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So I'm a year younger than everyone from my graduating class. I don't smoke, I never used to drink, until like last summer and when I do now it's like 3 Mike's Hards and I'm done, but anyway, they've been drinking since middle school. This year the all turned 21, and almost all of the ones I'm friends with one social media networks were like "WOOHOOO I CAN FINALLY DRINK."

I DON'T GET IT! THEY'VE BEEN DRINKING FOR AT LEAST 7 YEARS, WHY IS IT ANYMORE THRILLING NOW THAT IT'S LEGAL?! They bought it illegally and drank it illegally up until now, so why is it different?

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So I'm a year younger than everyone from my graduating class.

13 faves · 3 comments · Dec 30, 2013 1:55am





curiosity · alcohol · underagedrinking · away messages

stutter · 1 decade ago
Because, now that it's legal, they can finally do it with their ID's and won't have to fake it. I think it's different. When it's illegal, you've got to constantly be looking over your shoulder hoping that you don't get caught. When it's legal, you don't have to worry about it.
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capsized* · 1 decade ago
Oh and their parents don't give a flying you know what.
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capsized* · 1 decade ago
Very true, but on Long Island, half of the places that sell alcohol, don't I.D. I just don't see the thrill.
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