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Quotes added on Wednesday, November 22 2006

  1. ChocolateMoose ChocolateMoose
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 3:38pm UTC
    him: bye, i love you.
    me: can you stop that? stop saying it. i know you dont mean it.
    him: who says i dont?
    *hangs up*

  2. ChocolateMoose ChocolateMoose
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 3:38pm UTC
    If you cant find something to live for...you best find something to die for.

  3. iheartyou227 iheartyou227
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 3:45pm UTC
    I love him now.
    not youu.
    i over you cause that was the right thing to do
    your with her, your happy
    im not with, im not
    I love him now.
    get over it.
    im over you.
    get it straight
    we are done
    then why do i think about youuu???
    do i really love him now ?

    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 3:50pm UTC
    Lies, Deceit, Hurt;
    what you've caused me.
    Outcast, Nomad, Loser;
    what i felt like.
    happy, grateful, and ecstatic;
    want to know why?
    it's because i realized that you've caused
    all of the worst moment in my life;
    and now i dont have to deal with
    you and your crap anymore.
    mhm; reall life folks (:
    make it cute, or aim for editss.

    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 3:52pm UTC
    Christopher: Wow, girl i love you. Our summer nights together are amazing, i enjoy your smile, laugh, and personality. You're gorgeous, brilliant, and overall beautiful. I absolutely love you.
    (what my friends said to me yesterday (: ILY2!! )

  6. HoTcHiCa121 HoTcHiCa121
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 4:11pm UTC
    h e y b o y ♥
    i like your pants,
    but they'd look better
    o n m y f l o o r ;]

  7. VolleyballBabe VolleyballBabe
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 4:26pm UTC
    If you jumped off a bridge,
    I'm sorry to say that;
    *I wouldn't have pushed you off
    *I wouldn't kill the person who pushed you off
    *I wouldn't have jumped off
    *&& no I wouldn't save you from the 2 foot deep water
    Yes, I'd be drowning but it would be because I fell out of the paddle boat
    [[cuz i'm retarded like that =)]]

  8. HoTcHiCa121 HoTcHiCa121
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 4:28pm UTC
    i dont know what we have &
    i dont know why we have it
    a l l i k n o w i s t h a t
    when im with you, in your arms
    [[i'm alive]]
    and for the first time
    i feel like im good enough.
    you make me feel like the
    h a p p i e s t ,
    m o s t a m a z i n g
    girl in the entire world.
    i'm not gonna say we'll be
    t o g e t h e r f o r e v e r ,
    i'm not gonna say we'll live
    h a p p i l y e v e r a f t e r
    but i will say that
    i l o v e y o u
    && we're happy
    r i g h t n o w
    && sometimes
    r i g h t n o w
    is ALL that
    m a t t e r s
    i love you cam ♥
    since 12.3.03 :]
    and in only ELEVEN days
    its gonna be three years ::w o w

  9. VolleyballBabe VolleyballBabe
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 4:28pm UTC
    I have seen soooo many of those comments that say, "if you died tomorrow i cant come to the funeral because i gotta go murder the person who did it." well im making up my own version so deal.
    If you died tomorrow, I would be at the funeral because I'd be in the hot pink casket right beside your hot pink casket. We'd go to heaven and take the admittance test together so you could cheat off my answers. Then, we'd sit on da clouds making fun of the rest of the people!!
    People come to the funeral. Friends would go kill the person who murdered you. But best friends would've been there with you the whole time. They would help you try to get away. Of course it didnt work though, mostly because my kungfu moves are all talk no action(hehe)... but we try together, we stick together, and we get buried in hot pink caskets(together)!!

  10. VolleyballBabe VolleyballBabe
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 4:35pm UTC
    You're only as strong as:
    the alcohol you drink
    the tables you dance on
    the caffine(sp)in your coffee
    the hangover from your sugar high
    && the friends in your life

  11. thinkinbouthimlotsx3 thinkinbouthimlotsx3
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 4:37pm UTC
    Ain't no way
    I'm gone let you down
    I know it's hard right now
    To say yes to me.
    But I'm gone make you say you love me.
    The way you look to me now
    We need to get down
    You don't know but.
    I'm goin make you love me girl

  12. LovExxSicK23 LovExxSicK23
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 4:42pm UTC
    i like the oblivious people..
    hoo dont know the half of it
    always have a smile
    and think drama
    is a club<3

  13. dancechick14 dancechick14
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 4:43pm UTC
    dont hate me because i am BEAUTIFUL hate me cuz your boyfriend thinks i am<33

  14. thinkinbouthimlotsx3 thinkinbouthimlotsx3
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 4:44pm UTC
    ppl are soo full of them self they think that they are the best couple but they're really not they SUCK

  15. mrs_slimshady mrs_slimshady
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 5:26pm UTC

  16. mrs_slimshady mrs_slimshady
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 5:26pm UTC
    & there will always be those awkward
    times when we look at each other and
    remember how things used to be ¢¾

  17. alexiandria alexiandria
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 6:06pm UTC
    So since I'm not your everything
    How about I'll be nothing?
    I won't shed a tear for you.
    I won't lose a wink of sleep.
    sweet edits
    ~underline everything, nothing, tear, & wink
    ~bold Everything, nothing, tear, & wink

  18. Katy_Cutie Katy_Cutie
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 6:19pm UTC
    Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
    who stinks up the crib and poops his pants?

  19. Katy_Cutie Katy_Cutie
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 6:24pm UTC
    offence sells the tickets...
    deffence wins the games!
    editzz... Offence and deffence in bold
    sells and wins underlined
    tickets and games italics

  20. aUtObIoGrApHy12 aUtObIoGrApHy12
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2006 6:30pm UTC
    "tree hill is just a place somewhere in the world. maybe it's alot like your world. maybe it's nothing like it. but if you look closer. you might bee someone l i k e y o u"
    - lucas scott; one tree hill


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