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so today i saw a quote talking about how today may be the last day of witty. a girl commented :
"it's just a website."

mostly everyone on witty refers to witty as their second home, and she says that it's just a website?

wow. fave if you think that's wrong.

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so today i saw a quote talking about how today may be the last

271 faves · 17 comments · Jan 7, 2012 5:08pm






lovetodance28 · 1 decade ago
it is just a website....calm urself.
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lovetodance28 · 1 decade ago
its just a web site. i love witty and all but i mean i have more of a life than a website.....
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Lexi_Is_A_Boss · 1 decade ago
In reality is IS just a website..
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bubbleduck143 · 1 decade ago
Its not the end of the world if it shuts down. Yeah I might be a little bummed out but hey now I have more time in my day.Maybe witty did save your life but there are other alternatives rather than talking to strangers on a website.
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Emacy · 1 decade ago
guys I think we're slightly over reacting. Its the idea of the end of witty not the end of the world! I totally agree with yourcool. IF (and only IF) witty gets shut down then maybe it's for a reason? change is life, you know? sure if witty ends it will suck but I think there might be some good that comes out of it too.
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Desaray · 1 decade ago
I don't think its wrong that she thinks its "just a website" because it is. But to other people maybe its way more. Which its alright if she thinks that.
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Breezyisalover · 1 decade ago
Its pretty hard to say witty "is just a web site" its saved peoples
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VKlover1234 · 1 decade ago
it is just another website but not for other people..they arnt upset that the site might be going down but the people that might be going down with it witty has brought us together, so why not someone make another site? if it does go down we have a place to resort to that wont have to relly on ads from google and it wont be shut down because of a few swear words. i mean it WONT be the same but it might just work ((: <3
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xBiebersShawtyx · 1 decade ago
im sorry, but it is just a website.
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nevergrowup89 · 1 decade ago
Witty is not my "second home"... Witty is my ONLY home. It has save my life as well as many others. It's not just a website, it's a place where family's are formed<3
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alreadygonexx · 1 decade ago
even if you're addicted, it's JUST a website. it might be a second home to you or whatever, but it's still a website when you break it down.
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HabibaTQ · 1 decade ago
reality is all of you are addicted. it IS just a website.
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MaziehDude · 1 decade ago
Let's just get this simple and straight:

To some people, it is just a website. To other people, it means a lot more to them. We're all different. Okay, moving on! :-)
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yourcool · 1 decade ago
Honestly, it is just a website. I'll probably get hate for this. Bt it is just a website. Sure, some people agree that it "saved their life". And maybe it did. I'm not going to say that it didn't, because I don't know your life. But it is just a webiste, and you don't die without it. I am glad it isn't shutting down, because it's something to do when I'm bored. But you aren't going to die without Witty. It's just like Facebook, tumblr, twitter, ect. You can live without it, it's just you decide not to because you believe it saved you. Yeah, it's good to know others feel the same way you do, you aren't alone. Yeah, I get it and all, but it's just a website. Maybe if you didn't go on Witty so often you would be out in the pubc world with *GASP* real people. Yeah people are real on here, but at least you'll be abe to be face to face with someone if you're out and not just on the computer.

And I'm not saying Witty isn't important to me. Yeah, I like Witty, but it's just to pass time for the most part.
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MaggiieBear · 1 decade ago
Yeah . It is just a website . But Facebook is just a website ,, too. And what would you do without it ? ?
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LOLkim · 1 decade ago
It is just a website, BUT it means a lot to me and everyone else here. if its not important to them they shouldn't be here
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ShesNotLikeOtherGirls · 1 decade ago
I think this is referring to a comment I made. But oh well. Lol. It is just a website everyone acting like you are going to die without it that your world will come crashing down. That this site is the reason your alive. Blah. Blah. Blah. That if today is ther elastic day with witty it's there last day at all. It. IS just a website. You'll be die without in . You'll have a life then. You'll most likely even be happier.
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