Witty Profiles

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  1. Everlong Everlong
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2009 4:40pm UTC
    Je t'aime
    [( I l o v e y o u )]

  2. daniixoxo32 daniixoxo32
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2009 4:52pm UTC
    Everything will be okay in the end.
    If its not okay its not the end.

  3. peiceofmetaylor peiceofmetaylor
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2009 4:53pm UTC
    All I Understand Is. . .
    h e i s t h e b o y I s i t u p
    every :: night :: thinking
    about A n d w h e n I ' m w i t h h i m.
    I f e e l h a p p y to b e a l i ve , like
    I can (( Do Anything )) , even talk
    to him :: like this. :: So that’s
    w h a t I f e e l i s l o v e ,
    w h e n -----> I ’ m ----> b e t t e r
    b e c a u s e h e ’ s h e r e .
    idea from a quote off of Boy Meets world ♥

  4. xxsmilemilovexx xxsmilemilovexx
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2009 4:53pm UTC
    & i swear
    my future will be better than my past.

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. stsx0x stsx0x
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2009 8:29am UTC
    I'd swim the ocean
    for that boy, yet he probably wouldn't even
    _ jump over a p u d d l e for me _ </3
    COMPLETELY mine <3 half color<3

  8. stsx0x stsx0x
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2009 3:35pm UTC
    Am I dreaming?
    Or am I truly starting to get o v e r y o u ? I
    h o n e s t l y don't know. But I think I've finally
    r e a l i z e d that right now, we could never be
    together. I mean, we never talk,
    except when you're teasing me relentlessly, and
    with your l e v e l of immaturity I don't think you'd
    be able to h a n d l e a girl a n y w a y. So as I'm
    finally b e g i n n i n g to let go, I have one _*
    question. Why did I h o l d o n for so long? It was
    about a year, if you want to be exact. As far as I
    know, we were b a r e l y f r i e n d s, and to be
    completely honest, you were the biggest jerk. I
    guess I was in love with the idea of you loving
    me back. And now that I've realized that right
    now, that's never going to happen. I just... let
    go. Maybe there will be a time later when we
    can be t o g e t h e r, but that might not be until
    late high school, or at all. So see you, boy. I'm
    done, I'm over you. I'm t i r e d of waiting, I have
    history to make <3
    completeelyy mine<3vewnt half colorrr

  9. stsx0x stsx0x
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2009 8:26am UTC
    >I just can't get over you
    Sure, I might like another guy, sure there's not one reason for me to still like
    you but none of those things make any difference. It's not like you'd ever go
    out with me, I mean we barely talk. But just as I'm about to unwrap my last
    finger from you, all those memories come rushing back. The first time you
    teased me, the fights we had, those smiles in the hallway, the first time we
    texted, all those little things mean the world to me. And because of those
    things, I just can't do it. It's impossible to be fully over you. So don't ask me
    anymore. Stop telling me what I should do. Because even though I know
    what the right move is ( letting go) my heart is still stuck on the painful act
    ` - - - - > of hanging on </3
    completely minee ventt.
    half color to takeachancex7 (;

  10. gotchalk711 gotchalk711
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2009 4:21pm UTC
    only a real girl can
    cry all night long...
    then the next day be jumping on her bed
    in shorts and a hoodie singing
    those old kelly clarkson songs
    having the time of her life
    colors all mine(: quote/half mine

  11. breyandra_love21 breyandra_love21
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2009 3:53pm UTC
    all that i am is for you,
    my savior
    i live by your word and surrender to you

  12. xrachelisabethx xrachelisabethx
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2009 3:52pm UTC
    and everything i ever
    need to know in life,
    i learned from watching
    S c r u b s .

  13. peaceandlove_15 peaceandlove_15
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2009 9:11am UTC
    &Here's to the Girls
    who never won.
    The girls who sat late at night listening to music
    that inspires them to do things next to i m p o s s i b l e.
    The girls that laugh, smile and cry on a daily basis.
    The girls who live, learn and regret.
    The girls who may never have it easy.
    The girls who learned the hard way, and (lived to tell about it).
    The real girls.

