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Status: <3

Member Since: 16 Nov 2012 12:33am

Last Seen: 25 Nov 2015 04:24am

Location: it's a secret...shhhh

Gender: F

user id: 338788

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31 Comment Points
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 you're beautiful and don't let anyone else make you think otherwise

candy+presents+cats+animals+foreveralone = me :)
Layout Credit
  1. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2014 8:43pm UTC
    its a beautiful day to give me money

  2. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2014 8:42pm UTC
    they were right. guns don't kill people. people
    kill people. people are now illegal and the crime
    rate is zero.

  3. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2014 8:40pm UTC
    i'm just sad and tired and scared because you don't see me the way i see you and you're the humming in my veins and i'm just the dust on your fingertips

  4. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2014 8:39pm UTC
    i'm just kidding
    unless youre okay with what i just said

  5. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2014 8:37pm UTC
    do you ever wanna listen to music but every song
    is not the right song

  6. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2014 9:08am UTC
    maybe if we can use
    the darkness
    the torment
    the shambles of our hearts and our heads
    and turn it into something beautiful
    then maybe it wouldn't be so

  7. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2014 8:54am UTC
    me: why do beliebers still exist?
    friend: why do stupid people still exist?
    teacher: that's literally the same exact question.

  8. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2014 7:45am UTC
    friend: here are some words i use in every sentence
    me: that's a sentence right there
    me: forwards and backwards
    me: you can rearrange them in any order and it'll be a sentence
    teacher: ladies and gentlemen the extensive vocabulary of today's youth

  9. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2014 7:39am UTC
    teacher: how did the universe start?
    me: our whole universe was in a hot dense state then fourteen billion years ago expansion started - wait - the earth began to cool the autotrophs began to drool Neanderthals developed tools we built a wall we built the pyramids math science history unraveling the mysteries that all started with the big bang
    me: bang!

  10. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2014 7:42am UTC
    i feel you
    or like i want to

  11. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2013 2:32am UTC
    friend: i wish i had the ability to make hot boys really nervous
    me: holding a sharp knife to their neck usually does the trick for me

  12. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2013 10:14pm UTC

    Someone I loved once gave me
    a box full of darkness
    it took me years to understand
    that this, too, was a gift

  13. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2013 10:05pm UTC
    » hell is empty and all the devils are here »

  14. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2013 10:08am UTC
    guy: you suck
    me: but not for free

  15. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2013 5:25am UTC
    We don't care,

  16. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2013 5:19am UTC
    if you ever feel like you're ugly
    just remember that you look like your ancestors
    and all of them got laid

  17. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2013 2:30am UTC
    I used to believe in forever,
    but forever is too good to be true.
    ~Winnie The Pooh ❤

  18. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2013 8:51am UTC
    12 years ago, on this day, thousands of people in New York City died.
    And today, I want to honor their memory. Rest in peace, 9/11 victims. You will never be forgotten.

  19. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 7:01pm UTC
    guy: f//ck you
    me: I understand why you'd want to f//ck me, but I'll have to say no
    guy: no one would f//ck you
    me: obviously you would

  20. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2013 8:43pm UTC
    teacher: please choose something you're good at to make a workshop over it to teach people how to do it
    teacher: so what are some ideas on things to do?
    kid: how to game in class without the teacher noticing
    guy: how to cook minute rice in 55 seconds
    me: how to cook kraft mac and cheese
    girl: aren't there directions for those on the back of the box?
    me: shhh


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