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meeting people online, and starting
up relationships while you're states apart
is becoming more and more common. 
and yet there are still so much judgement.
like, okay guys, I just want to say that if you
ever fall in love with someone online, (and
you know they aren't just catfishing you)
and you get a lot of flack for it, don't even
listen to it. my oldest sister met someone
on Runescape, and she fell in love (she
actually ended up dumping her bf, who
she also met online and ended up flying
out to see before, to be with this new 
person she fell in love with.) she moved
away from home to be with this person
on a whim, and now they've been living
together for 3-4 years, and they're going
to be getting married and they want to 
have kids (and that is a miracle in itself
because my sister never wanted kids.
she never wanted to give birth. but her
girlfriend has a hormonal imbalance or
something so if they do have a kid vs.
adopting, my sister will be the carrier.)
and they are happy.
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meeting people online, and starting up relationships while you're

11 faves · 3 comments · May 21, 2015 5:53pm





love · cute · relationship · idk · truelife · gf · seriouslytho · gfxgf · quote

*♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* · 9 years ago
Wait I'm lost, did she meet a guy or a girl and dumped her ex boyfriend for them?
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Dishonored* · 9 years ago
she met a girl, and dumped her boyfriend for her (although, I'm fairly certain they would have broke up anyway. he's a bit of a creep.)
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*♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* · 9 years ago
Awe that's so cute c: I'm happy for her that she found someone she loves
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