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My 18-year-old brother: And never never never stop for anyone. Tonight lets get some, and live while we're young!
Me: Are you singing One Direction?
Brother: What does it matter to you?
Me: I'm just concerned for your health!
Brother: Well a person should be free to sing any song they want. No matter if its One Direction, Psy, Skrillex, John Travolta-
Me: John Travolta? I don't even think he sin-
Brother: IT DOESN'T MATTER!!! The point is that I should be allowed to sing One Direction just as much as the next 13-year-old girl.
John Travolta:
One Direction:
Scott Pelly:
Princess Bubblegum:
Pizza Delivery Guy:
Hurricane Sandy:

This is why I love having conversations with my brother.

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My 18-year-old brother: And never never never stop for anyone.

32 faves · Oct 28, 2012 7:53pm






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