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Status: I met the most amazing person at track ❤

Member Since: 23 Nov 2011 02:05pm

Last Seen: 9 Feb 2014 07:39pm

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Hopes & Dreams
Hello lovely! My name is Jenny, I'm 13 and I like writing stories :) Isuck at these so I'll finish it maybe!

  1. Aeropostale_98 Aeropostale_98
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2013 12:38am UTC
    Oh what a waste of a perfectly good clean wrist ❤

  2. Aeropostale_98 Aeropostale_98
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 2:22am UTC
    One Shot
    Her bright blue eyes filled to the brim with tears while she was curled up in a ball on the cracked white tile floor. She sat there, face flushed, listening to her schoolmates conversations.
    "Did you hear about Anna? I heard she slept with 3 guys this week!"
    "Really? I heard she slept with 5."
    It was a mistake. I didn't mean to sleep with him. He was just so alluring and charming and... I just felt safe for once in my life around him. I reallt thought I meant something to him....... but I guess I was entirely wrong. I had been going out with Kendall for eight months now, he was the perfect guy. He was popular, athletic, smart, everything a girl would want. I felt like that girl in those teen movies. The invisble, ugly, fat girl who got gorgeous over the summer. The one the all the guys fell for. The girl who got everything she wanted. No one knew me last year, I was the loner girl who at lunch in the bathroom. Over the summer I worked out, counted calories, got a whole new wardrobe, got a total makeover. Instead of being invisible this year, I'm the girl on everyone's lips. I'm considered a "s.lut." I thought I would be "accepted" if I slept with Kendall, but most of all, I'd finally feel loved.
    My life was filled with pain. When I was a young child, my father would beat my mother and I. My dad would always come home drunk, filled with rage. I'd hide in the closet, but he always found me. He killed my mother whenshe tried to protect me. Scars and bruises litter my body. I can't even look in a mirror without wanting to cry. He always told me I was worthless, I eventually started to believe him. I was always the loner, I could never make friends. I just couldn't......."fit in."
    For once in my life I felt accepted when I started dating Kendall. Everyone knew me, everyone was nice to me...it felt..so surreal. Too bad it turned out to be a prank all along. He was pretending to be in love with me so he could sleep with me....so he and his friends could film it and ruin my life. I wonder how many lies have come out of his mouth. My life was ruined, I've been branded as the school wh.ore. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. I was just...broken. I ran out of the girl's bathroom, I started running, running towards the door.
    Kendall's p.o.v.
    God, english is so boring, all Ms.Chavez talks about is her personal life. I looked out the window hoping to see something more interestng than what was Ms. Chavez was talking about. I saw Anna sprinting across the school yard. I wonder what she was doing out of class. I noticed she was tying something, I could see what. It looked like....a rope? She quickly tied one end to a tree and the other to her neck.
    "no." I whispered "NO!"
    I ran out of the class, not caring about what anyone thought. The truth is I loved Anna, but my "friends" didn't. They absolutely hated her. I went along with their plan to embarass her because I didn't want to be outcasted, but I was wrong. I hate the person I became, I didn't even try to defend her. What kind of monster have I become. I pushed the front doors to the school open, but I was too late. I saw her lifeless body hang. I rushed over to cut the rope. She was still breathing. She looked at me, with her bright blue eyes.
    "I was a fool." she whispered.
    Her body soon became limp. I held her in my arms for what seemed like an eternity until an ambulance arrived.
    "I love you" I told her as they hauled her away. I felt broken.

