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Orange Eyes
Part 17

"Jess? Jesse?" I heard a voice above me. My vision was blurry and my head hurt. My hearing came and went, some things were loud and others were soft. "I think she's coming to.." The same voice said. I blinked a few times. "Dad?" I asked groggily. My head was pounding. I reached up to touch it. There was a lump. "No, no. It's Zack." He said. I looked up. "Zack?" I rubbed my eyes and began to sit up. "Lay back down." He gently pushed me back down. I shifted uncomfortably. I was laying on my own bed, but with almost every pillow in the house around me. I had 2 sheets on top of me. I must've dozed off again, because when I opened my eyes again, Zack wasn't in my room. My head felt a little bit better. I got up, but that's when the pain came back. "Ow!" I yelled. Zack came rushing in. "Are you okay?!" He ran over to me. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good." I rubbed my head. "Um, what happened?" I asked wearily. I stood up. "Well, we were fighting, and Cole punched you in the head. You were out cold for about 15 hours, Jess. I... was worried about you." I looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember it. All I remember is them fighting, me trying to stop them... then I fell. "Where is he? Where's Cole?" I walked into the hallway. "He left." Zack replied.

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Orange Eyes Part 17 "Jess? Jesse?" I heard a voice

7 faves · Feb 18, 2011 3:30pm






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