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that text,

the message that broke your heart,
ever received a text from someone,
doesn't matter if you woke up to it,
maybe you got it during the day,
or right before you went to bed.
you just picked up your phone 
and saw this long message,
filled with words that hurt you.
that completely changed your mood.
that stopped you from breathing,
and just put you in total disbelief.
that everything you guys went through,
ended right there by that text message.
crazy just how bad that can break someone.

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that text, the message that broke your heart, ever received a

30 faves · 1 comments · Nov 5, 2011 11:55pm





break up

xxanewbeginingxx · 1 decade ago
yeah…when my bf died…it amazing how badly that can break someone in such a simple text…
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