saw was a close up of Niall’s perfectly shaped neck. I wiggled my head from under his, and smiled. My fallen angel was still asleep. Why is it he could look so utterly sexy, even when he was sleeping? I leaned over his warm body, my arm snaking across his bare chest so I could snuggle in and kiss his cheek. His eyes flickered but didn’t open and a smile played on his beautifully curved lips. I kept my arm around me as I rested my head on his shoulder. I thought back to the nightmare I had had last night. I glanced down at Niall’s toned abs and arms; nope I don’t think I really have to worry about him. But that dream still gave me the creeps.
    I crawl out from under his arm and make my way downstairs. Since I broke into their house, I think it’s only fair I make them breakfast. I’m halfway through making pancakes when Louis comes downstairs, his feathery brown hair tousled.
    “Hey Ariel.” He says, and I laugh because he said it like he comes down stairs everyday and finds me here. “How many?” I asked and he turned to look at me confused.
    When he finally sees what I’m making, his eyes get big.
    ‘Did you put carrots in them?” I give him a weird look.
    “No. Ewwwww.
    ” Louis’s face falls, but he still nods.
    As I’m staking the pancakes, I felt two strong arms wind themselves around my waist and a chin rest itself on my shoulder. I smile, keeping my eyes on the food. His nose gently nudged my hair away so he could plant an affectionate kiss on my cheek and I giggled, turning around in his arms to look up at him.
    Niall’s eyes are half closed as he smiles down at me. I snuggle into him, tucking my head under his chin, feeling his warm protection wash over me.
    “Hey! None of that! The pancakes are burning!” I hear Zayne whine from the table.
    Niall reaches behind me and chucks a pancake from the stove in the direction of Zayne’s voice without ever taking his eyes from mine. I laugh, slowly unraveling Niall’s arms from around me so I could reach up to grab a plate for the pancakes. No scratch that…I’m too short. I hear Niall chuckle right behind me as he reached over my head to get the plate.
    “You leprechauns are so helpful...” I lean up to whisper in his ear, “and so darn good looking...” Niall’s breath was hot on my neck.
    “Not as good looking as you princess.”
    Niall followed me to the table and the boys all dug in. I cleared my throat, eyeing all of them.
    Liam got my hint and said with a mouthful of food, “Thank you Ariel!” I laughed, ruffling his hair.
    I sat down on Niall’s lap and stole some pieces of his food. There was a gasp and I looked up. Zayne, Louis, Harry, and Liam were all looking at me with a horrified expression. Harry even dropped his fork and it clattered to the floor, but he didn’t even move.
    I blinked. “What?”
    “You…stole Niall’s food!” Louis screamed.
    My jaw fell open and I dropped my fork. Niall laughed behind me and picked up my fork and fed me.
    “Being my girlfriend means full acess to my food.”
    I stuck my tongue at Louis, who laughed and stuck his back out too. Louis glanced at Harry’s food and slowly reached his fork over. In one swift motion, Harry grabbed the leg of Louis’s chair, throwing him to the ground before his fork even got close to his pancakes.
    We all sprinted into the water, screaming and laughing like little kids. I jumped on Niall’s back and Harry did the same for Louis. Only….they fell over.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!

  14. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2013 7:32pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 2
    Ariel’s POV:
    My head pressed against the cold glass as I watched the rain pound against the glass. I hadn't even realized I was crying until I felt a hot wetness trickle down my cheek. I shoved the pathetic tear away. He was never coming back to me, so why bother cry about him? My little leprechaun….gone forever. Tears boiled out uncontrollable as soft sobs escaped my quivering lips. I should have known that our little relationship wouldn't last. The time he was vacationing in South Carolina and I happened to save him drowning from a lake.
    Once I had dragged him on shore, and he had choked out the water that had been trapped in his lungs he managed to say in a very think Irish accent, “Thank you so much.”
    His accent surprised me; you never find foreign accents in South Carolina.
