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Member Since: 28 Sep 2012 05:05pm

Last Seen: 26 Jan 2013 06:02pm

user id: 332444

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  1. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2013 5:26pm UTC
    hello readers. I'm here again to say sorry and also to say to check out my profile and read my about me for a recent update. Thank you and I'm sorry for letting you down.

  2. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2012 11:50am UTC
    Hi everyone,
    it's wittywriterxx here, and I'm here to say sorry..again. I didn't realise how busy my first year of high school would be so I've decided that I will only write my stories on the holidays. I am really sorry to those of you who are disappointed. Just get excited for Christmas break, March break, and Summer vacation okay? I love you all. <3 xoxo
    don't give up on me yet.
    Format by FormatsByMaisha - Also known as MaiiEeeShaSha

  3. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2012 9:57pm UTC
    I just thought of a brilliant new story idea in the shower!! (lol)
    I've also decided I'm not going to give up on my writing for the five people who care. Maybe one day I'll have more readers...one day. :(

  4. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2012 3:29pm UTC
    Okay readers! :) I got my bookmarks back! This means that starting this week or next week I will officially be posting my story once a week again!
    Now I have some bad news, I'm not getting much interest in my story at all. I've pretty much decided to stop writing after I finish my story. I'm sorry for giving up. <3 Please forgive me if you actually care.

  5. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2012 6:19pm UTC
    Alone //
    Chapter 16
    My heart was racing, yet everything else was moving in slow motion. I heard nurses and doctors rushing in, preforming tests and yelling things. It was like everyone was a million miles away and I was just staring at this beautiful boy's face.
    All of a sudden someone started shaking me. I looked over and my concentration came swarming back to me. It was Brielle.
    "Why are you here?" I asked her, a bit confused.
    "I never actually left Jessica; I couldn't do that to you. When I heard all the machines going off and the doctors and nurses coming to this room I thought it was you." she told me, "And you need to get back in bed, you're in the way!"
    I looked down and realised I was still holding the boy's arm. I quickly pulled it off and ran back to bed.
    "Who is he?" I asked Brielle.
    "We're not really sure." she said, "Someone called the ambulance, said they'd found him on the side of the road. We think it was some party accident. He is - well, was - in a coma. We don't know his identity. What did you do?"
    "I-I don't know." I said trying to remember what happened just moments ago, "I wanted to get a closer look at him...and-and I reached out and touched his arm. Out of, a sort of...impulse! And then out of nowhere his hand grabbed mine and all these machines went off!"
    "That's quite strange, I've never heard of anything like that happening before." she said, "Well, you need to get some rest. You'll only be in the hospital for another week." she started to whisper, "Then we'll get the kids and be out of here."
    "Thank you Brielle, do you think he'll be okay? That boy?" I whispered.
    "Yes, he should be fine by morning. The doctors are already clearing out. See?"
    I looked over at his bed and there were only two doctors left. I guess they saw me staring because they pulled the curtain around him once more. I sighed. I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow. Again.
    "C'mon now Jessica, get some sleep. It's almost 2:00am." Brielle said, and with that the last two doctors left the room leaving a soft beeping noise from one of the machines.
    "Goodnight Jessica."
    "Goodnight Brielle."
    I'M BAAAAAACKKKK. like anyone cares. :| Whatever I feel so bad that I haven't been writing. There hasn't been a lot of interest in this story so I encourage you to tell your friends/followers please! It would make me so happy! :3 comment/fave/do whatever ♥
    format by: lettherainhideyourtears

  6. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2012 3:30pm UTC
    it's wittywriterxx here! I am so sorry for not posting any chapters lately! I really truly am! :'( Don't worry though! I'm not abandoning you..yet..lol jk. I'm still writing (as if anyone cares). I got a new computer and lost all of my bookmarks and who I need to notify, so until I get those back, I decided not to write. It won't be too long and I should be posting another chapter this weekend..but I don't know. So stay tuned! And don't unfollow or anything!
    Don't lose faith in me! ♥

