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--the bracelet project--
each disorder has a color that corresponds to it.
anerexia is red
bulimia is purple
EDNOS is pink.
depression is blue
self harm is orange or black
fasting at the time is green
suicidal is yellow
overweight/obese is turquise
anxiety/panic disorder/OCD is teal
adding one white bead means you're trying to recover
if your bracelet is half of the color that your disease is and half white that means your in recovery
you can also make the strand the main disorder you have then add beads to your lesser disorders or if you have EDNOS if you have more anerexic or bulimic tendecies then you can add a red or purple bead
if you see someone in public wearing one you are supposed to make eye contact and point to your bracelet if they nod, then you know they are apart of the bracelet project
spread awareness about te bracelet project(:
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--the bracelet project-- each disorder has a color that corresponds

7 faves · Jul 30, 2012 10:04pm






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