    I had laughed and when he raised his eyebrow at me, I said, “Yeah, I don’t think leprechauns are made for swimming.” He gaped at me, before he threw himself back on the sand, laughing hysterically. His laugh was deep, intoxicating and downright hot.
    Once he had calmed down, he held out his hand to me to shake. My tiny hand grasped his and my heart gave a weak throb as the warmth from his hand spread all over my body.
    “I’ll keep that in mind. I’m Niall.”
    Of course, I knew who he was. But, he was probably bored of people saying ‘Of One direction? So I cocked my head, my brow furrowed. “Like the river in Egypt?” His dreamy, pale blue eyes got wide and he had another laugh attack. He stood up then and he held out his hand for me. I took hold of it and let him help me up, and I had to take a step back. He was so much taller than me, and we both chuckled. I guess we both found it funny that someone as small as me could drag someone as tall as Niall from the water.
    He smiled down at me, water droplets making his dark blond hair glisten.
    “I didn’t get your name.”
    I had to collect my train of thought after his eyes knocked them off track.
    He took my hand in his own, smiling down at our touching skin. A deep chuckle made his toned stomach shake. “Hmm…so I guess that’s why you were able to save me from the water.”
    I laughed and then smacked my hand against his stone hard chest and bolted into the water. I looked back to him staring me, the strangest expression flashing across his beautiful face. I winked, my tongue hanging out. “Tag. You’re it.”
    In the next second, Niall was charging at me at top speed. I let out a squeal as he caught up to me, his arms listing me, throwing me over his shoulder.
    He ran back to the shore, screaming, “Don’t worry! I’m returning the favor!"
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!

  15. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2013 5:02pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 14
    Niall's POV:
    The next morning I found myself on stage for a concert. Prepping for a show was always nerve raking, no matter how many times you do it. Someone is brushing stage makeup across your cheek as thousands of screams leak through the walls of the dressing room. I think I always get the most nervous out of all of the lads. I stood facing the mirrored wall, microphone gripped in one hand and my ear buds dangling on my shoulders. My skin glowed and my hair was styled, but it didn’t get rid of the butterflies.
    Tanned arms suddenly wrapped around me and I smiled at my reflection. Ariel’s face appeared on my shoulder, her smile bright and reassuring.
    “You look hot.” She blurted and I laughed.
    She pressed her lips to my neck, her nose brushing my warm skin.
    “Knock em dead.”
    I smiled, turning around so I could slip my arms around her.
    She yelped as Liam hip checked her out of the way so he could secure my ear buds.
    Ariel’s POV:
    I watched as the boys danced across the stage, and I think I fangirled almost as much as the crowd did. One of the stage hands next to me said into radio head set “Cue confetti.” I laughed as glittery pieces of paper rained down on the stage and crowd, making them go wild. The stage hand turned to look at me.
    “The show is almost over. If you want you can head back to the dressing room and meet them back there.”
    I nodded ands headed down the hall.
    I was sprawled on the large sofa texting when the door flung open, revealing a very sweaty Niall.
    “Hey baby!” I said, jumping up to hug him.
    He laughed, wrapping his arms around me. I pulled away to look at him, and only then did I noticed a dull red line running down his cheek. I touched it, my brow pulled together.
    He touched the spot and said, "Oh, a fan made it on stage while we were performing and tried to kiss me and she needed to trim her nails….badly.”
    I felt a hot sense of anger rush through me. Someone had hurt Niall. Whether it was an accident or not, I didn’t care.
    He laughed.
    “Don’t look so mad. She got kicked out.”
    I sighed happily, taking him back into my arms and pressing my lips to his. Louis walked in and did a double take.
    Zayn walked in with Liam thrown over his shoulder. I raised an eyebrow, but I have learned to just live with their weirdness.
    When we got back to the hotel, I put an ice pack over Niall’s scratch, my anger still boiling.
    “What did she look like?”
    He laughed.
    “I don’t even remember...”
    I frowned, running my fingers over the dull red line that threatened to distrust Niall’s beautiful face.
    “You should thank Liam; he’s the one who pulled her away.” Niall said, a smile playing on his lips.