  7. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2012 10:27pm UTC
    Alone //
    Chapter 15
    Uggggggh. I thought to myself. That guy was gorgeous. No, no Jessica, you cannot think like that! What if your boyfriend still loves you? Who was I kidding? Of course he didn't love me! If he loved me; he would be right here by my bed side. He would be with me. He would be protecting me. He would tell me he loved me. He would help me with baby names..even though it wasn't his baby. He would be there for me, but he isn't.
    I tried to fall asleep. Brielle had left me here about an hour ago to go home. She's done so much for me already I couldn't let her stay here all night. She needed a good rest. I wished I was home. I wished I was sleeping in my own bed, but most of all; I wished that my daddy was here. If I was at home with him, he would protect me. He would wrap his arms around me and tell me that everything was going to be okay. He loved me. He was the only one that ever loved me truly. The only one. Other than that; I was alone.
    I decided the only thing for me to do was see if I could check out mystery boy again.
    When I went to look at him earlier...the curtains were pulled tight around his bed. There must of been something seriously wrong with him, but after seeing his beautiful face..I wanted to see more.
    I quietly got out of my bed and looked over. The curtains were open. That means I am officially allowed to look. There was no law against it right? I mean he was in the same room as me.
    I tiptoed across the room. I was pretty good at being silent. When I was a little girl I would always tiptoe to my parents' room when I had a nightmare. I would get into that bed so quietly, but my dad would always wake up. That was okay though, I wanted him to. When I was with him I had a sense of security. Funny though, I never felt that with Blake. The one thing that I was always careful with though was that I would not wake up my mother. She would send me straight back to bed telling me it was all fake. That's not what I wanted to hear. I wanted to be comforted. Loved. And that's what my dad did.
    As I approached the bed I saw his chest slowly rising and falling. He was even more gorgeous when you got close to him. I wondered why he had nobody visiting him, he looked like he was popular and like he was one of those guys everyone wanted. But then again, I was the same. And look at me now! I have nobody.
    I decided to take a seat beside him. As I did, I had a strange sort of impulse. Something I have never felt before. I reached out my hand, not knowing what I was doing, and touched his arm. Just then his other arm shot out and touched my hand. All of a sudden machines went off all around and doctors and nurses were running down the halls.
    What have I done?
    kind of a boring chapter I know. What can I do? Can't make it less boring. This story is going to end soon. I might make a story that connects with this one after but I'm not quite sure yet. Whatever. comment/fav/do whatever. ♥
    format by: lettherainhideyourtears

  8. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2012 1:21pm UTC
    Alone //
    Chapter 14
    "Go get them?" I asked, "You would really do that for me?"
    "Well of course Jessica, I felt so alone when this was happening to me. No one was ever there for me in my time of need. I feel like...I feel like I need to help you. You know?" she answered me.
    "Yeah, I guess I know what you mean. I'm just not used to being alone. I had a boyfriend that I thought loved me, I had two really close friends and Rose and Aiden. I was always surrounded by people and now...now my only friend is a nurse at some hospital I've never been to." I said, "No offense."
    "Gee thanks." she answered jokingly, "But I think I overheard the doctor saying that because of your 'condition' you have to stay here for at least another week. That means we can't go and get them for at least that long because I will need you to come with me. Do you think they will be okay for that long?"
    "Yes, I think they will be fine." I answered not too sure, "My mother would want to get us all at one time. She's like that."
    "Okay, well this gives us time to plan how we're going to get them..and where we're going to go afterwards. We can't stay here that's for sure, we need to leave the country." Brielle told me.
    "We need to leave the country? I've been here my entire life..I can't just leave! I'm not old enough to go out on my own with my two siblings and a baby on the way!" I told her.
    "No I know, you'll come with me." she said.
    "With you?" I answered her, "You would do that for me? You would take us and protect us?"
    "Of course I will! You don't deserve to be left on the street." she said.
    "Yeah? Tell my mother that."
    The next few hours in the hospital weren't so bad. We spent the whole time planning how we were going to kidnap Rose and Aiden. I know that sounds kind of sinister, but my mother want to kill them so..if you compare it to that, it's really not that bad.
    We had it all planned out; when I was released from the hospital, Brielle would tell the doctor that she thinks I might need some help at home and then she would volunteer to do so. He would think that's a good idea because..well, he's an idiot. She would accompany me 'home' and from there I would call my mother. I would tell her that she needed to come to the hospital. When she left (since I still have the keys to the house) I would come and get them the heck out of there.
    It seemed pretty fool proof.
    "I really think this is going to work." I told Brielle. As we were talking, a stretcher was pulled into, what used to be, my room. Of course there was lots of room, I just happened to be the only one they placed in here. I looked over and saw a boy, about my age, lying on the stretcher. He had wavy brown hair. He was gorgeous. He looked asleep though, I wondered what was wrong with him.
    As I lifted my head to get a closer look, they pulled the curtains around him.
    I guess I'll see mystery boy tomorrow.
    chapter 14! *trumpet noise* I told you I was going to do another chapter! :) Ooooh a new character? Who do you guys think it is? What do you think he'll do? GAAH WHO KNOWS?! So the usual stuff, comment/fav do whatever you want! :) <3 xx
    format by: lettherainhideyourtears

