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I have seen soooo many of those comments that say, "if you died tomorrow i cant come to the funeral because i gotta go murder the person who did it." well im making up my own version so deal.

If you died tomorrow, I would be at the funeral because I'd be in the hot pink casket right beside your hot pink casket. We'd go to heaven and take the admittance test together so you could cheat off my answers. Then, we'd sit on da clouds making fun of the rest of the people!!

People come to the funeral. Friends would go kill the person who murdered you. But best friends would've been there with you the whole time. They would help you try to get away. Of course it didnt work though, mostly because my kungfu moves are all talk no action(hehe)... but we try together, we stick together, and we get buried in hot pink caskets(together)!!
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I have seen soooo many of those comments that say, "if you died

0 faves · Nov 22, 2006 4:28pm




