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Best Addiction Quotes This Week

  1. LoveIsEnchanting LoveIsEnchanting
    posted a quote
    October 23, 2013 5:47pm UTC
    Hey baby won't you look my way
    I could be your new addiction

  2. appleloop* appleloop*
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2013 7:44pm UTC
    A's and B's are changing to F's and D's. Her addiction of chocolate is changing to weed. She's not the sweet, cheery girl she used to be. Happiness has turned into misery. Innocence is slowly forming into darkness. Music has become her best friend. She cries herself to sleep, wishing the pain would end. The bad memories play in her head over & over again. She smiles like nothing is wrong, comes off as strong. Her beautiful heart is now completely torn. The perfect little girl is... just not so perfect anymore.

  3. *compassionate soul* *compassionate soul*
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2014 7:08pm UTC
    A music addiction is a lot healthier than a nicotine one, a self-harming one, an eating one, and a lot of other ones. So that's one reason why music is probably one of music biggest obsessions and addictions. It's my main drug of choice. It almost always makes me feel better whether I'm just listening to it, singing to it, dancing to it, or writing it. Though when it comes to the latter, I've not done so in a long time, but still. Music is my forever love ❤🎧🎵

  4. OnlyBeingMyself OnlyBeingMyself
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 2:24am UTC
    I don't need drugs or alcohol. Music is my addiction.

  5. beautifulsmiles beautifulsmiles
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2013 10:21pm UTC
    I wish I didn't check my Witty so often
    so I could get all of my notifications at once.
    Don't ask.

  6. Emina1 Emina1
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2013 9:12pm UTC
    Just a little bit pretty
    Just a little more aware
    Just a little bit thinner
    and maybe I'd get there.....

  7. im_just_me im_just_me
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2013 10:57pm UTC
    Me at the clothes store with my grandmom
    Her :shopping , buying herself clothes
    Me: hides in clothesrack and goes on the internet
    Me: are we done yet?

  8. The Chosen One* The Chosen One*
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2013 3:32pm UTC
    You are my addiction

  9. 234325fdsazgdg* 234325fdsazgdg*
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2013 4:08am UTC
    Witty Profiles
    I S M Y N E W A D D I C T I O N

  10. c i y a* c i y a*
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2013 3:44pm UTC
    Whenever I get a new addiction my profile is a fan page
    Format by Urbanlayoutsxoxo

  11. ElmosWhoree* ElmosWhoree*
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2014 9:51pm UTC
    I'm jealous of the cigarette that kisses your lips,
    and the way you take a gasping breath after you take a hit.
    (Skyla Breeann♥)

  12. xXForeverBlueXx xXForeverBlueXx
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2014 12:33pm UTC
    A shot to kill the pain; A pill to drain the shame,
    A purge to stop the gain; A cut to break the vein,
    A smoke to ease the the crave; A drink to win a game...
    A addiction an addiction;....
    It always hurts the same....

  13. Jasmine❤😘* Jasmine❤😘*
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2014 10:16pm UTC
    Hey little girl, come on over here. I’ve got something you might need.
    A pill to make you pretty, oh yes indeed!
    Just one taste and you’ll be mine
    Your head will spin, you’ll feel so fine!
    See I’m cunning, baffling, and powerful too.
    I’m larger than life and bigger than you.
    I’ll tell you things that aren’t even true
    For me there isn’t anything, you won’t do.
    At first, I’ll be your very best friend 
    I’ll love you to DEATH – till the very end
    I’ll steal your thoughts, but you won’t know
    It’s no longer you who will be running the show
    Your life will change right away
    You’ll wake up wanting me, every day.
    People will tell you to leave me alone
    But you won’t listen, for you I own
    No one else can interfere. 
    For if they do, they’ll pay dear
    And I won’t settle just for you, I want your entire family too
    I want their finances and peace of mind
    I want them hopeless, broken, and no longer kind.
    For its greed and hate that make me tick
    I’ll feed you blame and resentment, to make you sick
    It’s really easy, you should see
    I’m amazed you don’t ever catch on to me.
    People build me shelters and safe injection sites
    Seems me killing you, really is my right
    But you won’t know that, not at first
    Our relationship builds, for me you’ll thirst
    I’m the plague, I’m death. I’m immoral and cruel
    You’ll give me your life – oh what a fool.
    What starts out as fun, quickly disappears. 
    I’ll age you faster than your years
    Your looks will change, your eyes will cloud, as I wrap you in my deathly shroud.
    You dance like a puppet to my commands. Our days are numbered, together we stand.
    I’ll use you up, and spit you out. I’ll end your life without a doubt.
    They’ll be many to choose from, when you are gone, Just one little pill and I move on.
    I’m in your homes, and your schools. I’m on the streets. I’m all dressed up and look so sweet.
    One in seven is infected by me. But I want you all and soon it may be.
    Come here little boy. Have a toke. You’ll find euphoria in my smoke.