  9. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2012 9:05am UTC
    Alone //
    Chapter 13
    "Jessica! Jessica! JESSICA!"
    I woke up with a scream, "What?!" I said. I looked around and Brielle came into view, she really was quite pretty.
    "You were sweating and screaming like crazy, what did he tell you? What happened?" Brielle asked me, a look of concern on her face.
    "Well, first of all: Shirley was no coincidence, my dad sent her to get more information on what happened she was supposed to warn me about...well anyways, she was sent to you by someone who passed away also, maybe your parents? That's why she was there at both events. And my dad, well my dad..he t-told m-me th-th-that" I couldn't finish, I burst out into tears. It was like there was a monster inside of me that couldn't wait to get out.
    "What is it Jessica? What's wrong? What did your dad tell you?" Brielle asked me while patting on my back, something my dad used to do when I was little.
    "H-he said th-that we - my brother a-and s-sister are i-in big t-trouble. My m-mother has it o-out to get us." I stumbled through my words, "S-something bad i-is g-going to h-happen. N-now I know w-why she kicked me o-out. A-and my little b-brother and s-sister they're in t-trouble too."
    "Oh my." is all that Brielle said. I suppose a lot of things were going through her mind right now; should she even believe that I talked to my father? I mean I am crazy according to this hospital. Was she just staying the entire time to make me feel better? And now that I have this news she's going to tell them I'm a mad woman after all? That I need to be transferred to a mental hospital? Things were rushing through my head too and I had no idea how to make them stop.
    Many things, why my mother killed my father? He was always so good to her even though she was never good to him; I know that he would never dream of leaving her..mostly because of his three kids, he had to take care of us. The second question was: why does she have it out for her kids? We never bother her with anything, Rose and Aiden knew better then to do that and they're so young. I can't let anything happen to them.
    "Brielle?" I said softly.
    "Yes?" she answered.
    "What are we going to do? I can't let anything happen to little Rosie and Aiden."
    "Well," she said,
    "I guess we'll have to go get them."
    how did you guys like chapter 13? I hope you did! I'm going to try to post another chapter later today because I did promise you guys last week when I didn't post. Again, I'm soo sorry for making you all wait two weeks for chapter 13! But I love you all! ♥ comment if you would like to be notified and fav if you read and liked this chapter! Also if you stumbled across this chapter and only read this one, I encourage you to read the rest of them too! Other people enjoy it so why wouldn't you? One more thing: could anyone who really likes this story please tell other people about it? It would mean a lot. Thanks again. xx
    format by: lettherainhideyourtears

  10. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2012 1:20pm UTC
    Hello readers,
    Its Marissa (wittywriterxx)! I just wanted to say that I am so sorry I don't think I will be able to post a chapter this weekend. :( I will try my best but I am very busy. I will post two next weekend! Love you all! And please don't stop reading.

