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Forget Me Not
Chapter 5
Callie's POV
I groaned as I heard the overly cheerful intro to "Keep Your Head Up" by Andy Grammer. James probably set that alarm for me before he left. I checked the time on my phone. 4:00 a.m. Class was at 4:30. Why do I do this to myself? I had to pick an early class. I undid my braid and tiptoed into the kitchen. I grabbed a package of poptarts off the counter, startled at how loud it was to open. I took a bite. ugh stale. I walked back to my room and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My usually long, straight, brown-auburn locks had an awkward wave to it. I searched unsuccessfully for a hairtie. I quickly tied my hair into a knot and tucked it in, creating a loose ballerina bun, it'll have to do. I slipped into mesh shorts and a thin longsleeve shirt. I knocked softly on Noah's door. She opened it looking just as tired as me. We walked to class in silence and sat fairly close to the front. About two hours later we made our way to the coffee shop
Dave's POV
Why do I even work here? I wondered in my stupidity. I closed my eyes for what I thought was a second and woke with a start to the childish wind-chimes the coffee shop had at the front door.
"Oops." I heard in a hushed whisper. I rubbed my eyes and looked towards the direction of the noise. sh*t. I quickly turned my expression blank and blandly asked "Can I help you?"
"One Hazelnut coffee, black." The taller girl said quickly. I glanced towards Callie who was staring intently at the options. While she was deciding I made the taller girl her coffee. She offerred Callie a sip. Hesitating slightly she took a big swig of it and immediatly choked.
"I'll have the same," She managed to spit out. Staring boldly at me. I raised my eyebrow in question. This made her more determined. She rolled her eyes impatiantly, cute. I shrugged in defeat and made her her coffee. When I turned back around I noticed her eyes had never left me. She looked frustrated. Her intense brown eyes, as dark as midnight stared intently into mine. Looking closer I could see something. Her eyes spoke a million words. Words of hate and hurt alike. I snapped back to reality when her fingertips brushed mine as she pressed the exact change into my hand. I stood there foolishly. "Thanks." I called. I got a weird look from her friend as they both walked out of the shop. Callie's hips swinging slowly and smoothly as she got farther and farther away. Damn.
I heard my boss sharply clear her voice. I snapped my neck in her direction and saw there was customars waiting. This was going to be a long day.

*Is anyonee still reading? cause ill start a new one if nott:/

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Forget Me Not Chapter 5 Callie's POV I groaned as I heard the

4 faves · Nov 25, 2011 1:22pm






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