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Just A Kiss.

Chapter Two

I whirled around to find Ryan, standing about 2 inches from my face. I gasped in suprise, and quickly ducked underneath his arm, trying to put some distance between us. I didn't like it when people stood so close to me. It made me claustrophobic.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," he said.
"Uhm, it's-it's okay," I stuttered. For some reason, this guy made me nervous.
"You know what they want, right? Why they even asked me to come along?" he asked. Confused, I shook my head.
"What are you talking about?"
"Well, they want us together. Think about it, my family is rich, so is yours. We're perfect for eachother. Plus, you're hot," he said, and moved closer to me.
"We should probably go back-" I started to say, but he interrrupted me, by forcing a kiss on my mouth. I squirmed underneath him, but he wouldn't move, so I went still underneath him. Then, he finally pulled away.
"You done?" I asked.
He smirked. "Well, for no-" he started, but didn't get to finish because I brought my hand up, and slapped him hard across the face. I know it wasn't very lady like, and mother would disaprove, but I couldn't just let him disrespect me like that. So, I did what any woman would've done.
I watched as he rubbed his reddening cheek, and muttered a few choice words at me.
"A little fiesty I see? That's okay sweetie, we can work on that," he smiled warmly, which seemed very innopropriate. I left then, but made sure I threw a dirty look in his direction before I did.
I sat back down at my spot at the table, and finished the last bit of my lamb chop. About 15 minutes later, the Sullivans finally left. But not before my mother insisted on them coming over for dinner again sometime soon, and they agreed.
After they were gone, my mother claimed she had a migraine, and exused herself to her room. I helped the maids clean up the table a little, because I didn't like the idea of having a maid anyway. When I was done, I make a break for my room. Once inside, I shut the door, changed into PJ's, and grabbed my notebook. I went to my favorite spot in the room, a little sitting area on the edge of the window, and stared out at the slowly setting sun. The sky was laced with pinks, and purples.
I often found myself falling asleep there, watching the stars shine.
I sat upright when I saw a small movement in the garden. I squinted my eyes, and saw a boy with jet black hair, and tanned skin from working under the sun all day. I watched as he pulled weeds, and trimmed the bushes. My mother must've hired him because she was too lazy to go out there and do it herself. The garden was my favorite place here, so I spent a lot of time there taking care of the garden myself. Not that she would notice.
I watched the boy for awhile, and suddenly he looked up, locking gazes with me.
Note: Heyyyyyyy. I'm not sure what to say. Oh, ew. Tomorrows Valentines day. :/ I hate Valentines Day. But I have a date Saturday. :) Comment for a reminder!!
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Just A Kiss. Chapter Two I whirled around to find Ryan, standing

12 faves · 3 comments · Feb 13, 2013 9:35pm





justakiss · story

Everythinginbetween · 1 decade ago
Remind me please. I looove this
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mairmair8 · 1 decade ago
good luck on your date saturday!!!
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clearlytruthful · 1 decade ago
YAYAYAYAYA this is my new craving
Keep reminding ples
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