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  1. LittleDeath LittleDeath
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2012 6:59am UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. ImSmallButImNotWeak ImSmallButImNotWeak
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 10:39pm UTC
    What guys think happen: Oh em gee lets have a pillow fight in our panties!!!
    What actually happens: Dude did you just fart?

  3. harrypotterlover42 harrypotterlover42
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2012 3:22pm UTC
    Haymitch: Don't run towards the Cornucopia.
    Peeta: Don't run towards the Cornucopia.
    Cinna: Don't run towards the Cornucopia.
    The World: Don't run towards the Cornucopia.
    Katniss: YOLO.
    nmq, tumblr thought it was funny.

  4. unic0rn unic0rn
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2012 3:02pm UTC
    besstfriend: "I'm gonna get a grape tattoo so that way when I'm older, it will be a raisin."

  5. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2012 2:39pm UTC
    Yes, I do play COD.
    Girls like to blow stuff up, too.

  6. blahhxxemmy blahhxxemmy
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2012 5:08pm UTC
    dad: i like it better when you wear your glasses
    me: why? cause i'm ugly?
    dad: that, and because you can't see
    dad: so your reaction time is slower...
    dad: you're like a mole...

  7. blahhxxemmy blahhxxemmy
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2012 8:28pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. GottaBelieveInSomething GottaBelieveInSomething
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2012 8:02pm UTC
    fav this if you're not the same person that you were a year ago.

  9. heidy787 heidy787
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2012 2:59pm UTC
    My 4 year old sister might have cancer
    Please pray for her

  10. sammilover14 sammilover14
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2012 6:04pm UTC
    Words hurt feelings,
    Silence breaks hearts.

  11. 2WriteLoveOnHerArmsxx 2WriteLoveOnHerArmsxx
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2012 9:22am UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. Lorcan Lorcan
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2012 10:28am UTC
    Your past has you in the choke hold,
    You deserve it from what I've been told.

  13. Lorcan Lorcan
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2012 9:42am UTC
    Girls are always commenting on my profile with their phone numbers, even though I don't want to text them, and I got annoyed so I texted one of them to teach her a lesson...
    Me: Hey, I saw your milkshake. I'm in your yard (;
    Her: Uhhmm, wth? Who are you?
    Me: Me? I'm Pedobear.
    Her: Not funny . Who are you really? Uh and how old are you.?
    Me: my name is Billy Bob and i am 69 years of age
    Her: Wtf, crreep .....
    Me: how?? I am just looking for love :'(
    Her: You have serious problems.....
    Her: You need to go to a mental hospital.
    Me: No all I need is to look at you. <333 I'm looking in your window right now, aww you're so cute when you're creeped out (;
    Her: WHAT THE HELL !! Stop texting me
    Me: bby.. Why don't you love me..? :''(
    Her: Go away weirdoo
    Me: No baby, come back! You can blame it all on mee :(</3
    Her: What the f*ckk..
    Me: Yes bbygal? <33
    Her: Don't f*cking call me that. I have a boyfriend.
    Me: So..? Soccer has a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score. (;
    Her: You're a freaking freak. (LOL, 'freaking freak'?)
    Me: Lol you're soo cute when you're mad <3
    Her: Do old men even know what Lol means.?
    Me: Duh, I'm modern. LOL you a stoopid hoeee.
    Her: Hahahah no. Your a fail. Go jump off a cliff, kbye.
    Me: You're* Jesus, you young 'uns need a proper education.
    Her: My education is fine, thanks.
    Me: No it's not honey. I can come into your room and help you with basic English if you'd like, I'm outside right now (;
    Her: No thanks. Leave me alone, creeeeep.
    Me: .... And that's what you get for putting your phone number on the Internet. :)
    True story. If you're that girl, LOL hi. I hope you've learned your lesson.

  14. mustaches_ mustaches_
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 8:35pm UTC
    It's not your place to say whether or not I'm going to get hurt. Everyone is going to hurt me eventually, and he's one of the people that makes the pain worth it. I don't care what anyone says. I'm not going to live my life without taking chances.

  15. Lorcan Lorcan
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 3:09pm UTC
    Witty Profiles is not the same website I joined
    in August 2011.

  16. tylerr tylerr
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2012 4:02am UTC
    me: i think i'm gonna go to sleep now
    tv: lol but good shows are on
    iPod: sleep? is that a new app?
    sleeping position: lol i'm not gonna be comfortable
    mind: what's the meaning of life though?
    temperature: lol it's too hot and too cold
    noises: oh, you said be louder? okay.
    body: lol time for itches
    person i like: hey

  17. peacex3jenn peacex3jenn
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 8:34pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2012 3:14pm UTC
    You walk past girls at school thinking
    "Why aren't I that beautiful?"
    You walk past good looking guys thinking
    "Why can't I be his girlfriend?"
    You walk past a cute couple thinking
    "I am not perfect enough to be in a relationship"
    You walk past a rich house thinking
    "Why can't I live in that house?"
    You walk past a mirror thinking
    "Why did I have to be me?"

  19. Love_To_Laugh123 Love_To_Laugh123
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 3:44pm UTC
    First Day of School:
    30 pencils, 64 crayons, 20 pens, 12 markers, 10 notebooks, 3 binders, 5 book covers, billions of peices of paper, and soo much more.
    Middle of March:
    1 pencil you found on the ground in science.

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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