    Liam, who was in the kitchen called to me, "You’re welcome!”
    I laughed, running up to kiss Liam’s cheek.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!

  16. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2013 7:19pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 4
    Niall’s POV:
    I dragged my suitcase thought the sea of people. Ariel said she would meet me buy the doors by the parking garage and so far, whenever I had asked where to go, I either got either killed by a super fangirl, or laughed at for my accent. So now, I had my sun glassed covered eyes on the map of the airport and my hood covering my head.
    When I had turned the final corner, my sunglasses and hood came off in utter shock. Ariel stood there, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was wearing a pair of jean shorty shorts and a white t-shirt. Written on the t-shirt in neat spray paint were the worlds I missed my leprechaun. I sprinted over to her, dropping my bags on the ground so I could hold the girl of my dreams in my arms, where she would always be safe and loved. I picked her up, her small height making the gesture easy. My lips found her full one and I kissed her as if my life depended on it. A circle of on looking people stood by, fangirls snapping pics on their phone while grinning at us, their eyes wet. Someone, maybe the other lads, rounded the people around us to form a heart. I pulled away from her lips to look at the manmade heart, and then back at her.
    No exotic formation could compare with the beauty she possessed. Her cheeks cascaded like waterfalls. The long, dark eyelashes that framed her eyes making them look magical and surreal. Her blonde hair flowed gently passed her slender shoulders, soft and touchable. I wiped her tears away with my fingers and my lips, the taste and touch of her skin lingering on my skin. Her hands gently played with the hairs on the back on my neck and then they explored my face. She traced my features with her fingers, and my eyes closed with the sensation.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!

  17. jariley* jariley*
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 9:23pm UTC
    Under the Sea
    The seaweed is always greener
    In somebody else's lake
    You dream about going up there
    But that is a big mistake
    Just look at the world around you
    Right here on the ocean floor
    Such wonderful things surround you
    What more is you lookin' for?
    Under the sea
    Under the sea
    Darling it's better
    Down where it's wetter
    Take it from me
    Up on the shore they work all day
    Out in the sun they slave away
    While we devotin'
    Full time to floatin'
    Under the sea
    Down here all the fish is happy
    As off through the waves they roll
    The fish on the land ain't happy
    They sad 'cause they in their bowl
    But fish in the bowl is lucky
    They in for a worser fate
    One day when the boss get hungry
    Guess who's gon' be on the plate
    Under the sea
    Under the sea
    Nobody beat us
    Fry us and eat us
    In fricassee
    We what the land folks loves to cook
    Under the sea we off the hook
    We got no troubles
    Life is the bubbles
    Under the sea
    Under the sea
    Since life is sweet here
    We got the beat here
    Even the sturgeon an' the ray
    They get the urge 'n' start to play
    We got the spirit
    You got to hear it
    Under the sea

  18. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2013 8:47pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 20
    Ariel’s POV:
    ` I sat up slowly from Niall’s arms, my cheeks still damp. It was just past 5 in the morning and I didn’t sleep at all, even with Niall lying beside me. All night I could only picture that crazy b/tch. Niall had tired assuring me that she would never hurt either of us, but I knew better than to underestimate someone willing enough to run on stage during a One Direction concert, knowing that they would get tackled and possibly arrested. Nope, this girl blew through all the warnings, and that scared me. What else was she capable of?
    I slid over Niall’s warm body, my bare feet fitting the cool carpet. I glanced back at Niall before closing the door behind me. He had shifted over, his body now occupying the space mine had. I saw his arms move around and wondered what that was all about. It took me a second to realize that maybe he was looking for me under the covers. I quickly shut the door, walking down the hallway to the stairs. It was still dark out and I hugged my torso as I flicked on the kitchen lights. I pulled out the kettle and began to make some tea, hoping that would calm my nervous heart. While I waited for the water to warm up, I traveled into the living room to drag one on the throw blankets off the couch, securing it around my cold body. I was wearing shorts and a tank top, my usual summer PJ outfit. But the beach house was set to some ungodly temperature; I swore I could almost see my breath.
