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Chapter 4

“Hi mum. I know that there is no point talking to you but I just wanted to say that things are okay and I love you,” I spoke in the phone. With my luck her phone would probably be dead, like her.  Tyson came up from behind me and kissed my neck.
“Well, well, looks like we have someone who is too cute for words. Well then Melody, shall we celebrate on that?” Tyson laughed and picked me up. I kicked my legs and squirmed around.
“Put me down! You know I don’t like it!” I screamed, giggling at the same time.
“No, you are mine!” Tyson replied and threw me on the bed. I chucked a pillow at his face and surprisingly knocked him over. Tyson lost his balance and went flying into the corner of the window pane. I heard a slight crack as his skull crashed against it and a thump as Tyson fell to the floor. I screamed and ran up to him. My hands were drenched in blood and Tyson wouldn’t move. He was still breathing and that gave me hope. I lifted him onto the bed and put an ice pack where the cut was. When he was okay looking I called an ambulance. What was going to happen? When they arrived I sat and sobbed, feeling hopeless.
“Now don’t worry he will be okay. Now I need the names of both of you. And I need your relationship,” said the ambulance lady.
“Um I’m Melody and the boy is Tyson. His last name is Maroon and mine is Humingson. We are boyfriend and girlfriend,” I stuttered. The lady nodded and walked off.  I stepped in the ambulance behind Tyson and suddenly the whole van was alight. A golden spark bright enough to blind someone. They were coming from Tysons head and hands. After a couple seconds the spark dimmed and Tyson was all okay. The massive crack in his head was gone and he was grinning. Sadly, the blinding light had blinded the driver of the ambulance and caused a crash. Tyson guiltily stepped out of the van and touched the driver. Within an eighth of a second the man was able to see. He was like Jesus. I stood there, gob smacked and frozen. Tyson walked over to me and pushed my mouth closed. He laughed and I blushed.
“Well nice to see your okay. Have a nice day,” the lady commented and I just linked hands with Tyson. When we were back at the house the storm broke. Everywhere was lightened up by sparks of lightning. The thunder was so loud that even Tyson couldn’t hear the television. I cuddled up to him and slowly fell asleep. I felt safe in Tysons’ arms, like he would protect me whatever the weather. (Get my joke? No? OK.) My dream was okay, but it made me cry because I wanted it to be real so much. We were on a beach, with a picnic, and it was so romantic. Then Tyson pulled me under a tree-which I have no idea where it came from-and kissed me. Then he told me that he was the longest man to live. He said that he will never die and he always stays the same. He said that he is still human but he just doesn’t age. Then he takes holds of my hands and a bright light covers my body. And then we live together forever. Tyson wiped away the tears from my eyes and chuckled.
“Bad or Good?” he asked. I closed my eyes and wipe away the remaining sourness.
“Okay…probably…a good,” I mumble and sigh. “In fact so good I want it to be real.” I sit up feeling awkward and go to the window. The storm had finished but it left a wreck behind. Lots of telephone poles were either burnt or broken. And a little flood floated across the road. I stood there feeling mad for some reason, then happy and then I started to cry.
“Why are you crying?” Tyson asked, concerned.
“I don’t know!” I exclaimed and laughed at myself. I felt so dizzy and confused and as I skipped around the table, my eyes closed. The room fell black and I heard echoing voices then silence. In my mind I was giggling, my eyes a psychopathic whirl. The room was spinning as the light slowly crept through my blocked eyes. One hundred people starting at me as I smiled a notorious grin. “What are you up to?” I asked.
“Right darling, you have hit your head. You should be ok but we don’t know until you have had your operation. There is a possible chance of…” someone placed their hands over her mouth and hushed her. Two of possible symptoms ran over my brain.
1.     Cancer
2.     Nothing…
Only that one thing could be it. That one word sent shivers down my spine, that made sweat dribble down my forehead. Cancer. 
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Twist Chapter 4 “Hi mum. I know that there is no point

3 faves · Jul 7, 2013 1:48pm





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