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One More Chance

Chapter 12:
 It's pitch black out.
The kind of dark that could scare a person.
Harley and I are on our way back from a summer party on the beach, and I might have chugged one to many beers.
 We walk back to my house, sneaking in through the window.
I spiral towards the floor, groaning softly.
"I don't feel right." I mumble to Harley who lays down next to me.
"You don't look right either." Harley responds.
"You got a coffee maker downstairs?"
I nod sheepishly and look down at my phone's clock.
It's 2:30am.
"I'll go make you one." She insists.
"It will help."
"Don't wake my mom or sister up." I yell loudly towards the door.
Harley turns to me, putting a finger over her mouth to signal me to shut up.
I giggle quietly, and tilt my head sideways.
The room is spinning.
A few moments later, Harley comes back with a cup of hot coffee.
"It's strong." she tells me as I go to take a sip.
I force the hot bitterness down my throat, scrunching my nose in disgust.
"Soooo" Harley questions, trying to make conversation.
"How's life with Cam?"
It's good." I mutter.
"It's really good."
"It's so romantic." She coos, staring up at the ceiling as if some movie is playing before her eyes.
"Forbidden love."
"No." I speak.
"More like dating a guy 5 years older than me. It's not as great as you would think."
She bites her lip, furrowing her brow.
"I don't know." She says.
"Sounds like a fairytale to me."
I flash my eyes towards my door which is cracked open to the side.
"She heard me." I whisper, suddenly getting up.
"What?" Harley asks.
I shut the door and turn around to face her, my breathing quickening in panic.
"Mohony heard us."
"I think you're still a little drunk." Harley laughs, pulling me towards my bed.
"You need to hit they hay."
"No!" I say, pushing her away.
"I heard a noise, and I saw a shadow. It was her, I know it."
"So what?" Harley speaks, gesturing for me to take another sip of my coffee.
"It dosen't mean she's going to tell anyone."
I sigh heavily,chugging down the remains of the disgusting drink.
"I just busted her for smoking." I say quietly.
"And I told her that she couldn't date her boyfriend anymore, or I was going to tell our mom that too."
"Ouch." Harley cringes at my words.
"She get grounded?"
"Oh yeah." I repsond.
"Big time."
I sit next to Harley, chucking the mug of unfilled coffee across the room.
It hits the wall roughly, causing the glass to splinter into a million tiny peices.
Just like my heart would be if I had to end it with Cam.
My life...is over.
Thanks for reading! Face and follow if you want.


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One More Chance Chapter 12: It's pitch black out. The kind

13 faves · 1 comments · Jan 22, 2012 11:26am






Rubie117 · 1 decade ago
Really really good :) you're such a good writer! looking forward to reading more :)
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