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Love Lies
Chapter 2

They walked into P.E. together, immediately crowded by the usual girls. As Grace was rudely shoved to the side, Bridgette began gossipping and laughing with Natalie and Joy. "When's Nick coming hom?" Joy asked, honestly interested. It was obvious she had a thing for Nick, but she'd never tell. When Bridgette wasn't with Grace, her, Natalie, and Joy had a Mean Girls thing going on. Grace was almost like the new girl trying to fit in with the group. "10 days!" Bridgette squealed. Grace thought of how badly she wanted to slap that noise out of her. It was so annoying, and she thought it was cute! When she talked to boys, she didn't talk, she squeaked her words, or she breathed them out, whispering just barely. It was her excuse to move in closer. Then she'd slowly walk her fingers up his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing their foreheads together. She would teasingly plant a kiss right on his lips, soft and subtle, then pull back for half a moment before doing it again, and again, and again. Eventually she'd back him into a chair, or back herself into a wall. Sometimes, when she dated real losers for easy action, she'd have to move his hands to where she wanted them on her body. Sometimes her butt, others her chest. She never just kissed sweetly. Grace had saw Bridgette kissing a boy once, and it looked like dogs kissed more gracefully. They slobbered all over eachother, tongues missing the others mouth and slashing across the cheek instead, hands gropping all over eachothers bodies. Grace had turned around to give them privacy, but when she heard Bridgette moan she sucked it up and walked home in the blizzard that roared outside. Bridgette called her later that night and have her a play by play, and made Grace buy her pregnancy tests too. She ended up going to the doctors 5 weeks later, 100% sure she was pregnant. Her parents never found out, becuase she Bridgette had been living with her Aunt Becky at the time. Aunt Becky was a s//ut herself, and probably had a frequent patient card in the maternity ward at the hospital. She had abortions almost every month, if it was possible. She signed off and payed for Bridgette to have the baby taken care of, and 2 nights later Bridgette was right back at it, with a different guy nonetheless. Grace was still a virgin, and she was proud, but there was one boy who could change that, if he'd give Grace a chance. She'd never get it, not while he was dating Bridgette, and even after she'd have to compete with Joy. 
Author's Note:       I guess this is starting to become more about Grace than Bridgette. It seems choppy, like it doesn't flow. I don't like it. :/ I might start a different one soon if this doesn't get a groove to it. :// Opinions are appreciated, good and bad

Alll Time Note:       Okay, hi. I guess I'm trying something new here. I haven't seen a story like what I'm planning on making happen in this one yet on Witty, but I've seen better ones. Read please I guess? I just want feedback. Even if you only read a chapter, and tell me it sucks and my grammar sucks and I need better word choice. I don't care. I want feedback. Follow if you like it, I guess. I'll do notifs if anyone actually wants to read this.... :/ (My bio explains my feelings on my writing if it isn't obvious enough)

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Love Lies Chapter 2 They walked into P.E. together, immediately

2 faves · 1 comments · Jul 19, 2013 7:49pm





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TheHalfback · 1 decade ago
i love you but i have to say i think i like this one better
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