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I've been bullied all my life, my life is mess at the moment and i just don't know anymore. I've lost all my friends, mostly because they were embarrassed to be around me. I still remember when i joined this site, everybody was so nice but a  months later i started to recieve a lot of hate. 
I was hated for being fat, ugly and suicidal, i've attempted suicide about five times, i've tried to stop because i read so many comments on witty saying how much i am an inspiration to them, how much my quotes help them and the most weirded comments i've ever gotten are the ones telling me how much they are my biggest fans, those comments honestly mean a lot to me. 
anyways the whole point of this quote is that i just wanna say thanks for everything but i think its time to end all the pain, i don't wanna live this life anymore and i think its time.

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I've been bullied all my life, my life is mess at the moment

71 faves · 41 comments · Mar 11, 2013 2:04pm





inspirational · onedirection · love

kelly* · 1 decade ago
this is a really late comment but please no
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cutekarla · 1 decade ago
I feel the same way. My grandmother caught me trying to kill myself. Now, I sit in a dark corner in my bedroom everyday and slit my wrist's and ankel's. If you ever need to talk, comment to me.
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dolph* · 1 decade ago
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peacegirl270 · 1 decade ago
please dont hurt yourself. you are waaaay to good for that. you are good for many things. please dont let yourself down. you are good at many things and i hope you read this and realize how good you are. you make a amazing quotes and you have so many people following you. they wouldnt follow you if they thought you were inadequate. please dont hurt yourself. i hope you know that there are a number of people out there to help you. me included. if you ever need to talk please comment on my profile before you do something rash. please please please dont hurt yourself.
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ncisrox13 · 1 decade ago
Please don't love. Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse, it ends all possibilities of life getting better. You are stronger and worth more than this. xx
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lexy88 · 1 decade ago
i feel the same way...dont give up please.i have tried to its tough i know it will get better.
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Muezza · 1 decade ago
Don't xl

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Sassybop101 · 1 decade ago
The world is like a clock. A clock comes with exactly the right number of parts, there are no extras, and every part has a reason. Every part is needed, including you, don't let them bully you. Find your purpose, that's all you need in life.
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fluffybunny · 1 decade ago
Whenever I see someone saying they want to kill themselves, I want to cry. It isn't far for someone that is amazing to die because of being bullied. I know you wonder why and I trust me, sometimes I want to die. But I think for a second. Think about how ur parents will feel, your siblings. What will your friends think. They will regret everything and your bullies. They will feel like crap and trust I know I want ur bullies to die. But don't give up please. People call me all sorts of names because of what I believe in but I ignore them because they aren't right. Ur bullies aren't right. Ur are beautiful and amazing and they are just jealous, they want to be you. You deserve everything, so don't die.
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There_are_no_tears_left_for_you · 1 decade ago
I'm here for you. Please don't do it.
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phani · 1 decade ago
Honestly, If you post quotes like this people would say not to kill yourself but just think for a moment that what for are you in this world? Attempting for a suicide isn't an answer for being bullied, the people who bully you are filthy morons, just think that they're barking dogs,they keep on barking everyday cause they have no work other than to bark all the day....Stand up the bullies, make a change and make your presence aware that you are for a change,
It makes me laugh that are you one who inspired people? Im sorry if I've spoken anything wrong...
Stand up and ignite the light and let it shine...after every hurricane comes a rainbow
I know that you are in troubles.......But Shine brighter, smile more showing them all that you are here for something
even a huge stars like Demi Lovato, Megan Fox etc had to face bullies but they're still alive and making people feel better that they've stood against them and moreover they never committed any suicides <3
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xLoveGabriellax · 1 decade ago
Please suicide isn't the answer it never is! Please don't do it! I'm here if you need someone to talk to I'm here(:
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SailAway · 1 decade ago
Life will get better, trust me.
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ShaniaJJ · 1 decade ago
You have a purpose here, that's why you're here in the first place
You way more than just another person.
And if you end it, you'll never know what's next. Maybe your life will be better that your imagination.
Please don't do it.
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ShaniaJJ · 1 decade ago
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ShaniaJJ · 1 decade ago
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cujo* · 1 decade ago
Notice how you said 'at the moment'? Yes, that's right, at the moment your life is a mess. It is your choice to make, whether you want to stay or not, but keep in mind the good things you are, will do and will become. I'm not going to guilt trip you into choosing not to 'end' or tell you 'it gets better' - although it does and doesn't, it's a constant cycle that we learn and change from everyday. But I will tell you that you can survive, that there's more strength in you than you know. We support you. I wish you well.
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PorkyPine · 1 decade ago
Dont do it. Please. Suicide doesnt end the pain, it gives it to someone else. You are valuable, please dont kill yourself.
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vivre merveilleusement* · 1 decade ago
please, don't do it. Stay strong, because you're worth it. xx <3
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Alex;* · 1 decade ago
Its not worth it. Don't let them win. You are stronger than them. Ive been through a lot too but I'm trying to face it one day at a time,that's what u should do. Face it with a head held high one day at a time. Stay strong beautiful.
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