  3. Aeropostale_98 Aeropostale_98
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2013 2:11pm UTC
    Never Forgive
    One Shot
    "It's raining, I'm sorry but we can't go outside." Mother said to me. "I understand." I replied back to mother. "Sweety, I have to pick up Trenton from his friends house, do you think you'll be okay alone with Anna? I don't want you possibly catching a cold by walking with me to his friends house." Mother asked me. "Yes mother." I answered her. "Anna! Can you watch Laura? I'll be back in a little while! I have to pick up Trenton!" "Of course!" My sister replied.
    Anna was my 15 year old sister, she had long blonde hair like me and bright blue eyes like me. She started dating a guy named James. I don't like James, ever since Anna has started dating him, she doesn't pay attention to me anymore. I always catch them in her bedroom together. I don't know what they're doing. They move a lot under the covers of the bed for some reason. I walked up the old, faded brown stairs up to the second floor. I opened her door just a crack. I saw James inside there, they were sitting on the bed. I pushed the door open.
    "Oh, hey Laura." James said a bit disappointingly. "Hello James." I said trying to be polite as possibly. I turned to Anna. "Anna, can we play dolls?" I asked her sounding as sweet as possibly. "Laura, you're 9 years old now, you're too old to be playing with dolls, and besides, I have stuff to do." "Like what? Hang out with James all the time?" I was beginning to sound hostile. "It's none of your buiness of what James and I do so just go away Laura." Anna retorted. I stormed out of the room slamming her door shut. I walked downstairs. Mom had left already. Since Anna didn't care about me enough to watch me then I was going outside to the park across our house. I got my pink umbrella, put on my sandels, and left. It was only a light drizzle, I kept walking a few yards into the park when I saw my friends.
    "Hey Laura!" Victoria waved me over. I started running towards them, when I got to the sandbox where they were I noticed Charlotte, Rosealie, Levi, and Dean was there. I dropped my umbrella and started making things out of mud with them. A while after I got there, a starnger walked up to us. He looked like he was in his 30s. "You guys shouldn't be out here, you might catch a cold." He said kindly to us. Victoria said that her mother need them out of the house to hold her tea party. Victoria waved over to Charlotte and the others. "Well that's not very nice of your mother. Well what you my dear?" He pointed to me. "My sister Anna was supposed to be watching over me, but she's too busy with her boyfriend." I said sadly. "I'm very sorry, but you shouldn't be at the park then, let me walk you over to your house." "Thank you." I said nicely. I waved to my friends goodbye and we started walking. When I got to the door of my house, the starnger told me something. "If you want to get rid of your sister's boyfriend, push him out of a window.It'll get more time for you to spend with your sister" "Okay, but I don't think I'll do that." I replied as I walked into my house. "Thank you for walking me home." I told him, but he was already gone. I noticed my mother was home. "Oh thank God Laura you're safe!" Mom embraced me when she saw me. "Where have you been?" She asked. "I was at the park since Anna wouldn't do anything with me, she was too busy with James." "What? Oh she's in trouble now. ANNA! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" Anna hurried down the stairs. "How dare you not watch your sister, while you're too busy with you boyf....." I didn't hear the rest of Mom's lecture because I was walking up the stairs. I pushed the door open to Anna's room and I saw James beginning to climb down from the window when I remembered what the stranger said. I started walking over, as soon as I knew he couldn't see me, I took a baseball bat and hit both of his hands. He screamed and soon let go. I saw the stranger outside staring at me, smiling. I dropped the baseball bat where I found it and quietly rushed downstairs. Mom was still lecturing Anna.
    The next day James was found dead near a river. Apparently someone dragged him away to the river after he died. I killed James on December 4, 1989. He deserved it, he was stealing my sister from me. That is something, I'll never forgive him for.

  4. Aeropostale_98 Aeropostale_98
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2013 2:40am UTC
    Drop Dead ,Gorgeous
    One Shot
    My name is Autumn. I was 17 years old when I was murdered on December 9, 1997. This is the story of how I died. It was a cold, snowy night in Gardena, California. I was walking through my neighborhood when I met him. Who knew someone who looked so perfect, could be the Devil in disguise. His name was Drew and he was known as a troublemaker. My family would never approve of me dating a guy like him, a guy who doesn't listen to authority, a guy who doesn't abide the law, a guy who wasn't...rich. I guess I was just in a fairytale....I guess I was hoping Drew was the person I thought he was. People said he was crazy..I should've listened. I resent him so much, I now haunt him...I like to see him suffer..I like to see him in the pain he put me through...he's just someone I'll never forgive.
    We flirted and teased each other for a while, until he finally asked me out on a date. It was perfect, he treated me like a princess, and before I knew it, we were dating. I would always sneak out to meet him, 10 o'clock sharp. I was a fool thinking this perfect relationship could last forever. Whenever I talk to a guy, he got jealous. He would punch me, kick me, beat me until he was tired whenever he caught me talking to another guy. I've never been in a relationship before Drew, I just thought this was how a normal relationship worked, I thought the guy called the shots. I eventually broke up with him, that's when the stalking started. I was never comfortable, I would always feel like someone was watching me...it made me feel so helpless. I started dating Landon a few weeks later. He treated me with something Drew didn't....respect.I was so in love with him that I didn't see what Drew was planning. I got a note on December 8, 1997, it told me to watch the news that night. I did..Landon and Aubrey died of several bullets to the head. I felt so alone then, I felt like I couldn't breath. I went to sleep that night staining my pillow with my tears. The next day I went to school, things went by normally, but I felt so alone and detached from the world. I had cheer practice to 6, it was hard to get through it. When it was over I was in the locker room, I was getting ready to go when the lights went out and a creepy voice whispered in my ear. "You're dead." I started spriting towards the door, I got to the parking lot of the school when I was hit with a baseball bat to the head. I woke up, heading pounding, not aware of my surroundings. It seems like I was in the forest, but I was tied up. Drew walking up to me, and I'll never forget the last words I heard before I died. "You're gorgeous, but if I can't have you, no one can. So drop dead, gorgeous." A knife was plunged into my back, I layed in shock while he walked away. Soon, my world faded. My name is Aubrey. I was seventeen. I died on December 9,1997.

