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Girlfriend's BesFriend
CHAPTER 17    x      .
           Kelli had purposely invited Brooke to hang out with us a few times later that week, just because she knew everyone was mad at her. She hadn’t told Brooke that I liked her, probably because she was jealous and didn’t want Brooke to have that satisfaction. No one talked to Brooke, and Kelli told me she was getting the hint that everyone hated her, but Kelli didn’t tell her anything.
            “Why would Kelli invite her again?” Mattie complained after I announced the text that Kelli had just sent me while we waited in my basement for them to show up.
            “She’s her best friend,” I tried to defend her, although if I were them, I’d be mad at Brooke too. My mom let the girls in once they got there and they came downstairs. Kelli said hi to everyone and then gave me a long kiss, cuddling up next to me on the couch.
            “Hey guys!” Brooke tried to hug them all, but not one of them hugged back or even looked in her direction. Brooke noticed they weren’t being their normal selves, so she sat next to Kelli on the couch and starting playing with Kel’s hair, complimenting her on it. But Kelli ignored it and made out with me, showing Brooke we weren’t going to talk to her either.
            “What’s wrong, Brooke? Can’t flirt with us anymore so you’re trying to with Kel?” Mattie spat. This was the first time any of them talked to her after the fight.
            “What’s going on?” Brooke asked.
            “You already know,” Duke rolled his eyes.
            “I don’t,” she said. Kelli was still making out with me but I wasn’t even focusing on her.
            “You thought it would be okay to hook up with all of us and lead us on like that?” Jace asked, sounding hurt.
            “I wasn’t trying to lead anyone on,” Brooke tried to defend herself.
            “Bullsh.it, Brooke, you knew we all liked you,” Graham said.
            “I didn’t—”
            “You did. Obviously we were going to talk to each other Brooke, you had to have known we’d all find out,” Graham said. Graham was usually a really nice guy, but when he was angry, he got angry. I pulled up from Kelli, just in case I’d have to step in if Graham got too mean. Brooke’s eyes started tearing and the guys all groaned, rolled their eyes, and told her to stop because they didn’t care.
            “I’m sorry,” Brooke tried to hold back tears. “I didn’t mean to.”
            “Mean to what, Brooke? Act like a sl.ut?” Duke asked.
            “Act like a sl.ut? She already is one,” Jace spat. I’d never seen Jace be mean before, but still, none of them felt sympathy towards her.
            But when Brooke started crying hysterically because she felt so bad, that’s when all their expressions changed and they forgave her. I’d never seen Brooke so upset before, and neither had any of the guys. Kelli acted as if it were no big deal and whispered to me that she was used to her ‘freaking out like that.’
            “Brooke, we’re so sorry,” they said. “We didn’t mean it.” Everything went back to normal and they pretended like none of that ever happened. They went back to joking around with her but still kept their distances, not giving her any ideas that they were flirting with her.
            One of Brooke’s brothers picked her up and the guys told me they were going to go pick up some weed and were going to call Brooke to see if she wanted to smoke with them. “You want to come?” Duke asked. I was about to say yes when Kelli answered for me.
            “You’re not smoking, and you’re not hanging out with Brooke,” she told me sternly.
Note: is anyone even still interested in this story?
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Girlfriend's Best Friend CHAPTER 17 x x x . Kelli had purposely

32 faves · 6 comments · Sep 5, 2013 5:03pm





story · bestfriend · girlfriends

ecawesomeness · 1 decade ago
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Shorty_Helps · 1 decade ago
Sooooo good omg!
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ChelseaRawrKitty · 1 decade ago
I am!
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InspireCreateBecome21 · 1 decade ago
I am! Please don't stop posting! :)
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isabelhope80 · 1 decade ago
it's AMAZING :O Don't stop!
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josie* · 1 decade ago
I am:)its really gooood!! can't understand why more people aren't reading this?!
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