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  1. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2010 6:36pm UTC
    The boy i love just
    wont let me fall out
    of his trap♥
    It's his birthday today and i asked him what he wanted for a present
    and for a reply i got ....
    "just come 2 my house now with a bow on ur head and be my present:) "
    i can't get over him♥ I love him, i know it sounds crazy, but i do:)

  2. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2010 2:35pm UTC

  3. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 11:35pm UTC

    It's what we do, It's who we are,
    it's because we care♥
    we care about what's happening
    between us.

  4. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2010 9:56pm UTC
    l smelled his
    cologne&it all came back to me

  5. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2010 9:46pm UTC

  6. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2010 8:32pm UTC
    Dear Juliet,
    I love him, i truly deeply do♥ I can't forget about him, not even for a second. I know it was meant to be, and I am willing to wait for him as long as i live. It's been years since I've seen him. And i don't know where he is in this world. Or if hes still walking earth. I just need you to answer one question of mine Juliet, do you think he will find me again? Those years we spent together are unforgettable. He is without a doubt, my Romeo. I have been waiting long enough, my heart is breaking but i will wait until it shatters, because i know someday when we find each other, those pieces will put themselves back together ♥ I have been trying to put the words "real" and "love" together for quite a long time, and I've finally realized that the real love I've been searching for, has been in my past all along, and soon will be in my future. I need my Romeo to come find me♥
    I will love forever&always/♥/

  7. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2010 1:31pm UTC
    PAIN. ♥
    my baby cousin said this is because
    my heart took all the pain from my
    body to cure its broken self;♥

  8. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2010 1:19pm UTC
    i just collapsed to the ground;
    and cried, imagining what it'd be like to loose you //again// ♥

  9. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2010 1:09pm UTC
    Best night of my life;;♥
    IT WAS THE BEST NIGHT I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED:) i have missed you baby, so much. you hurt me before but thats the past now;♥ we were on the couch together and you held me so tight while my head was on your chest i could hear your heart beating♥ it felt amazing. and then you kissed my check and took my face and turned it so you could reach my lips;) your eyes caught mine, your beautiful eyes♥ i felt like i was in a movie, a song, or a fairytale. and then i noticed it was real, this was my life i was living, &+ i was enjoying every split second of it:D. i whispered to you.. "please don't forget me again" and then you reply, "i promise you, i will never forget you, i will never hurt you, i promise" we had the best time and it will always be in my memories.

  10. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 10:44pm UTC
    Please don't break your promise♥
    "Look at me, I'm sorry if i hurt you before, but i promise, i really do promise ...I will never forget you, i love you." ♥
    true^ i hope he keeps his promise.

  11. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 10:40pm UTC
    I fell asleep on your chest baby &
    I could feel your heart beating ;♥
    true story:)

  12. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2010 8:45pm UTC
    you think you can just mess with her
    without me punching you tomorrow
    don't mess with my friends..[:

  13. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2010 5:35pm UTC
    Here s a poem just for you ♥♥♥
    Heres our love story babe, let me tell you, it ain't fine
    you weren't a jerk at first, but now on a scale of 1-10 your a nine
    i went to your house everyday
    we just sat around and played
    our silly little memories that fade from your mind,
    they will never fade from mine
    every girl has once had a broken heart made from the start
    that girl is also me,
    i will never forget the memories we shared and what they will forever be
    it's different now, but your still here somehow
    i was never sure whether you loved me or not,
    but after we fought, i found out the truth
    We fought one day in the pooring rain, you knew i felt pain. You told me to get a life, i told you to go smoke your god damn pipes. I began to cry and realized i didn't wanna loose you, i knew you felt it too. But we couldn't help but to fight, it was raining in the night. No lights to help us see, only the memories kept us at ease.
    Then we stopped, just looked at each other and i turned away, glancing back,
    all i could see in the light was the tears blocking your sight.
    you were crying, and that's when i realized you care and would never stop trying♥

  14. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2010 5:13pm UTC
    I don't think i will ever be completely over you
    we haven't seen each other since the night of the carnival
    it was the first day of school and your now a high schooler,
    my bus had to stop there and get the high schoolers, then
    i saw you walking out of the building and noticed your blue eyes.
    those were the eyes i fell in-love with i remembered.
    you saw me through the window and just stared, tears came to my eyes
    then i turned away, your best friend told me that when i turned away you began crying,
    later that week, you texted me.."hey"
    i was suprised so i replied "hi"
    we had a conversation and then you told me how your breaking up with your
    girlfriend soon, i was happy but curious, will you ever come back to me?
    i have fought to be yours for the longest time and then you left me,
    you pushed me away. I can't believe it, i cannot get over you.

