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Member Since: 4 Nov 2011 08:11pm

Last Seen: 26 Jul 2015 09:40pm

user id: 234244

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 Hana;17 years old;
BVB;SWS;BMTH; Real Friends;ADTR; 1D;5SOS; Psanders; Jake Miller;;A-meezy;)
Youtubers are life;
danisnotonfire; amazingphil; Tyler Oakley; Johnnie Gilbert; 
Softball;Soccer;Horses;Friends;Family; <3
Science nerd and Harry Potter;
So yeah thats about it, if you wanna know more just ask:)
  1. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2013 5:47pm UTC
    I miss you and i hope you're okay <\3 wish i could be in the ICU with you....

  2. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2013 12:16pm UTC
    passing notes cursing at eachother in spanish during math class..... then he said i was good to drink..... yeah... lol

  3. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2013 2:42pm UTC
    Le Poem.
    Hana Banana,
    Poems are hard,
    Why did i do this?
    This is what a kid just wrote in my yearbook today :P

  4. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2013 12:28pm UTC
    My baby cousin is in the hospital.
    i got a freaking 67 on my test
    and if i get any errors in my softball game tonight ima be in big trouble;
    Lovein my life

  5. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2013 12:20pm UTC
    Look at the stars, look how they shine for you... <3

  6. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2013 8:53pm UTC
    I'm just sick of pretending to be happy

  7. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2013 4:54pm UTC
    All ways be you.
    Unless you can be a unicorn...
    than always be the unicon ♥

  8. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2013 5:14pm UTC
    I've always been confident when I play softball... but now i bobble easy grounders and have wild throws (This never happens) and i'm a firstbasemen playing third..... my confidence level went from a 10 to about a -15
    I feel like I've gone from the top to the bottom.....

  9. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 6:42pm UTC
    Music gives a soul to the universe,
    wings to the mind,
    flight to the imagination,
    and life to everything.

  10. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2013 6:31pm UTC
    "You're gonna get bruises, playing this game, but you just gotta rub some dirt on it and get back on the field."

  11. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2013 10:59pm UTC
    i just found out that the guy i like's girlfriend is pregnent... i don't even know what to say to him...

  12. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 7:05pm UTC
    Anyone have tips for softball pitchers on how to not lose your cool or confodence when you're piching? because i've only been piching for a week or two and my practices
    start monday because i think i suck, well i know i suck but yeah.... advice??

  13. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 4:10pm UTC
    Anybody Else Have A Softball Team Who Have The Weirdest, Most Random, Sisterlike Conversations Ever?

  14. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 12:30am UTC
    do u think ifs a bad idea to send this to my friend?? he's been distent with me and i dont wanna come off as jerky
    You r lagitamently like pushing me way... Like we hardly talked at the game,we barely talk as it is, you ditch me for Kayla and Sam and Sara, you don't wanna hang much anymore and you would rather talk with Andrea then u wanted to move tables in art..... And yah... I just don't wanna wake up one morning and you be all like your not my friend anymore and Kayla's my new BFF or whatever...
    Don't try and tell me that ur stressed bc I was really pit out at the beginning of Freshmen year and I didn't push you away.. No matter how bad I wanted to just shut down and not talk to anyone I didn't do that to you bc you were the one person who could make me laugh when I just wanted to cry....
    I'm not trying to be a b*tch but I feel like I'm loosing my best friend.... Sooooo yah

  15. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 5:39pm UTC
    That awkward moment when you're more p*ssed that he got fouled out then his girlfriend is... whoops...

  16. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 5:36pm UTC
    That awkward moment when you're more p*ssed that he got fouled out then his girlfriend is... whoops...

  17. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2013 1:22am UTC
    i love him so much, but if that rumor really is true then i will never be able to tell him how i feel

  18. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2013 8:09pm UTC
    The bus driver hit a bump in the snow riddled road, causing me to jump a bit in my seat. Louis’s head flopped off my shoulder, waking him up. Louis sighed. “Are we almost there?” He asked running a nervous hand through his messy hair. I slapped his hand away and went to fix it myself. “About five minutes,” I said. I stood up and pulled out mine and Louis’s warm up jacket from the overhead compartment and then handed him his duffle bag and got mine too. He smiled. “Thanks,” He said. I nodded sliding my jacket over my head and then pulled my long red hair out the neck hole. “Alright we’re here,” The bus driver said pulling into Roo’s House (that was the gym) at SUNY Canton Collage. Coach stood up and the bus fell silent. “ Okay kids, errr, I shouldn’t really call you kids, most of you are driving…. But anyways, go in there and play your hearts out. Ya’ll hear me? give them hell,” The boys and I clapped as Coach Todd took a drink out of his water bottle, “ Where’s Hannah?” “Right here Coach!” I said standing up. “ Girl, just so you know, they’re gonna be on you like a cat on a June bug. They somehow got a hold of a tape, they know you like that out side shot.” I nodded and sighed. The bus had gotten there about an hour early so we could have the gym to ourselves with no Heuvelton boys and no spectators. I’m not gonna lie, we probably looked like a bunch of crazy people, all singing and dancing to different beats, taking free throws, and taking threes, but you know we’re just cool like that.
    Okayys so pretty please give me some feedback on this!!! idk if i wanna contiue or not.. Thankss:)

  19. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2013 8:37pm UTC
    okay so i need some advice....,,
    this guy i like has a girlfriend who is somewhat my friend. the guy flirts with me a lot mostly when she is not around and i think his girlfriend is starting to get really mad at me... like today in science class he was sitting behind playing with my hair and stuff and i was tying to make him stop bc his gf sits next to me and yeah so i dont know what to do with him......

  20. mystic_tatertot* mystic_tatertot*
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2013 12:22pm UTC
    It's pretty sad when the reason you don't want to go to school is becuse of your bestfriend.....


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