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Quotes added on Sunday, July 4 2010

  1. lyssaamariiee lyssaamariiee
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:03am UTC
    be with someone who knows what they have when they have you.

  2. ScreamItOutx3 ScreamItOutx3
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:03am UTC
    Im done hidding it
    i was goona break up wit my bf but i wass confused cuz i thought i kinda still like him..
    then his friend told me that my bf doesnt really care if i broke up with him..
    i got reaalllyy mad and told him to tell him that im breakin upp wit himm .. and he said his telling him and then he logged off...
    after that i started to cry and cry and cry and cryy.. and i kneww that my first boyfriend broke my heaart..
    butt i knoww ill get over him .. im sure i am

  3. JackiieeLuvv JackiieeLuvv
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:04am UTC
    You’re making me question everything I once believed in.

  4. justinbieberchick justinbieberchick
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:04am UTC
    typeIm gonna Betch slap you
    You Shet bag

  5. lyssaamariiee lyssaamariiee
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:04am UTC
    The worst thing about being lied to, is knowing you weren't worth the truth.

  6. HurliingPurplePandasX210 HurliingPurplePandasX210
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:04am UTC
    At this point,
    You can either ruin my life, or make it a whole lot better.

  7. lyssaamariiee lyssaamariiee
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:06am UTC
    I play the same song...
    over & over again because ;;
    it reminds me of you <3

  8. Mojoxx Mojoxx
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:06am UTC
    Proven truth;
    when a person is really into you
    he/she will always find a way to have time for you.
    with no freaking
    EXCUSES //

  9. summerlovers summerlovers
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:06am UTC
    & I don't write your name on my hand
    To remind me that I love you
    I do it to remind the world that I love you.

  10. brittanyLovex3 brittanyLovex3
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:06am UTC
    hey i just ended "And you love me how?" because
    i lost ideas for it.. and im starting a new story now called
    "Find your love."
    part 1.
    im Isabelle. but i prefer Is, Izzy, or Lizzy. not that i hate Isabelle. i love it. it was my Grandmothers name. its just. i prefer nick names before my real one. my full name is Isabelle Nina Carter. i live with my father Hank and my brother and sister Steffen and Krissy. and technically Cody and Abigail. Krissy and Steffen's two best friends. that sleepover every single night. and if not that, there over till midnight. my best friends are Natalie and Logan. we hangout all the time. but they leave at like 9,10. my boyfriends name is Hunter Brady. me, along with my friends are all 17. my brother and sister, who are twins, are 21. and so are there friends.
    i woke up by a booming base below me. even though i new better than to sleep later than 10 in the morning since that's when my brothers band is practicing there songs and stuff, im still so tired. my rooms over the garage. mainly i love it. but not during the summer. even though its nice and cold in my room. but its just annoying with my brothers band.
    "IZZY!!" Krissy, Abigail, Logan, Cody, Natalie and my dad all shouted running into my room. i moaned and threw the blanket over my head. not in the mood.
    "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" they all shouted once again. i thanked them with a moan. Logan did the honors of tossing me out of bed and into my pool. since today's my birthday, shouldn't i be able to sleep late?. guess not.
    "PANCAKES!" my dad said excitedly as he ran into the house. i rolled my eyes. he just doesn't wanna get wet. i grabbed a towel that was on one of the chairs and ran back to my room while everyone resumed there normal spaces, Logan and Natalie in the Island, dad in front of the stove, Krissy and Abby in the den, Cody an Steffen + the other boys. in the garage. i took a quick shower and got dressed. of course Hunter probably totally forgot its my birthday.. i texted him and walked downstairs rubbing my head.
    "did you hit your head on the diving board?" Logan asked laughing at me.
    "no.." i said confused.
    "oh. cause you seem cranky." he said
    "well yeah because the stupid magic monkeys have to be playing under my room waking me up earlier than i would like to be woken up on my birthday.." i said annoyed.. my dad rolled his eyes.
    "oh suck it up your 18." he said grouchy
    "and?" i said. then a devilish smile arouse from my face. i walked over to the hallway and turned off the power in the garage. it instantly grew so much more quieter. except for the un-needed cursing coming from the garage and now spreading into the hallway coming closer and closer into the kitchen
    "chill. lets just do it later. its her 18th birthday.. just.. calm ya self.." Cody said pushing my brother back into the basement.
    "thank you Cody. my only nice brother." i said he turned his head and smiled at me and resumed pushing Steffen down stairs
    "you know.. you didn't have to do that.." Logan said. i rolled my eyes
    "so what are you an your boyfriend doing today.." Natalie said all gushy like. when i didn't answer she sighed annoyed.
    "he forgot didn't he.. Didn't he.." she said. shes never liked him..

  11. justinbieberchick justinbieberchick
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:06am UTC
    I cant hear you
    So ill just laugh
    And hope it wasnt a question or something sad...(:

  12. lyssaamariiee lyssaamariiee
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:07am UTC
    i show the smiles that others want to see,
    because they don't know the real me.

  13. jeannaboo jeannaboo
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:07am UTC
    iWish iCould Eat You, But iCant):

  14. BelieveInMex3 BelieveInMex3
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:08am UTC
    she finally set him free, I told him I can't lie
    he was the o.n.l.y one for me two weeks
    we caught on fire she's got it out for me
    but I wear the biggest smile.____<3_
    misery business-paramore

  15. justinbieberchick justinbieberchick
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:09am UTC
    Favorite This
    If your gonna laugh watching the movie 2012 in 2013!

  16. lyssaamariiee lyssaamariiee
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:10am UTC
    "She finally gave up..."
    she dropped the fake smile as a tear ran down her cheek, &+ she whispered to herself,
    "I can't do this anymore."

  17. lyssaamariiee lyssaamariiee
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:11am UTC
    | i've built a wall. |
    not to block anyone out,
    to see who loves me enough to climb over it.

  18. lovexxhimxx lovexxhimxx
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:12am UTC
    See, I got you all figured out.
    You need everyone's just eyes to feel seen.
    Girl, you're so vain, you probably think that this song is about you.
    Don't you?

  19. lyssaamariiee lyssaamariiee
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:12am UTC

  20. addictiontoyournamex3 addictiontoyournamex3
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 1:12am UTC
    Gotta catch 'em all!


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