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Quotes added on Friday, August 15 2014

  1. Allauralove Allauralove
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2014 2:13pm UTC
    i just want my future husband to know, that when its my time of the month i might lay on the floor crying over a spoon

  2. Allauralove Allauralove
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2014 2:14pm UTC
    i just want my future husband to know, that when its my time of the month i might lay on the floor crying over a spoon

  3. KristinnasPoertyxOx KristinnasPoertyxOx
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2014 2:36pm UTC
    Do you ever have those dreams when you are falling and you wake up frightend and hyperventilating...? Scary right? :[

  4. KristinnasPoertyxOx KristinnasPoertyxOx
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2014 2:40pm UTC
    She Is.. HIS! and Only HIS!

  5. Avon Avon
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2014 2:43pm UTC

  6. nicole🌹* nicole🌹*
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2014 2:49pm UTC
    3 days before yesterday you walked
    past me in the hall
    Not noticing the lack of sleep I got and
    the sadness in my eyes
    But I noticed you, and how you scrolled
    through your phone looking for a
    2 days before yesterday you walked
    past me again in the hall
    Not noticing the cuts all over my skin
    But I noticed you, and how you laughed
    before going into class
    The day before yesterday you walked
    past me again in the hall
    Not noticing how I started wearing
    long sleeves
    But I noticed you, and how you smiled
    with all your friends
    Yesterday you walked past me in the
    Not noticing how sad I looked and how
    the happiness was drained from me,
    but I noticed you
    And the beauty in your eyes
    Today you walked past where I used to
    walk in the hall,
    Usually noticing you, and all your
    beautiful features, but still,
    You did not notice,
    I was gone.

  7. FlawedPerfectly FlawedPerfectly
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2014 3:23pm UTC
    I haven't been on here in months, since when can you post gifs?

  8. Lucy* Lucy*
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2014 3:54pm UTC
    Why give up, why give in?
    It's not enough, it never is.
    So I will go on until the end.
    We've become desolate.
    It's not enough, it never is.
    But I will go on until the end.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. timi timi
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2014 5:40pm UTC
    I've finally found my man.

  20. _Jannette _Jannette
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2014 5:41pm UTC
    Format by jannette aka _Jannette.
    Remember kids:
    Don't get emotionally attached to a band. You'll get pregnant and die.
    © format : jannette


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