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Feedback Quotes

  1. glitter on my hands* glitter on my hands*
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2014 6:58pm UTC
    sometimes people send me such nice messages and it’s like
    that is an actual real person who chose to spend 30 seconds of their time trying to make me feel happy and it’s such a wonderful feeling

  2. ThatLostGirl* ThatLostGirl*
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2013 9:47pm UTC
    Okay Wittians! Here it is! My college essay! I would love love LOVE feedback on it, to know what I should change, if anything. I can't add anything though, because I ran out of available space. The prompt was to choose one word that describes you and to explain why. Please read and give me feedback :)
    Sometimes it may be difficult for others to choose one word that best describes them, but for me, one words come straight to mind. The word I would use is strong. Others may laugh, overlook me, or even think I’m gloating about myself when they hear this is the word I would you, but I assure you, I am being as sincere as possible when using this word. Throughout my parents’ divorce, the many funerals I have attended recently, and my siblings moving away, the one thing I have remained is strong.
    I have been through more terrible situations than most will ever go through in their lifetime, and I’ve done it all while still 16 years old. To start things off, my parents’ divorce was not the most appealing thing to me that has happened in my lifetime. I have lived a childhood full of parent screaming and yelling, arguing constantly, kicking one another out of the house, and much more. I can honestly say there is not one moment in my childhood where I can remember my parents’ being nice to each other. That’s why it came as no surprise when they divorced in the late summer of 2010. Now most people believe that divorce solves the problem, and all the arguments stop after. They believe that people can be happy again once they divorced. Of course, however, this was not the case with my parents. Even living in separate house they still continue to argue all the time, leaving me in the center of most their problems. However, within the midst of all the bickering, I have managed to remain strong.
    Just as many people go to about one funeral every five or more years, I have gone to five funerals in four years. In my high school career alone I have seen the passing of my Grandfather, Great-Grandfather, Uncle Billy, Aunt Mary, and Aunt Ann. It was not until after they were gone did I realize I should have relished every moment I had with them. Whether it was my Grandfather yelling at all us children to shut the door, or my Aunt Mary slipping me a piece of candy behind my Mother’s back, I should have realized that every moment in life is precious and not to be wasted. Eventually when so many people in your family die, like they have in mine, people are in awe at how you can still manage to see the light in spite of so much darkness. However, I just know that if these family members were here, they would want me to be as strong as I can and to remain happy in the midst of all the sadness.
    Just when I thought things in my life could not possibly change anymore, two of my three siblings moved away. Due to the fact that my parents were constantly fighting, my siblings and I have an extremely close bond. That’s why out of everything in my life, them leaving had to be the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. They moved to a different state, where I can only see them once or twice a year. I miss them every single day, and there are times where it’s extremely hard to smile. However, I would never admit this to them. They see me as the strong one; the one who can withstand anything. Sometimes it is very hard to stay strong, but I have to. My siblings understand, however, that I do miss them. We try to talk on the phone as much as possible, but that’s not always easy. There are times where all I need is my sister’s comforting words, or my brother’s corny smile, but they aren’t always able to be there. Out of everything, that’s what was hardest to remain strong through. But, I did it. I stayed strong, and continue to do so every day.
    Furthermore, at the end of the day, I am strong. I’m not ashamed to admit it, either. There are things in life no 16 year old should have to do, that I’ve done. I will admit I am relieved to be turning 17 in the hopes that a new year will bring better, happier, changes. I’m not regretful of the things that have happened in my life. They have taught me to be the best I can be, and to be my absolute strongest in everything bad.

  3. ThatLostGirl* ThatLostGirl*
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2013 9:14pm UTC
    Hey wittians, just me here.
    I have a serious question for you all. If I were to post my college essay on here would you all give me feedback on it. The topic is to choose one word that describes me and explain, and I have chosen the word "Strong." So if I were to post it would any of you pretty pretty please read it for me :)

  4. livetocheer livetocheer
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2013 5:26pm UTC
    Hey guys! Could you go check out my story 180 Degrees on wattpad and let me know what you think.

  5. help_me_im_drowning help_me_im_drowning
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2013 4:12pm UTC
    Guys I really need feedback on what you need me to talk about. I feel like I haven't been posing enough relatable things.
    So please comment some things you want me to write about. I'll give a few...
    1. Bullying
    2.My story
    4.Having tattoos
    5.Growing up/ living in abusive situations and how to deal
    6. Mental situations
    7. Personal problems/Self consious
    Any other ideas, please let me know. I am here to help...