  5. Aeropostale_98 Aeropostale_98
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 2:33am UTC
    Two Faced
    Chapter 12 Final Chapter
    Cassidy`s POV
    "Ebony?!" Rumor gasped, she stepped back, in shock.
    "I`m time for pay back b//ch!" Ebony screamed, launching herself at me.
    I stood in shock as I watched her coming towards me. Right as she was about to clash into me Louis sprinted and tackled me out of the way.
    "Are you okay?!" Louis said, I could hear the worry straining in his voice.
    "You`re going to pay for that day in December, you couldn`t just stay out of it, you had to get involed! Aubrey went to junvenile detention because of you! Now, I`m gonna get even, you shouldn`t have saved him, you really shouldn`t have." Ebony shouted, I saw the pain in her eyes, I heard the struggle to speak.
    She walked over to us, and threw Louis near one of the snow covered trees. She jumped at me, but I rolled over to the right just in time. She walked over and pinned me down by sitting on my stomach, she leaned in close enough for me to smell her minty fresh breath.
    "Remember that day at the town clock tower? Remember the cold wind making it hard to see? And do you remember the slippery floor?" Ebony screamed in my face.
    "How could I forget? It changed my life....." I whispered quietly.
    "WELL YOU`RE GOING TO PAY." She hissed.
    I flinched when she was about to hit me, but before she did I saw a bright white light.
    "W-wha....where am I?" I said quietly.
    The walls were entirely white, with a moniter next to me....was that my heartbeat? These strings were attached to my arms and head. I pulled two out and examined it. Right then a man in a lab coat and a clip board walked in.
    "Oh, you`re awake I see."
    The man had brown hair with a pair a gorgeous hazel eyes.
    "Um..where am I?" I asked curiously.
    "You`re in Paris Regionalal Medical Center, you fell from the third story clock tower, trying to save your friend`s brother. I don`t know how to say this but....um....you`ve been in a coma for about 4 years......we didn`t know if you were going to wake up. Your boyfriend has been visiting you every week for four years, I`ll be back." He then walked out.
    "Wait....what?! My...boyfriend? I struggled to remember.....I remembered carrots...and suspenders.....um...music...fans? It made no sense.
    Right then a very pretty girl with long black/brown hair reaching to her waist walked in. She has stunning blue/green eyes and she was pretty tall too...I instantly thought she was a model.
    "Hey Cassie! How are you feeling? I`m so glad you`re awake!" I heard the happiness in her voice, I noticed her eyes were swelling up.
    "I`m sorry, but I don`t remember you..." I whispered out.
    "Oh...I`m Rumor, you`re best friend! We`ve been friends since we were 4...we`ve...we`ve been through a lot together." She said with pain in her voice.
    I sorta remembered something from when I was in coma, I remember a girl named Rumor, but my memory was still foggy.
    "I`m sorry.....I..I still don`t remember." I said.
    "Here, I think this will help you remember." She reached into a white purse covered with x and l`s intwined with these flowers like diamonds. She pulled out this white/blue rectangle. It lit up when she pressed something on it and music started blaring from it. "I`m in love with you...and all these little things..." I listen a bit more before a part really spoke to me. "You can`t go to bed with a cup of tea, and maybe that`s the reason you talk in your sleep..." When that part finished all the memories flooded into my mind. All the things I dreamed were true...were except from Ebony attacking me and Rumor`s brother falling from the clock tower, everything before was true...my mom and dad managing One Direction.....living with Rumor...all of it.
    A guy with windswept brown hair and beautiful green orbs walked in. He was wearing a striped shirt with maroon skinny jeans.
    "Cassidy....." He rushed over to me and picked me up and twirled me around.
    We looked at each other.
    "You remembered." His face lit up, his smile was beautiful.
    I gave him the biggest hug ever and smiled, I was so estatic.
    He then let go and got down on one knee.
    "Cassidy Marie Naverette....will you marry me?" He pulled out a blue box and opened it. There was a gorgeous ring in it.
    "I don`t want to spend my life without you....I was broken when I found out....these four years have been a nightmare and I don`t want to spend a day without you. So, will you marry me?"
    "Yes...yes, yes, yes yes!" I screamed.
    I jumped into his arms......and we kissed.
    Chapter 12, the final chapter....THE END! Awww, aren`t you sad? :( I`ll be writing a new one though. I bet you`re wondering what happened with the other characters...well I`ll tell you ;)
    Cassidy and Louis got married on Decmber 2, 2028. They had 2 kids. Cassidy became a successful dancer while Louis was still a singer in the band One Direction.
    Rumor married her childhood friend Logan Lerman. They had 3 kids. She became a actor and a model, she also was a Victoria Secret Angel. Logan became an actor. They got married September 17, 2026.
    Aly got married to Jessy on March 14, 2024. They had 2 kids Aly became a very famous singer. Jessy became a guitarist. Jessy was caught cheating 3 years later, they got a divorice. Justin got full custody of both kids. Aly met a man named Justin 1 years later and they got married on October 31, 2027. They had 4 kids. Justin was a secret spy, Aly found out a few years later and um 'celebrated' ;).
    Lucy married Declan when she was 18. They were married Janury 1,2018. Lucy and Declan opened up a company and it became a very successful company. They had 3 kids.

