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Me and my brothers (beau and luke) were picked on every single day for years and years. Beau was bullied so much about his weight growing up and felt really self conscious . Even his teacher had once picked on him about his weight in front of the whole class. Luke and I loved playing footy growing up, we lived and breathed football. But sadly we were the joke of our football team because of our weight and this made us feel extremely unconfident and as a result did not play to our full potential. Every training session we went to we were bullied and made a joke out of, when we were running laps with the team luke and i would run at the front while everyone was behind us making a joke about us as a team and laughed at us and we felt like completely rubbish. There was a football team sleep over at the coach's house which luke and i attended, and i remember being bullied that night until i started crying. Then someone on the team the next day told me that when me and luke went to sleep (we were the first to sleep) everyone was laughing at us and someone said 'put your hand up if you hate luke and jai' and every single one of the team raised their hands. As ten year olds this made us feel pretty miserable. Beau wasn't the best at football but he also played and copped a lot of bullying by the team also, to the point we he was physically harassed. but now we are famous youtubers so from being young kids, watching our father bash our mother, watching our mother raising us on her own, being bullied verbally and physically and feeling like the most hated kids in Australia, we now have the most amazing fan base who goes through a lot of bullying themselves and we hope to change their sad faces into smiles and show them not to care what people think of them and just enjoy life and make some memories, we now feel as if we are the most luckiest kids in the world. Through this story I'm not trying to say I'm a hero, im sure many of you have had it much worse than me. i promise things do get better, its up to you to turn it around. 'SUCCESS IS THE GREATEST REVENGE' the more i succeed the more I laugh at the people who once doubted me. Live laugh and enjoy your precious life 
                                                - Jai brooks

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Me and my brothers (beau and luke) were picked on every single

42 faves · 1 comments · Mar 31, 2013 10:53am





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