  11. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2012 6:53pm UTC
    Alone //
    Notify List (Updated Sept. 28)
    hello everyone! comment on this quote if you would like to be notified! :) Love you all. xx
    format by: lettherainhideyourtears

  12. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2012 6:45pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2012 6:42pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2012 6:39pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2012 6:37pm UTC
    Alone //
    Chapter 10
    "Jessica, are you awake?"
    "Awake...AWAKE?" I screamed, "I woke up? stuff."
    "Is something wrong?" the doctor asked me, "Are you in any pain?"
    "Pain?" I asked, "No I'm not in any pain, is my baby going to be okay though?" I don't know why I asked that. Who cares if my baby isn't okay? It's the baby of a cruel and evil man but, then again, the baby of a decent woman. Even if this baby was the result of a cruel form of punishment, I think it deserves to be on this planet. After all, I could never do something so horrible to my baby like my mother did to me.
    "Yes Jessica, your baby is going to be fine!" the doctor told me, he was a tall olive skinned man with dark hair that was receding, he must of been in his fifties. "We ran some more tests, sorry about putting you to sleep without further explanation. Like I said before, there were some things we needed to figure out so we could save your baby, see, because your baby is so undeveloped the sedative could have done a lot of damage. Luckily though, nothing happened."
    "Oh thank goodness doctor, thank you for everything." I said.
    "Well, okay Jessica, looks like you're all set and you can go home now, just be careful with that wrist of yours and come back in about two weeks." he said.
    "Umm, doctor? Did the nurse not explain to you? I can't go back home because..of my situation." I said.
    "Nurse? What nurse?" he asked confused.
    "Shirley!" I answered.
    "Shirley, there's no Shirley here, I got a page from the front desk saying that you were in pain and that you were pregnant." he answered back.
    "Pain?" I said, "I wasn't in any pain, I told the nurse I was pregnant and then she pushed that red button back there!"
    "Red button? Jessica, I think you might be hallucinating. There is no red button in here." the doctor said.
    "Well of course there is!" I said, a little annoyed, "It's right there!" I turned around and pointed at the spot on the wall where the red button/pager was. I was shocked when I turned around and it wasn't there.
    "There's nothing there Jessica, on second thought maybe you should stay another night. I'll check in on you tomorrow, holler if you need me." and at that, he walked out the door.
    At that moment I just sat there. Sat there wondering what was going on. Remembering that I couldn't text anyone because I had no phone, remembering that my friends and my oh-so-faithful boyfriend wouldn't answer my instant messages.
    Remembering that I was completely and utterly alone.
    Okay so that was Chapter 10! Woah, we're at chapter 10 already? Double digets! :P Okay so just the usual stuff, sorry for the boring chapter like all the other ones. Should I even continue? Ugh. idk. Should I? Whatever. FAV IF YOU READ THE CHAPTER and COMMENT IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE NOTIFIED. I know "fav if" quotes are kinda illegal here, but I'm not asking to get into the top quotes, I'm just wondering how many readers I actually have. Thanks a bunch! ♥ Oh and comment what you thought please! xx
    format by: lettherainhideyourtears

