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Best Areyouserious Quotes This Month

  1. Mangooo Mangooo
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2013 11:58am UTC
    Everyone is talking about what real 90's kids listen to,
    but I swear, the Jonas Brothers weren't playing music in the 90's. Nirvanal, The Beastie Boys, and Red Hot Chili Peppers were, but definitely not the Jonas Brothers.

  2. britany* britany*
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2013 8:49pm UTC
    Me: I'm gonna check the top today page
    Top Today: yourcool
    Top Today: yourcool
    Top Today: yourcool
    Top Today: yourcool

  3. TheHalfbacksGirl TheHalfbacksGirl
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2013 4:46pm UTC
    They made me sit out my last soccer game today, and I couldn't wear my jersey so they made me put it inside and wear an old smelly goalie shirt, AND the coaches on the other team wouldn't let me sit with my team so I was exiled to the corner of the field. I literally cried silently for half the game. We played 8 on 11, lost 7 to 2, had 2 chances to forfeit. No one forfeited. The opposing coach was talking sh/t about me, my team, and my coach. I "broke" some kids wrist last game. He broke it in practice the night before I freaking saw it. I apologized because I'm the bigger person and he didn't even look at me, said "thanks" and laughed. I apologized to the coaches too. One didn't even look at me, and the other shook my hand and said that's all we want. You a/sshole, who the he// do you think you are? Not only that, but his wife started chewing my mom out for saying it was a sh/t call. See, there's 4 rumors flying around about why I got the card. Only 1 is true, and it's probably the least immature one. 1) They think I swore on the field. No, I did not. The other team was. I was told to f*ck myself, actually. So if anyone deserves a card for swearing, it's probably number 11. 2) I pushed a child and broke his wrist. Again, wrong. The previous night in practice the stupid little kid messed up his wrist in goal and kept playing, thinking he was a bada/ss because of it. And I didn't push him. He ran at me, I ran at him, I was bigger. He fell. THREE STEPS AFTER THE COLLISION. So no. 3) I screamed in his face. Half true. I yelled because he stepped on my bad ankle. That son of a b/tch hurt! All I did was "ah!" and the whistle blew. No. Just no. 4) I talked back to the ref. Yes. Because she kicked me out of the game for getting injured basically. So, being the sarcastic sh/t I am, said "Fantastic. Thank you" and half limped, half jogged off the field. We weren't told it was an official card until 8 last night, the night before the game. And I still showed, to support my team. And you, as an adult, as a coach, have the balls and the audacity to talk about a 14 year old girl to your team? Who in God's name do you think you are? You think you have the authority to keep me away from my team's half of the field just because you're on the board? You don't. So, why not take your own players advice, and f*ck yourself, you no good, immature a/sswipe. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're well into your 40's, and you scarlet lettered a 14 year girl into a corner, and not only exiled her there for the game, but made her cry in public, after she apologized to you and your player for something she didn't even do? Yeah, you can definitely f*ck yourself.

  4. josie* josie*
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2013 3:34pm UTC
    I don't have an attitude problem,
    i just don't like you

  5. lemon.cake* lemon.cake*
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2013 8:53pm UTC
    I don't know, I think I'm the only one, but if I had a boyfriend, I wouldn't be stalking him 24/7.
    >Commenting on his page 24/7
    >Giving an attitude when someone, asks a question that was suppose to me for him
    > just being rude
    > telling the world about it. Like....
    > braging about it, unless you bought him at Burlington

  6. calixtra calixtra
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2013 7:24pm UTC
    witty profiles awards
    Are you kidding me right now?
    What are you doing with your life?

  7. Vinita* Vinita*
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2013 6:35pm UTC
    It is scientifically proven that people who have birthdays live longer.

  8. Vinita* Vinita*
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2013 4:59pm UTC
    I looked up my dad on wikipedia...and his name actually had results...and it was actually my dad o_O

  9. britany* britany*
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2013 8:38pm UTC
    so many fake accounts are joining witty, i'm bashing my head against the wall.

  10. AshleyyMariee AshleyyMariee
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2013 9:55pm UTC
    "It's against my religion to have se.x before I'm married."Oh, well then please explain to me how you're pregnant..

  11. SarahLee3494 SarahLee3494
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 12:52am UTC
    This 14 year old girl kept going on and on about how she is a 90s baby and how she misses the 90s sooo much! So I asked her if she heard of the song "This I Promise You" by *NSync. Her exact words " Sorry lady, that was way before my time." -_-

  12. sarbearthecarebear sarbearthecarebear
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2013 5:13pm UTC
    I hate that moment when everything is going just fine and then you see something that totally ruins your day:(


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