  6. TheTeenageConfessions TheTeenageConfessions happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2013 5:14pm UTC
    So I really want to share my long distance relationship story with you guys, so tell me, how many of you would read it and would you want to read it on here or on my blog? Feedback would be fantastic! Thanks! :)

  7. soccerdogg25 soccerdogg25
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2013 5:03pm UTC
    I'd love it so much if you guys would pretty please check out my story on wattpad. It's a love story based around a zombie apocalypse. I've never really written a story before and I want my witty girls to see it. I'd really like some feedback on it. Thanks a bunch guys♥

  8. Tiana_g6969 Tiana_g6969
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2013 6:54pm UTC
    So, a few years ago
    I started writing a story on here called Brave Heart. I revamped what I previously wrote and have begun the journey to finishing it on wattpad. For those of you who have never heard of wattpad, it is a website and also an app where people write their own stories for others to read and some even get published. My quotes containing my story have been deleted and my story is now exclusively online. If any of you wonderful people would like to read my story I would love some support and feedback!
    My username is Tiana427
    Thank you guys so much(:

  9. coolsuperstarz coolsuperstarz
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2013 7:37pm UTC
    Some people need to seriously chill out. Ofcoarse you can give any opinions to my quotes, because I love conversation or feedback, however complaining and trying to start an argument is not right. Don't bother, you are making yourself look like a low life behind the screen..

  10. londonxmaye* londonxmaye*
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2013 1:52am UTC
    Ok guys this is serious.
    I want to be a vocalist in a Warped Tour worthy band one day and I need thoughts on how I sound//Ways to imporve//etc. Please check out this link, it would mean the world to me.

  11. DontGetYourHopesUp DontGetYourHopesUp
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2013 6:16pm UTC
    Hi everyone :)

  12. #wishicouldgetyouback* #wishicouldgetyouback*
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2013 2:32pm UTC
    I was wondering,
    Do you think on witty,
    there should be a little
    box that says how many users
    that are on Witty?
    So when we are posting
    quotes, we know if it is a good quote or
    not, because people are faving, or not.
    Or is it a bad idea?
    Feedback please.

  13. dumb_blonde1998 dumb_blonde1998
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2013 5:24pm UTC
    Everyone Has Secrets
    Chapter 13 - Skyee's pov
    We're free! No more school!
    "I can't believe we just did that!" I said jumping up and down.
    "You've never done this then?!" Logan asked chuckling to himself.
    "No. I've never had the chance to. My friends don't do stuff like this." I said.
    "Just as well I do then isn't it!" Logan said taking my hand.
    Walking with Logan was like a dream come true. I would never have imagined that I could do this. We just left like it was nothing.
    I think I've fallen for him.
    p.s. any feedback? sorry it's so short
    hopefully I will post more soon :)
    okayy thanks
    - becca

  14. sarbearthecarebear sarbearthecarebear
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2013 9:14pm UTC
    So, I got a tumblr
    It's Calif0rnia--dreamer
    Check it out
    Tell me what you think
    You know, tumblr
    is actually way more fun than I originally thought it would be.
    I like it a lot.

  15. taytay8056 taytay8056
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2013 6:53pm UTC
    Please read! ♥
    I'm seriously considering starting to work on writing a book and trying to get it published, but before I start I wanted to tell you all my idea for it and see if anyone would actually be interested in reading it, that way I don't waste my time if it it, in fact, a terrible idea.
    Well here's the plot idea:
    A young man wakes up in the hospital with no memory of anything. The doctor then explains to him that he has been in a coma for several months and as soon as he is cleared to leave he will be taken into federal custody. For serial murder. The man, having lost all memory of the last five years of his life, is shocked. He couldn't possibly have murdered anyone, let alone several people. He is completely convinced of his innocence. The book will then follow his trial and his desperate attempts to recall his memories and prove his innocence.
    So please comment below if you'd be interested in reading a book like this. Also, I'm thinking about writing a shorter story for Witty so comment any ideas you have that I could write about or what genre of story I should do.
    Thanks so much lovelies!

  16. bunnylover43 bunnylover43
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2013 5:46pm UTC
    do you guys even use my layouts or quote formats anymore? Or should i just stop making them, sorry i just feel no one uses them anymore and if no one uses them than what's the point in making them anymore?

  17. dumb_blonde1998 dumb_blonde1998
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2013 11:34am UTC
    Everyone Has Secrets
    Chapter 12 - Logan's pov
    Who would have known we would have so much in common? It's almost like we're meant to be together. Maybe I should just focus on being friends with Skyee first. I think to myself as I walk with Skyee.
    "What's Abby like?" Skyee asked suddenly.
    "Uh, well she's small, has brown hair and green eyes. She's very girlie, likes playing with dolls and things like that. Um, she's two so she doesn't have many friends, but she's the reason that I'm still here." I said. "What about you?"
    "Well, Callum's eighteen and Megan's sixteen. Callum is like a dad to me even though he's only four years older than me, and Megan, I'm not very close to. She has never liked me, and sometimes I don't blame her, but you know. That's life I guess." Skyee said.
    "So your not very close to your family then apart from Callum?" I said.
    "No I'm not. I'm the black sheep in the family I guess." Skyee said looking at me.
    "I doubt that you're the black sheep Skyee. No matter how much you're different to the other people in your family, it doesn't make you the odd one out." I said looking back at Skyee.
    "If you knew my brother and sister you would understand." Skyee said. "We're almost at the office so what are you going to put on your thing when you sign out?"
    "Doctors probably. You?" I said.
    "Yeah, same." Skyee said. "Logan, as much as I hate to say it, I think we're going to have to stop holding hands now." Laughing at each other we let go and just walked side by side.
    p.s. any feedback?
    hopefully I will post more soon :)
    okayy thanks
    - becca

