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Under a Rock
Part 1

She walked in the courtyard as the light snowflakes start to dust the cobblestone walkway she had traveld so many times before. she carried the final letter her lover would write to her. the tears almost made it illegible. now was no time to cry, she is cried out, there are none left. Her goastly walk just supported the evidence that she really is alone. she sat in the place she once loved, looking up at the ivory covered walls of the old brick building. she can almost remamber the old her. she was nothing like the girl she knows now. She remembers when it all started...

It was the homecoming dance at the Rosemary Institute, the boarding school Paige knew all to well. She grew up here, with her mom as the haed master. Whe Paige's mom finally passed away after years of fighting brast cancer, Paige was pitied so much by the school board that she just stays at the school. She fixed the ruffles in her dress and told her bast friend, hannah, "Im kinda hot, im going to step outside for a second" and went out the backdoor into the coartyard. A wave of refreshing fresh air hit her. She walked t the garden that was decorated with twinkly lights that night, when something caught her eye. It was a note covered with a small rock on top. It read-

"Dear Stranger.
Hope is a state of mind, not of the world. Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously heading for success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good. Hope is the only thing that keeps most of us alive, but what is there to hope for if you dont know what you want? stranger...please help


She had no choice but to write back.

"Dear Anonymous,
I think what your looking for is something you care for more than anything else. I hope to fall in love. Not a sappy boyfriend, but relationships that happen to become so intense, deep, involved and complex and really hard to say goodbye to. The hardest part of the show is saying goodbye when it's all done. I mean there is no deep dissapointment where there is no deep love. Hoping for something to cry over or something to ;augh over is what most people was dont worry youre not alone."

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Under a Rock Part 1 She walked in the courtyard as the light

7 faves · Dec 22, 2012 10:42pm






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