  6. Aeropostale_98 Aeropostale_98
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 8:20pm UTC
    Two Faced
    Chapter 11
    Part 5
    Cassidy`s POV
    "BLOODY HELL WHAT IS THAT?!" Harry shrieked.
    "I-It has no face....." Niall stuttered out
    Zayn held Liam in front of him "Take him! I`m much more handsome."
    "Wow Zayn, you`re so modest." Liam`s voice dripping with sarcasm.
    Louis looked over at me he mouthed to me if I knew what it was. I thinked I remembered seeing it in a game Rumor and her brothers were playing on the computer. What was it....slim..no, um.....skinny! Wait, no......slender! Yeah, Slender. Crap, I didn`t watch them play it to know what to do, I honestly thought it was kinda stupid, but Rumor knew what to do. Wait a minute...w-where was Rumor?!
    Louis began to slowly make his way over to me when that Slender thing wasn`t moving.
    "Hey, are you okay?" Louis asked with sincerity with his voice.
    "Yeah, it was just really creepy......and scary, I mean seriously, who would be in the woods at midnight?!
    "Um...were in the woods at midnight." Louis reminded me.
    "Oh....yeah...well that`s different, we`re not staying here.
    "Here." Louis handed me his navy blue jacket "It`s cold outside." Louis said shyly.
    "Oh..um..thanks." I flashed him a shy smile, I could feel my face burning up.
    I heard some leaves rustle above me and some dead leaves rained down. Was that Rumor? What was she doing up there? It seemed like she was struggling to get something from the pine tree. After a few seconds I heard a ripping sound and saw a huge branch fall from the tree and hit the tall figure without a face. Rumor climbed down and walked towards to figure.
    "Hey Rumor, how`d you know what to do? Was that in the game?." I asked curiously.
    "Nope, in the game it doesn`t really tell you how to defeat Slenderman." Rumor replied.
    "Oh...okay. So who is Slenderman anyways?" I asked, puzzled.
    "Slender Man is supposed to be to be this mythological creature who`s always in a suit. He`s depicted with long slender arms, very tall slender frame, and no facial features. He usually stalks children." Rumor said in this tone as if I should know this stuff.
    "Wait, wait, wait, so he`s real?!" Niall said in a scared tone.
    "It`s unknown if he is, but this one isn`t, this "Slender Man" is in a morph suit, I`m guessing the person in the costume is on stilts, why don`t we try unmaking this "Slender Man".
    Rumor lifted the back of his head and started pulled the morph suit`s head.
    Chapter 11 Part 5 oh my gosh when will this story end .-.Cassidy seriously ruined the surprise! Thanks a lot Cassidy! xD Even though it was a bit blantley obvious. I feel so tired from writing because Cassidy keeps bothering me to write everyday! Haha feeeeddback!

