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how many ipuprofen piIIs does it take to d!e

because we have a whole bottle and i won't hesitate to take them all.
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how many ipuprofen piIIs does it take to d!e because we have

1 faves · 8 comments · Aug 20, 2013 3:38pm





pills · bottle · hesitation · away messages

itbemelx25 · 1 decade ago
Dont please. You cant have a rainbow without a storm. The storm will pass and youll get your rainbow
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DuckyMoMo11 · 1 decade ago
please don't. you may not feel like you belong in this worlld or have a purpose in it but you do. im not gonna say 'oh it gets better you'll be fine' but i will say that it will be okay and you will be happier and things will change. you can make things change on your own. please don't do this. you may not want do die, but you may want the pain to go away. suicide is not the answer and although i may not know you i know enough that you shouldnt do this because you are a beautiful person who shouldnt be put through so much as wanting to kill themselves. even though i dont know you i love you and i hope the best for you and what you're going through. please dont do this. people care. stay strong. <3 -mack
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FashionxxBeauty · 1 decade ago
please dont do that
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of_mice_and_lucifer* · 1 decade ago
i already took six. i have six more to go.
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hiimawkward247* · 1 decade ago
No. No. No. I know you don't need the whole "it gets better speech" because you know I honestly don't know when it will get better for you. But I do know that letting whatever is making you feel this way whether it be a person or something else,, letting it win, will be the biggest regret you'll have. I know it isn't fair for people or things to keep making you feel this way, but showing life that you are stronger than it thinks, is going to be the greatest accomplishment in your life.
I've never met you, and we have never had a conversation. But please, talk to me, I would love to just sit and listen to you and try to help. Please don't do it.
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of_mice_and_lucifer* · 1 decade ago
i already took six then my mom came home. maybe later but i just want to die.
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hiimawkward247* · 1 decade ago
Look. I've been where you are. I've taken the pills. I've cut. I've tried to kill myself 27 times. I've been to counseling, the hospital ER, Primary Children's, I felt lower than the dirt that people spit on. I felt like I was the most unwanted persron on the earth and that no one would miss me when I was gone. I thought that it would be completely better if I just didn't exists anymore and that I would be so much happier. and honestly. I still have those feelings once in a while. But I can tell you, that after all of it, I'm glad that I didn't. I realized how strong I am. That I can overcome anything, and that my better day that I thought would never come just all of a sudden did. It seems so far away, So far away that it feels better to just end it. But I know that if I was gone, and I could look at the people's lives who were involved in mine and some who I never thought would have cared, my dad, the people who made me feel like that, all the people in my life, would be completely broken. My dad would go into depression and not carry on. The bully would be in jail, or would have killed themselves, or be in such disbelief they couldn't carry on with their life. People I go to school with would blame themselves and think why didn't I do anything. It hurts. A lot. You can cry and it's okay to not be okay. You can be hurt. You can scream and shout all you want. But things are going to change. I do not know when, and I do not know how. But I do know that you need to be alive to see this. You need to be alive to see whatever is making you feel this way, you need to see it be taken down, and destroyed. I really do mean it when I say I am here for you. Always. anytime any day. I've been where you are. I can relate. I would love to help you and listen to you. But please. You've made it this far in your life and thats a huge accomplishment.. Please. Don't let that end.
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of_mice_and_lucifer* · 1 decade ago
i guess i have to destroy myself then.
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