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Orange Eyes
Part 15

"What is it?" Zack asked innocently, with his mouth full. "Um, well... when you were gone, umm..." I looked around, hoping to find something that I could say. "Cole... tried to kiss me. He was following me and he told me to kiss him... But I didn't! I just thought--" Zack stopped me in mid-sentence. He swallowed hard. "What? He tried to kiss you?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded. His face hardened. I wasn't sure what his emotions were. His expressions changed from anger, to sadness, to anger again, then shock. He took one more bite of his pizza, then stood up. Cole entered the room, with a Pepsi about to fall. Zack marched right up to him. "So, I hear you tried to kiss Jesse, eh?" He asked. He looked Cole up and down. He was at least a foot taller than him. "Uh... no." Cole answered. Zack knocked the sodas out of Cole's hands and then jumped back, because 2 of them exploded on the ground. He raised his fist and socked Cole in the jaw.

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Orange Eyes Part 15 "What is it?" Zack asked innocently,

7 faves · Feb 13, 2011 11:28am






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