  7. Aeropostale_98 Aeropostale_98
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2012 7:06pm UTC
    Two Faced
    Chapter 11
    Part 4
    Cassidy`s POV
    "Sneaking out I see? Seems like daddy`s little girl isn`t so innocent as he made her out to be."
    I looked up to see Louis smirking with Harry and Liam approching behind him.
    "What`s taking you so long Cassidy? I know your not afriad of heights!"
    I looked down to see Rumor waving her hand for me to hurry up. I glanced back up to see Louis walking towards me.
    "So where are you guys sneaking out to at almost midnight?"
    Oh my gosh his accent....it`s so freaking hot "Oh..um...W-we`re just going for a midnight stroll." I managed to choke out, stuttering over some of my words.
    "Are you always this bad of a liar?" Liam said, slightly laughing.
    "Okay fine, we`re sneaking out to this carnival near Lake Crook. Please don`t tell our parents they`d never let us go at this time of the night." I pleaded while give them my best puppy dog eyes.
    "Not under an-" Liam was interrupted when Zayn and Niall walked into the room.
    "Why are you all in here, it`s so dark...and a bit creepy?" Niall curiously asked.
    "Well it seems like some girl is sneaking out at midnight for some reason. For a boyfriend perhaps?" I could see a twinkle of mischief in Louis`s gorgeous green eyes.
    I was about to correct him when Rumor popped her head up from the balcony.
    "Okay look, we`re going to the Midnight carnival at Lake Crook near the boardwalk, you can come with us if you want, but you`ll have to go in disguise, we can`t have anyone recognizing you guys or it`ll be all over the news in less than an hour. Whatdya guys say?" Rumor stared at them waiting for answer.
    They all looked at each other and nodded. "Deal." They all agreed in unison.
    Just hold on for five minutes, we need to get some disguises. After a few minutes they came back into the room wearing wigs and different colored contacts.
    "This is a bit creepy.." Rumor said as she climbed back down.
    "Haha just enjoy it!" I replied excitedly as I began to climb down.
    All of them climbed down except for Liam. He was about to when Rumor reminded him to shut the door. Liam jumped a few feet from the ground and we sprinted to the the woods near our house.
    "Do you guys do this all the time? These woods are a bit creepy......" Liam asked in a worried tone.
    "It`s a tradition we do every year."
    I could feel the red leaves crunching beneath my feet. It`s been a while since I`ve visited these woods. I looked at Rumor, her mind seemed to be a million miles away. I could see tears brimming in her eyes. Before I could stop it my mind flashed back to that day.
    Rumor looked desperate. "Where could he be?! This is hopeless! He hasn`t come home since 2 days ago. Rumor climbed an oak tree trying to get a better view. Yellow leaves fell down as she climbed higher and higher. She spotted him about half a mile away with Ebony."GIVE IT BACK YOU LOSER!" I heard a girl shriek. "Cassidy! Run to them! I`ll catch up." Rumor climbed down from the tree while I started running. A pile of red and yellow dead leaves flew up when Rumor jumped down and hit the ground running. She`s a faster sprinter than I am so she caught up quickly. When we got there we saw a group of girls running after him. We looked over to see Audrey standing there staring at her hands...there was blood on them.
    My mind came back to reality to see me about to run into a tree. "AH!" I quickly jumped to the left where I accidentally hit Louis and we both collapsed.
    "Oh my gosh I`m so sorry!" I blushed profusely as I quickly stood up.
    "It`s fine, don`t worry. Most ladies can`t keep their hands off me." Louis said chuckling a bit.
    "I didn`t do it on purpose if that`s what your thinking!" I retorted blushing even more.
    "Oh really?" Louis questioned.
    "Ye- Oh my god what was that?"
    "What was wh-BLOODY HELL!" Louis screamed.
    By now we all noticed a tall shadowing creature lukering by.
    *Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch*
    None of us moved an inch. I turned around to see................
    Chapter 12 part quadreo? I have no idea how to spell it but whatever. AND HOW MANY PARTS IS THIS THING GONNA BE I DIDN`T THINK IT WOULD TAKE THIS LONG GEEZ. Anyways the 'Logan' in this story looks a lot like Logan Lerman IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. Logan Lerman is totally hot, jussss sayin. Hehe feedback please! I`ll be writing stories on this account now kay? Kay.


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