  14. EmoTional_WreckXxXxXxX EmoTional_WreckXxXxXxX
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2015 7:19pm UTC
    I recently discovered that I am addicted to 2 things:
    Moster Energy Drinks & Self Harm
    I do not know which is worse. They both calm me. They both help me. They both can kill me.

  15. Herown Herown
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2015 2:21pm UTC
    But thats just the struggle of an addict
    To give what you get, but we never really had much
    Given to us in the first place
    Its a dark walk of life
    Full of uncontrolled needs
    And feelings
    But we dug our own grave
    Now let us rest in it

  16. elephants_are_cool* elephants_are_cool*
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2013 4:30pm UTC
    Someone really needs to disable the
    I waste too much time on here... *_*

  17. skimmingthepavement skimmingthepavement
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2013 2:00pm UTC
    She is raging
    She is raging
    And a storm blows up in her eyes
    She will
    Suffer the needle chill
    She's running to stand

  18. Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2013 4:08pm UTC
    it's a downwards spiral♥

  19. My_book_of_rhymes My_book_of_rhymes
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2013 8:34pm UTC
    Cocaine Thoughts.
    Just a young boy only 7 years old, living in a house that's very cold,
    he walks into the kitchen, looking for some food, he hopes that his
    mom isin't in a bad mood. He looks into the cupboard, nothing there.
    He looks into the fridge, bare. His stomach growls as he walks out of the kitchen,
    and into his room, he hopes to fall asleep soon, cause sometimes he can't sleep,
    the noise is to loud, it's like 300 people, one big crowd. Just as he drifts off
    he hears a door slam, and a loud voice shout, "god dam,n" he hopes it's his mom,
    that she brought something to eat, maybe she brought something sweet.
    with his hopes up he peeks out the door,he sees his mom but no food in her hand.
    He watches her sit down and take out a tube then pour this white stuff down on the table,
    and make a perfect line, then she says "it's time". She takes the tube, sniffs up the whits stuff
    and shouts "I can never get enough!" Than she starts to act real funny, like she's in another land,
    like she's at a beach and she's playing in the sand. He smiles at the thought, wishing that was him.
    He thought his life was so boring and dim. he needed something great,something that would make
    him quit wondering when he last ate. He closed the door lightly, and climbed into his bed,
    a million thoughts going through his head. Enough is enough he thought, i need that white stuff,
    it made mom happy, made her smile. He needed something that would let him forget for a while.
    He found out that it was cocaine, or coke,or crack he was sniffing it everyday back to back.
    He loved it, it was his only escape. All he needed to do was form a white line, and boom!
    he was on cloud nine. It wasn't cheap, but it was a habit he wanted to keep.
    So he started robbing houses,stores, anything for just one more hit. Him and coke would never split.
    To people around him, his life was a joke, 16 years old and heavy on coke. they told him
    "Quit that stuff, your gonna die". In his mind it was all a lie, he lived to get high.
    He diddn't relize it was killing him, but his addiction willed him on, his mind was to far gone.
    So he sniffed up some more, and more, and more. All of a sudden he was lying on the floor.
    his insides were shutting down. He tried to yell for help, but what came out was barley a yelp.
    "This can't be it" he thought, I swear let me live and I will never take another hit.
    A tear slid down his eye, this wasn't a good high. Then he closed his eyes and he was dead.
    Cocaine thoughts running through his head.

  20. alex1268 alex1268
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2013 8:52pm UTC
    In 2013 internet addiction is going to be classified as a mental disorder...
    You know what this means?


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