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Orange Eyes
Part 21

I walked out the door and into the car. The engine revved and I was off. Crap, what was the address? It was at ... Andy's house? Maybe? I opened my phone and looked for him in my contacts. 8354 Pass Ln. I went through streets and streets until I found it. Aha! 4 cars were parked in the driveway and a lot of other cars were parked along the side of the road. Looked like 20 cars in all. I parked about a block and a half away and walked to his house. I opened the door myself, no point in knocking. The air smelled like alcohol, and the lights were dim. It wasn't THAT loud, but there was a lot of talking. I walked into a room, where people were socializing, and laughing, and drinking. I even spotted a couple in the corner making out. Sheesh, get a room! I opened up a door that led down stairs. I heard voices, so I walked down. The stairs were a bit slippy, so I held onto the railing. I peeked around the corner. Leaning up on the side of the wall was Zack. He came to the party? I didn't know. Beside him was Terry. They was kissing. Okay, I know I told them to be nicer to each other, but not THAT nice.

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Orange Eyes Part 21 I walked out the door and into the car. The

8 faves · 5 comments · Mar 8, 2011 9:55pm






Mockingjay · 1 decade ago
Where are you?! O.o
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Mockingjay · 1 decade ago
You haven't written in 21 one days, and that was chapter 21... Ahh... The irony x[

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Mockingjay · 1 decade ago
I love this story! Keep writing!
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megsmile95 · 1 decade ago
So amazing!
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laughitupp · 1 decade ago
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