  16. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2012 6:35pm UTC
    Alone //
    Chapter 10
    "Jessica, are you awake?"
    "Awake...AWAKE?" I screamed, "I woke up? stuff."
    "Is something wrong?" the doctor asked me, "Are you in any pain?"
    "Pain?" I asked, "No I'm not in any pain, is my baby going to be okay though?" I don't know why I asked that. Who cares if my baby isn't okay? It's the baby of a cruel and evil man but, then again, the baby of a decent woman. Even if this baby was the result of a cruel form of punishment, I think it deserves to be on this planet. After all, I could never do something so horrible to my baby like my mother did to me.
    "Yes Jessica, your baby is going to be fine!" the doctor told me, he was a tall olive skinned man with dark hair that was receding, he must of been in his fifties. "We ran some more tests, sorry about putting you to sleep without further explanation. Like I said before, there were some things we needed to figure out so we could save your baby, see, because your baby is so undeveloped the sedative could have done a lot of damage. Luckily though, nothing happened."
    "Oh thank goodness doctor, thank you for everything." I said.
    "Well, okay Jessica, looks like you're all set and you can go home now, just be careful with that wrist of yours and come back in about two weeks." he said.
    "Umm, doctor? Did the nurse not explain to you? I can't go back home because..of my situation." I said.
    "Nurse? What nurse?" he asked confused.
    "Shirley!" I answered.
    "Shirley, there's no Shirley here, I got a page from the front desk saying that you were in pain and that you were pregnant." he answered back.
    "Pain?" I said, "I wasn't in any pain, I told the nurse I was pregnant and then she pushed that red button back there!"
    "Red button? Jessica, I think you might be hallucinating. There is no red button in here." the doctor said.
    "Well of course there is!" I said, a little annoyed, "It's right there!" I turned around and pointed at the spot on the wall where the red button/pager was. I was shocked when I turned around and it wasn't there.
    "There's nothing there Jessica, on second thought maybe you should stay another night. I'll check in on you tomorrow, holler if you need me." and at that, he walked out the door.
    At that moment I just sat there. Sat there wondering what was going on. Remembering that I couldn't text anyone because I had no phone, remembering that my friends and my oh-so-faithful boyfriend wouldn't answer my instant messages.
    Remembering that I was completely and utterly alone.
    Okay so that was Chapter 10! Woah, we're at chapter 10 already? Double digets! :P Okay so just the usual stuff, sorry for the boring chapter like all the other ones. Should I even continue? Ugh. idk. Should I? Whatever. FAV IF YOU READ THE CHAPTER and COMMENT IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE NOTIFIED. I know "fav if" quotes are kinda illegal here, but I'm not asking to get into the top quotes, I'm just wondering how many readers I actually have. Thanks a bunch! ♥ Oh and comment what you thought please! xx
    format by: lettherainhideyourtears

  17. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2012 6:32pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2012 6:30pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2012 6:28pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. wittywriterxx wittywriterxx
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2012 6:26pm UTC
    Alone //
    Chapter 6
    The next couple weeks were agonizing. There was nothing but worry on my mind. Was I pregnant? If I was, I for sure as hell won't be able to stay at home. School also wasn't so good, not that my grades were low or anything, but my two "best friends" and my boyfriend had mysteriously stopped talking to me. Every time I would call/text them, no answer and when I saw them in the hall, they would ignore me. I guess Sarah told Molly and Blake about what happened.
    Gee, I thought, I'm glad that they're here for me "always".
    "Yeah right." I said aloud sitting at home on Friday evening. I had no homework and my mother said it was time for me to finally take a pregnancy test. I was nervous like nobody's business. If I was pregnant, that was it. I'm out of this house forever, or so my mother says, I never know with her.
    Poor Rose and Aiden, they don't know anything about what was happening. They were too young obviously to tell, but I think Rose knows that something's up. I can see it in the way she talks to me. It's not like I can tell her though, she's way too young to understand all of this. But if I do end up leaving the house, I feel sorry for my brother and sister. I was always the one who took the best care of them, my mom never did care really. My dad was always the one who would play with them and feed them and change their diapers when they were little. My mom just sat on her lazy a$$ all day doing nothing.
    "JESSICA TRAINER, GET DOWN HERE NOW!" My mother yelled, I knew it was time..time to finally figure out my fate.
    "Coming mother." I said as I slowly walked down the steps to the living room. She was there waiting for me, as I expected, with a pregnancy test in hand. She quickly shoved it into mine and pointed silently upstairs to where the bathroom was.
    I slowly walked up and entered the bathroom. I shut the door and headed over to the toilet. This was it, I thought,
    this is where I find my fate.
    Okay hey guys! Sorry for not posting for so long! :( Every time I sat down at the computer to write, I would get interrupted. It's quite annoying actually. But anyway..this is chapter 6! I know it's kinda short it was more of a filler chapter but I might get another chapter in today. :) I just thought that it was a good way to end the chapter. Thanks for reading. And please fav if you read the chapter, I want to know how many readers I actually have. :P Thank you! xx
    format by: lettherainhideyourtears


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