    After the tea was done, I took my mug and open the sliding glass door that lead out onto the huge beach facing porch. I sat down in one of the wooden armchairs, the blanket still wrapped around me. My mug felt nice in my chilled hands and I sipped on it occasionally, watching the slow moving tide on the dark sand.
    Niall’s POV:
    My eyes darted open when all I felt on the bed was cold sheets, and not a warm body I was so accustomed to having locked in my arms every night. I sat up, my heart pounding as I threw the door open. It banged against the wall but I was already flying down the stairs. What is Sasha had abducted Ariel in the middle of the night while I slept? I swear, when I get my hands on the monster-
    I stopped when I saw the kitchen light on, the fresh smell of tea lingering in the air. A loud breath of relief escaped my lungs as I leaned over my knees, my heart pounding in my ears. I straightened and shivered when a I felt a salty breeze brush my arm. I glanced around and saw the porch door open. I walked over and smiled when I saw a familiar blond head sticking up from one of the arm chairs. I walked over and began to stroke the head, sliding my fingers through her soft locks. Ariel jumped a bit at my sudden presence, but she quickly relaxed, my hand massaging her scalp.
    “I got scared when I woke up and you weren’t there…” I said and she sighed, reaching up to squeeze my hand. “I know, I’m sorry. I just have a lot on my mind.” I glanced down at her and she was tightly gripping her mug with both hands. “About…..her?”
    She nodded, taking a calming sip of tea. She was so scared and small. I took her tea and placed in on the table in front of her. I pulled her to her feet, slipping the blanket from her shoulders. “What are we doing?” She asked, rubbing her bare arm with one hand, the other outstretch to hold onto mine as I lead her down the dim lighted stairs. “Let’s go on a walk.” She gave me a surprised smile as our bare feet touched soft sand. I saw her painted toes wiggles happily and I laughed. I brought her under my arm, feeling her snuggle into my side, making my heart do a jump for joy. We walked for a bit, laughing and kicking sand at each other. I abruptly swung her around so she was in front of me, her toes brushing against my leg as she stood on my feet. She went on tip toe to giver herself more height as our lips meant, sending fireworks through my very soul. She fisted my shirt by the shoulders, mine by her hips as the kiss became hard and passionate. But gradually, her arms slipped comfortably around my neck as my came around her waist. We both smiled as the first rays of the rising sun streaked across the water, hitting our intertwined faces.
    Sasha’s POV:
    I grimaced, lowering the binoculars. This is gross. Usually when they kiss, it was behind closed curtains, not right in front of me. I hated Ariel; she had Niall wrapped around her little finger, and he didn’t seem to care! Hot, wild anger ripped at me as I stumbled from my spying perch on the dunes, my knees buckling on the sandy pavement of a parking lot. I gripped the sides of my head, my anger and rage becoming too much for me to control. I turned sharply and whipped my binoculars at a nearby car. It smashed the driver’s window, splintering the window into a hundred pieces of crystal. They clattered to the ground as the car alarm went screeching through the air. I turned and back to my parked Ducati 848, gunning the engine and slipping the helmet over my head, securing the visor over my eyes. I glanced back at the beach entrance one more time. Niall and Ariel must have heard the alarm, and would probably go investigate so I had to get out of here. I zipped out of the parking lot, tearing down the road.
    I would be back to see Niall again, and this time, I was taking Ariel down.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!
    15+ faves for a new chapter!

  19. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2013 8:11pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 7
    Ariel’s POV:
    I watched as dark scary storm clouds blocked my view on the once blue sky. The water was raging waves that crashed onto the sandy shore. Lightening streaked across the sky, making me jump. Or at least I tried to jump; I looked down to my wrist painful locked into thick metal handcuffs that attached to the ground. I tugged, but the metal wouldn’t let me go. I looked around frantically, and then I saw a something flash across the water in front of me. My eyes zeroed in, then got wide in complete horror
    Niall was struggling to keep his head afloat as wave after wave crashed down on him. I tugged viciously at the metal restraints with no luck.
