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The night is filled with wonders that are hidden
And it’s my goal to find them all in just this time
So we’ll take this hour and try to make it mine
Before the numbers of early morning, bring an end to cozy time

So I take one more sip of tea before I crawl into my bed
I look over at my time telling machine and it’s 11:11 again
I proceed to make my wish
And even if it never comes true
I lay awake at the coziest of hours

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The night is filled with wonders that are hidden And it’s

12 faves · Dec 20, 2013 11:33pm

*compassionate soul*


*compassionate soul*


saywecanfly · iloooovveediissfooorrmmatt · cozyhour · realllygoodartist · muusiiccaaa · lyrics

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