  14. kerrinxemilyxo kerrinxemilyxo
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2009 2:54pm UTC
    && t h e r e s a r e a s o n w h y t h e y s a y
    teenage years are the toughest
    friendships get ruined.
    rumors are told.
    h e a r t s get broken.
    trust becomes impossible.
    judgment is around every corner.
    && hope is what keeps you g o i n g.

  15. xoxo_iloveyoux3 xoxo_iloveyoux3
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2009 4:53am UTC
    was meant to be the love of your life the
    one you can tell your dre ams to and he'll smile at
    you when you tell him, but h e'll never laugh he'll brush
    the hair out of your face, and he'll stare at you during a
    movie even though he paid $11 to see it. he'll call you to
    tell you how he couldn't stop thinking about you. and
    most importantly, he'll look right in your eyes and
    tell you that you are the most beautiful girl
    he's ever seen and for the first time
    in your life.. you'll believe it
    and that is what they
    mean by true

  16. WittyStuffB WittyStuffB
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2009 9:58pm UTC
    What the hell was God thinking?
    Hmm I think I'll make girls bleed through
    their crotches monthly. That seems fair.

  17. Cookie_ninja_xo Cookie_ninja_xo
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2008 5:02pm UTC
    A few ways to make an aim conversation more interesting/funnier:
    1. Start saying "omg omg omg omg omg" and wait for them to freak out and say "whats the matter?!" And then just say; hi.
    2. Ask the person your talking to to write you a story.
    3. Say; "I know what your doing." They'll say " how?" You reply: "I can see you through the window."
    4. Tell them it spells like up dog in your room and theyll say "Whats up dog?" And you reply: "Nothing much.. just chillin.. you?
    5. Tell them your brother/sister just fell down the stairs.
    6. Say " I g2g my favorite show is on" They'll say "what show?" "Dora the explorer.. durr!"
    7. Send a sad face and they'll ask why you are sad, you reply: "cuz i just looked at a picture of your face! :("
    8. Send random drawings. For example:
    () ()
    (uu)O and say "Look! It's a bunny!"
    9. Keep changing your font color.
    10. Send red, then orange, then yellow, then green, then blue, then purple, then pink, and tell them its a rainbow.
    11. Tell them you are moving to Anarctica so they can have your ipod.
    12. Send kissy faces even if it is a girl and say "I loveeee yoouuu (: <333"
    13. Write random stuff (fajfsaighaigksnaoahg for example) and then tell them your cat jumped on the keyboard.
    14. Tell them you g2g because its time for dinner at 3:00.
    15. Get quotes off witty and keep sending them randomly.
    16. On your away message/status write random stuff about the person you are talking to.
    17. Erase your profile and on it write your friends name at the top instead of yours; [_____'s buddy info] and then write a bunch of weird stuff under it.
    18. Start bursting out in song.
    19. Say you have to go because it is time for your anger management class and then when they say okay bye or lol flip out at them.
    20. Tell them you just made a new screename its: I hAtE _____ [<-- their name]
    21. Ignore them for awhile.
    22. Write in one of the symbol fonts.
    **ALL MINE**
    Oh my goodness this took me so long!
    Hope you like!
    Thought these would be pretty funny to do!
    [I did some of them]
    Rate for mee ;)

  18. ChEeRWhOrE ChEeRWhOrE
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2008 11:57pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. mrsjeter2love mrsjeter2love
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2009 12:55pm UTC
    Isnt it funny ;;
    how guys dont even
    know that when they
    walk in the room you
    immediatly start to
    talk and laugh louder
    just to get them to
    look at you?

  20. musicgirl917 musicgirl917
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2009 2:57pm UTC
    we stalk hot guys
    care to join our organization?
    the FBI is pretty jelous :)


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