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theres this guy at my school and we mess around and joke with eachother and its the fanfic life
(hes black, this may be important.  Im like carmel color lol so anyway, we both have black in us)

so the other day the teacher was talking blah blah blah so i looked over at (changing his name for privacy purposes) Matt and he made a funny face at me and smiled so i made one back and laughed.  Then he was flipped me off and i was like, fûck you too {Through my facial expressions bc i wouldve got yelled at} then he laughed at me and kept making faces and i did the same then he turned to the guy next to me (lets call him David) and showed a length with his hands and i was like wtf.  Then David was like 'lmao its not that big' then i was like ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and Matt said 'yeah it is, you wanna see.'  Then Matt looked over at me and smirked and i was like, 'bro really its not that big' but he just nodded and said 'it is' and i rolled my eyes and he walked over to David and sat down next to him and i was like 'IM OUT' and asked the teacher if i could go to the bathroom and he said yes and i was just about to walk out the door (me Matt and David were sitting right by the door) then Matt called out "GABI" and i turned around and he had his hands at the top and bottom of his dîck and i gasped and made a shocked face bc dang he was big and he laughed and i walked out of the room like
and walked to the bathroom and surprisingly i wasnt blushing or anything bc he does stuff like this all the time so i was kinda (kinda) used to this.  I didnt really go to the bathroom i just wanted an excuse to leave the room lol so yeah

theres a little bit more but ill post that after this because its really long already ok peace
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theres this guy at my school and we mess around and joke with

1 faves · Oct 19, 2013 5:59pm





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