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Not doing this for faves btw.

Even though i never ever met you I love you , I really do.
I have a picture of you in my bedroom and i say good night to you every night.I tell you everything.
There have been many ups and downs in my life and i always wished i had you to talk to , i wished you would help me solve my problems , i wished you would teach me things i never knew, but that was impossible.
Mum never talked about you and when i asked about you she always changed the subject, even still now i don't dare ask mum about you because she finds it a very hard subject to talk about.
She never told me that you was actually dead, and when she did a couple of months ago i got really angry and called mum so many bad things which i didn't mean to.
My grades went down , i got in lot of trouble at school and even got suspended for a week.
I'm sorry dad i bet you wasn't really proud of me then.
But now I am doing everything I can to make you proud.
I am even in a football team , just like you were, and i have won loads of trophies just like you did.
I want to grow up like you.
I promise i will never ever let you down again!
Happy fathers day , sleep tight !

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Not doing this for faves btw. Dad, Even though i never ever

20 faves · 1 comments · Jun 17, 2012 10:13am






lizlinee · 1 decade ago
I bet he's proud!
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