  18. bunnylover43 bunnylover43
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2013 2:16pm UTC
    Bunnylover43 Format
    Username: _________________________
    Have you ever used one of my layouts?: Yes No
    Your thoughts of my layouts:
    Should I make more layouts?: Yes No
    Do you like my profile?: Yes No
    Do you want a request?: Yes No
    Steps to request a layout:
    1) choose a font from http://codehelp.tumblr.com/fonts/ and give me the name of the font and the color you would like it in.
    2) choose the link colors (up to 3 colors),
    3) chose a background you would like. (I will find the background just give me an idea as to what you would like, ex pitch perfect, sleeping with sirens, etc.or you can give me the link)
    4) Add in any other requests (scrollbar colors ,pictures,button colors how the picture moves or if you want it to fade, etc)
    *Please try to be specific as to what you would like :)
    If you would like a request, comment your request here
    (or on my profile):
    Date you request your layout is due:
    My Website :WittyImaginationLayouts.tumblr.com
    format | bunnylover43

  19. dumb_blonde1998 dumb_blonde1998
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2013 10:58am UTC
    Everyone Has Secrets
    Chapter 11 - Skyee's pov
    Oh my god. I can't believe that Logan Taylor used to self-harm. I can't believe I ever hated him. I guess I judged him. I know what that's like so I shouldn't judge people, but it's sort of second nature.
    "I never thought you'd be one to bunk off school Skyee." Logan said as we put our coats on.
    "No I didn't either, but there is no way I'm going back in there." I said truthfully.
    "So what's Emelia Walters got over you, apart from the whole emo chic thing?" Logan asked.
    "Well it's a long story, but I'm guessing you want to know so I'll tell you when we get out of this place." I said trying not to think about what that btch did to me and my friends.
    "Ok. I'm also guessing you want to know the whole story behind me self-harming?" Logan said reading my mind.
    "Yeah, but only if you wanna tell me, because something tells me that I'm the only person who knows." I said looking Logan straight in the eye.
    "That would be correct. Anyway, when I was eleven my dad left me and my mum. He had an affair and had another kid. My mum had known something was wrong for months before he left, but kept it in and just told me that my dad was working away." Logan said looking at the floor. "So when I came here not long after he left, I took an interest in sports to take my mind off everything, it was my mum's idea and that's when I met Harry and Taylor. We became friends straight away and were going over each other's houses all the time-"
    "But they both have their dads and you didn't. So you didn't feel like you fitted in anymore, but they were the only friends you had so you couldn't leave them." I said finishing off Logan's sentence.
    "Yeah. And then my older brother who I was really close to, he was like a dad to me. He went into the army and left his girlfriend and their little girl Lily at home. He'd always wanted to be in the army, but we never thought that he would go. Anyway, not long after he joined he was caught in an explosion and, died."
    "And that's why you started?" I asked.
    "Yeah. And now Kelly and Lily are all on their own. My mum started dating this guy not long after dad left. When we found out that James had died, he left mum as well, but this time she was pregnant with Abby." Logan said trying to hide his hurt.
    "I didn't know you have a little sister as well. How old is she?" I asked as I found Logan's hand and entwined my fingers with his.
    "Not many people do. She's two." Logan said squeezing my hand. "What about you? You got any brothers or sisters?"
    "Yeah, one of each, both older than me though." I said. "We are so alike. My dad left my mum when I was eleven too."
    p.s. any feedback?
    hopefully I will post more soon :)
    okayy thanks
    - becca

  20. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2013 1:23am UTC
    The Letter. THE CHANGE. The Lie.
    Story Update:
    Hello! So I'm still not done with chapter 84, or any where close so I can't give you part two and three of chapter 83 yet. I'm very conflicted on what to do, there is what I want to happen, and then there is what the characters would do but I don't like it and neither will you guys(well I don't think you will, guess I shouldn't speak for you though).
    Some more bad news unfortunately, I will not be able to post, or write anything for the rest of next week. I was selected to go to girl's state (which is were I have to go to the State capitol and run for an office and a whole bunch of other stuff... I don't really know what I'm doing there honestly) and there is no internet connection. Guys, I won't have Witty for a week! But anyway back to the story: the earliest I will be able to post is next Sunday. I feel so bad about that guys and I wish I had at the rest of the chapter to give to you but I don't. So sorry guys, please don't hate me. I hope you all understand!
    P.S. Is anyone else going to Girl's State??


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