    “Niall!” I screamed.
    Niall turned to look at me, and as he did, a huge wave rose up behind him. I gasped and Niall turned around, only too late. His blonde head disappeared from my view. I gasped as I fought against the handcuffs, the metal digging pain fully into my skin. Tears worked themselves into my eyes and I blinked them away, my entire focus on the water.
    The water suddenly turned from blue to black and I faintly heard Niall’s terrified scream on the angry winds.
    My eyes snapped open and I sat up, breathing hard. I whipped my head around, and then relaxed. I was in my room in my house, which is right down the street from the boys’ house, where they are all safe. I rubbed my tear streaked face, trying to bury the awful nightmare in the folds on my conscience.
    I laid my head back down on my pillow and tried to fall back asleep, giving that it was only 3 in the morning. But as soon as I closed my eyes, all I saw was the blackened sea water and Niall disappearing into it. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, my hands rubbing my forehead. I was never going to sleep again. An idea popped into my head and I carefully rose from my bed to slip my feet into a pair of flips flops. I was wearing dark blue shorts and a comfy white v neck, but I didn’t care.
    I slowly made my way down the stairs to the front door. Once outside, I began to run. I ran hard and fast, more tears running down my face as I did. When I made it to the boys’ house, I carefully grabbed the key that was hidden under the welcome mat. I silently unlocked the door and let myself in. The house was freezing from being heavily air conditioned and I shivered. I maneuvered myself through the kitchen and living room and began to crawl up the stairs.
    Snores could be heard from all the rooms upstairs. I tried to hide my giggles as I walked by Louis’s room and heard him sleep talking about carrots. Niall’s room was at the end of the hallway and I carefully opened the door, trying not to scare him. He was shirtless, the covers half on the bed, half on the floor and I had to stop and stare. The dim moonlight that streamed through the window hit his blonde hair, making it glow perfectly. His face was free of all laugh lines, his skin perfectly smooth.
    I almost didn’t want to wake him, but this was an emergency.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!

  20. HollyGilmore88 HollyGilmore88
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2013 7:50pm UTC
    The Princess
    The Leprechaun
    Chapter: 6
    Niall’s POV:
    I sat on one of the rocking chairs, playing aimlessly on my phone. I was shirtless which a towel draped over my shoulder and my dark blue swim suit on. My avirotrs were low on my nose and as I heard footsteps approach the door, I slid them up farther and turned off my phone. My jaw dropped as Ariel stepped out of the door, wearing a white string bikini. I slid my sunglasses back down my nose as my eyes wandered up her stoned stomach.
    She blushed, her eyes trailing over my 6 pack. I smiled and stood up, walking the distance until I stood right in front of her.
    “You are beautiful.” I whispered.
    That gave her the confidence to look me straight in the eye, a smile on her lips as she whispered back, “Well, you’re not so bad yourself.”
    She patted my stomach muscles and then walked down the porch steps and walked to the ocean. Was it just me, or were her hips swinging a little more than usual? I shook my head, laughing.
    My hands found hers underwater as we surfaced. I twitched my head to get the wet hair out from my eyes. She laughed and dove underwater and I felt her press her face against my chest, her arms wrapping around my waist. She gently pulled me underwater too and our lips found each other. It felt weird to kiss underwater, but I still loved it. I closed my eyes as our kiss intensified.
    Soon my lungs felt like they were going to explode so I was force to break away from Ariel to surface. I gasped in sweet air and looked around for Ariel. She wasn’t there. I looked around frantically searched for her in the calm water. “Ariel?” I cried out.
    I felt two small hands gently cover my eyes from behind. I smiled as she planted delicate kisses to my wet shoulders and neck. I turned around. Her hair was wet and her eyes sparkled. She planted a teasing kiss on my lips before disappearing into the water. I stared at the spot she just occupied.
    I think I was falling…..hard.
    Author's Note:
    Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!


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