  15. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2010 7:12pm UTC
    what if this is goodbye</3
    Hi baby,
    i know i'm gone and the pain for you has chosen to stay,
    but make me one promise, okay baby?
    just go out and play,
    have a good time with your life
    don't go smokin them pipes,
    I did the right thing, i know i did,
    that little boy you see wouldn't be there right now if it weren't for me
    i saved his life baby, i know it was right to do
    i know you feel sorry and so does the car driver to
    it was dark out and the stars weren't shinning,
    he couldn't see the boy in the road whining,
    only 4 or 5 years old and gets to go on,
    but i chose what to do, i didn't know i would die
    listen here baby, i ran to the streets,
    already dying from the heat,
    I pushed that little boy out of the way, i wanted him to have a life to play
    but baby, now i lay here, my eyes filled with tears
    thinking about you, my sister, my brother, my mom and dad,
    they're gonna take this bad,
    im on my way to heaven baby and wanted to write this last quote,
    letting you know im okay, please don't sit there and float,
    go out and live your life, please remember me,
    take chances baby, do what is right
    if you have to, put up a fight
    before i say goodbye to you baby, i want you to know,
    our love wasn't a show,
    it was real and now guess what baby?
    i'm still happy,
    i get to watch that little boy grow up
    he thinks about me all the time ya know.
    well don't worry baby its not the end,
    don't try to pretend
    it's just the starts of a new beginning,
    my body's still there, pieces of me to spare,
    i will never leave you baby, don't forget me and the things we do,
    and i wont forget you to

  16. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2010 7:22pm UTC
    i love you;♥
    Rose and Jack first met on the titanic in 1912. He saved her from jumping off the boat. He held her at the front of the ship and made her feel like she ruled her life;♥ Jack and Rose never were apart. Then one day, the titanic began to sink,slowly and pain-fully lives were taken one by one. Staying longest on the ship before it fully hit the Atlantic, they jumped. "Don't let go of my hand Rose, never let go" Jacks says.
    The water current because of the ship was to strong, soon their hands were not as one. When risen above water, Rose begins to scream "Jack! Jack!". Soon enough he follows her voice and finds Rose. People dying in the ocean, the water is to cold, they are freezing to death and drowning. Luckily Rose and Jack find something to float on, and within minutes of dying, they begin to hear boats returning for survivors. "Rose, never let go. okay? never give up, stay here with me for as long as you can, don't give up, never let go Rose, never let go, Promise me." "I promise" she replies. The boats are finally there, only finding 6 survivors out of 1500 people. "Jack! wake up! the boats are here. wake up! Jack? Jack?" . Jack was dead. "I promised, i'll never forget you" Rose survived. And until the day she died, she has always known heaven will bring them together again;♥

  17. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2010 6:36pm UTC
    I'm going to change who i used to be..

  18. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2010 5:26pm UTC
    And every now and then,
    I'm going to break down and cry, knowing I'm never going to get over you.
    Favorite this if you just thought of someone </3

  19. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2010 11:03am UTC
    yeah you can leave me for that girl...
    you don't have to think about my feelings,
    you can see me cry and not do anything about it,
    but after all of that, i still love you </3

  20. xKarynx0x58 xKarynx0x58
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2010 11:10pm UTC
    i fre aking loved him</3
    He's a year older, blonde shaggy hair, and not the hottest guy ever but hes beautiful to me. He has the most gorgeous eyes I've ever looked into and i would do anything for him. I miss him so much it hurts, just thinking about him makes me throw up, my stomach begins to hurt and all the memories flow back into my mind and my whole body shakes. I would take him back as mine in a heart beat. I used to sit on his lap, and he would lift my head up randomly and place a gentle kiss on my lips ♥ It was a feeling i know I have never felt before. But then one day he called me and said "I don't love you, i never did" i could hear his voice shaking, I could see the tears in my mind of his face forming beneath is beautiful eyes. I don't know why he said this and I don't think i ever will. But later that month, my dad dropped me off at the movies to meet some friends and see a comedy. As i was rolling up the window when we pulled in, i saw him. I thought the pain has gone away from me, but now it all just came back. He caught my presence and we just started at each other, soon the tears began to come and i turned around, facing my dad, holding out my hand for money. My dad looked at me for a few seconds ...
    dad- do you love him?
    me- yes.
    dad- he loves you
    me- i wish
    dad- i know he does
    dad- he looked at you the same way i looked at your mother when i first met her and he dropped a tear when you looked away...
    i miss him.


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