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Alex? Is that you?
That should be me in there, not Carl. I would do anything to get a date with you.
What am I talking about, I'm with Alicia! 
For the first time in my life, I'm on the verge of dumping her, just because I realise there is someone better standing me... this whole time.
"Alex Robinson?" She laughed, awkwardly. I could tell that she was nervous, it was so obvious.
"Wait.. You're the fat chick that got herpes? Why the heck are you even standing next to me, you freak! You should be kept in quarantine!" He gasped, stepping back, although it was in the wrong direction.
"Uh, I'm going to go. That's if I can find the door."
Poor Alex. I wouldn't have done this to you if I knew it were me in that room, instead of that a-hole, Carl.
Am I going to tell Carl that it was her? Sure. Just waiting for the right time...
"Thanks Adam." Carl hissed, stomping into the room. "I got stuck with the retarded chick from the eighth grade."
"Uh... She actually seemed quite hot." A random guy had informed him. 
"If you don't want her, I'll have her." A guy winked at his friend, fist bumping him.
"She's all yours." He mumbled. "F-ck. You'd think that she would transfer to whatever country she's in and never come back? Maybe it's because she's still in love with Lukey Wukey"
A giant roar of "Ooooh" came from every single guy in this wing, and I hated this attention.
"No, she doesn't love me, you idiot."
"She's been in love with you her whole life, and you just kept shrugging her off and went looking for Alicia." Was it just me, or did his face cringe when he said Alicia's name?
"That's because I was in love with Alicia my whole life."
"WHIPPED!" A guy yelled from the couch behind me.
Oh great, now everyone's laughing at me. I'm the laughing stock of the group.
"Okay buddy, you go now. You'll never know, you might get Alicia in the dark room." Carl winked at me.
I walked through the bridge that led to the dark room, and found myself in pitch blackness. That was all there was. Black.
"Hello?" I called out.
"Hey, babe!" A squeaky voice giggled.
Oh, gosh. I could tell this is going to be a LONG date.

The after party was a lot better that you'd think. It was set up nicely, and you would hardly believe that this was once the darkroom. It just felt so empty, and now it's a real party scene.
"Guess who?" A girl whispered in my ears, and placed her hands over my eyes.
Alex? "Alicia?" I called out, hoping it really was Alex. 
"Damn, you got me." She giggled.
I turned around and saw what I thought was the most beautiful girl in the world, besides Alex.
I couldn't break up with her, she's too amazing.
Oh well Alex, maybe another time.
"Baby! Who was your date?"
"I don't know, some girl named Tess?"
"Tess? Tess Richards? Oh my gosh, what a small world! She's like my new best friend." She grinned at me.
"Everyone's like your best friend." I smiled back.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She looked at me, as if I were being sarcastic.
"No, no. I mean like, you're so friendly, I'm not surprised that everyone likes you."
"I could say the same for you too, babe." Her eyes sparkled so perfectly, it made it seem like her eyes were the disco ball.
How could I possibly even consider breaking up with this angel?

Alicia's outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/alicia_dating_in_dark/set?id=46614272


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7 faves · Apr 6, 2012 7:45am






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