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Part 1.

His name was Jess Jacobs.He was seventeen. He lived in a huge house, and had everything he wanted. He was the most perfect boy in school. Popular, athletic, and of course the smart rich kid on the football team. He also had the most amazing bright blue eyes everyone got lost in. And if you look really close, they fade to aqua in the middle. He had blonde flippy hair, that every girl went crazy over when he flipped it to the side. Almost everyone dreamed of touching it. The soft and lush look of it made girls go half mental. He had a flawless face. He had a smile like no other. It made you feel warm and bubbly when he showed it. It made you lose reality when you were the reason he was smiling. His laugh was cute. Just cute.His body was amazing. He had a gorgeous tanned six pack, and of course big arms. His personality was what made every girl cry their selves to sleep because he was not theirs. He was the sweetest kid you would ever meet. He loved everyone, and never judged anything. He would talk to everyone and ask how their day was. He would try and cheer up anybody who looked even slightly sad. He was just the most perfect boy ever. And some say perfect boys don't exist, but they do. And he was. Some girls look at him in disgust, but inside want even a simple look from him. Some guys looked at him and wanted to be him. Only because he had everything. Obviously this kid was popular. He even had kids from different schools talk about him like he was an angel from hevan above. He had girls try and talk to him on Facebook just to say they talked to Jess Jacobs. And being the adorabley sweet boy he is, he replied to everyone. Even is he had 78 messages. He had alot of friends. His best friend though, was Matt James. They had known eachother forever. Matt loved him more than anyone. And Jess would go to him for everything. Jess was just that type of kid who no one could hate no matter what he did. And you know what? He was the most deperessed kid in his school. He cut himself everynight. He cried himself to sleep all the time. He hated being alone because the silence of his own thoughts would kill him. You see, what everyone else thought was not wha he thought. They all thought he was a happy, sweet, perfect teenage boy. But inside he was dying. He longed for someone to hug him and tell him it's okay. But everyone thought he was fine so he never got the help he wanted. And one day, he worked up the courage to kill himself. He hung himself. No one knew for an hour. All they knew was he didn't answer anyone back. So, there you go. The person everyone loved, and thought had a great life, killed himself because of the hurt. And it wasn't because of anyone else, it was just him. He hated himself. But everyone else loved him, and he could never figure out why. And that's the story. Jess Jacobs was truely perfect, but only he couldn't see it. Once they found him, all the girls who were in love with him cried their eyes out. The whole school was never the same without his smile. His best friend Matt started cutting himself. Matt found his phone, and in his notes he had confessions of cutting, and much more. Everyone now knew the truth, and started to wonder what the popular guys that everyone else loved, actully felt inside. And forever loved, Jess Jacobs rested in piece. Once all of his friends joined him, he realized he should of stayed. But he can't take it back.
Thats the story of the "perfect" boy. Just think about what people actully feel inside.
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TheperfectBoy Part 1. His name was Jess Jacobs.He was seventeen.

4 faves · Dec 17, 2012 9:29am






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