Witty Profiles

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  1. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2012 12:06pm UTC
    You'll see a good boy, gonna give you the world. But he's gonna leave you crying with your head in the dirt.

  2. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 5:15pm UTC
    Be a best friend..
    Tell the truth...
    Overuse I love you...
    Go to work, Do your best..
    And don't out smart your common sense.
    Never let your praying knees get lazy
    And Love Like Crazy<3

  3. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 5:06pm UTC
    What's his name? Nate
    What color is his hair? Brown
    What style is it: Short
    What color eyes: Hazel
    Cute smile: Yes
    Braces: Yes
    Glasses: No
    Abs: yesss!
    Height: 5'7..ish
    What grade is he in: 8th
    How did you meet him: Josh
    How long have you known him: Beginning of the year
    Does he play any sports: basketball, soccer, golf
    Can he play the guitar: yes. very very well
    What about any other music instrument: piano
    Do you guys ever text: all day every day
    Describe something he would wear on a typical day: jeans or khakis with a tshirt
    What's your favorite thing you've seen him wear: baby blue shirt with khakis
    Were you able to see his abs: yepp
    Least favorite thing: when he doesn't think i can take a joke.
    Do your friends know that you like him: Yes
    Do your parents like him?: Yeah ♥
    Have you met his parents: yep
    What would you do if he saw your witty: I dont care. He looks at my witty all the time to make sure i'm okay

  4. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 4:58pm UTC
    I should've just listened to Taylor Swift
    and never of grown up...

  5. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 4:50pm UTC
    What I learned today:
    Guys get hurt too. Sometimes more than girls do. Sometimes girls are too stupid to realize what they have in front of them just like some guys are. Some guys go through the same hurt and pain girls do and some guys don't realize soon enough that they deserve so much better..

  6. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2012 7:23pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2012 7:06pm UTC
    Never forget what somebody said to you while you guys were fighting
    that's when the complete truth comes out..

  8. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2012 7:04pm UTC
    You can never replace a best friend..
    Because its like losing your other half
    Nobody else fits you like they did.

  9. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2012 5:55pm UTC
    I don't understand how it's so easy for you to firget everything that happened. To just forget all the things I told you and admitted to you. Or how you forgot I was the one you sent long messages to explaining why you liked me. I don't understand how all of our memories can just like disappear like that to you. How you can just move on. While I've been here for almost 4 months still trying to get over the way i felt when you hugged me..

  10. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2012 5:37pm UTC
    It's amazing how many more favorites you get when nobody knows who's writing them or what they look like with format...

  11. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2012 5:32pm UTC
    What do you do when your best friend lies to you? About the same things, every time they happen. What do you do when they're the one you trust and tell everything to, but you don't think they feel the same about you? What do you do when you have never told anyone their secret once you found out...but they still lie to you all the time? What do you do when your best friend...isn't being a best friend.

  12. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2012 5:29pm UTC
    I think I've gotten to the point where all I ever want to do is be with him. In his arms. All the time. Forever

  13. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2012 7:58pm UTC
    Once I moved to Indiana the one thing I was scared of was losing the ones that meant the most to me. Little did i know how much a new state would change me. But the one thing I regret is losing my absolute best friend. I think about it, every single day. I've heard it multiple times "I will never forgive you." and it kills me every single time. Right when I made a mistake, even though I thought I was helping her, and lost her, I felt like I lost my sister. Another part of me. Then all of a sudden I kept seeing all these quotes and sayings about best friends forever. And still, every single time I read them. She's the one I think of. Still the one I wish I talked to on the phone the other day or the one I could stay up forever with. I wish she could be one of the people I text right when I find out I'm visiting. And the one that will be counting down the days until we see each other next. Yes I found some new friends, that I love more than anything. But I always know that I will remember the memories I've had with her forever. My new best friend, Makayla, I know will always be here for me, just to have fun or to tell everything to. And she knows she means so much to me. Also, my other best friend still from New York, Stephanie, knows that we will be best friends forever. But no one else understands how much i regret the decision I made and how much I wish I could take it back. No, i don't know what it would be like right now if I didn't do that but I wish I got the chance to find out...

  14. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2011 4:23pm UTC
    That moment when you realize
    you're the only one
    that still cares</3

  15. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2011 1:38pm UTC
    Okay so....
    It was a big move. From New York to Indiana. 800 miles...that's huge. especially for the last year of middle school. but along with the move, i was worried. what friends was i going to keep and who was i going to seperate from? And i found out that answer very fast, a lot faster than i expected. My best friend, since third grade. Since I moved to New York. you know the one that knows you better than you know yourself? the one that can answer anything you ask them? the one that you can trust more than anything? yeah well, before i left during the summer. she was the one i spent all my time with. We went to New Hampshire together, and hung out almost every day. She was the one who made me laugh until i got cramps, and the one that could make me die laughing when all i really wanted to do was sit down and cry. Well anyways. During the last couple months I was there. We made some decisions. We wanted to make it a summer to remember. One that proves that we were best friends. We did some stupid things, and made some very stupid decisions. Then I had to go. It was my last day there and of course I was with her. She walked me over to say bye to my best guy friends house. (Who lived in the neighborhood across from mine) We were there for all of five minutes. Then my grandfather came to pick me up. It was time to go to the air port. We looked at each other gave each other the longest and biggest hug in the world, this was not knowing it was going to be our last for a very very very long time. Maybe forever. We had tears rolling down our face. Actually no. We were bawling. I left. School started in Indiana. I was getting used to the things here. In New York things were much different. Kids made stupid decisions. Well, pretty much everyone made stupid decisions. Then I came here. Kissing was pretty much a big deal. Well needless to say, it changed me. In a very good way. By the first month I was used to the new ways and realized that everything i had done over the summer was so stupid. Then, it was about 2 weeks before school started in New York but it was a school day for me. I get a call at 3:37 in the morning. It was her. It turns out she didn't stop doing any of the stupid stuff. She made a mistake, or decision that ruined her life. Okay. Here I am. I will admit. Maybe some of it is my fault. I introduced her to the people she started hanging out with. But I stopped. and she didn't. She wasn't going to. So then I made a decision. One that took a lot of thinking. But i told her i didn't want to be friends with her until she was done doing all of that. That I thought would stop her. But i guess that doing that stuff was way more important than our friendship. She continued doing it. Nonstop. My parents asked one day why I haven't talked to her in a while. because remember, she was the only reason my house phone would ever ring. I told them that she was making decisions that i didn't approve of and i didn't wanna get into that. Of course my mom didn't let me go that easy. My dad left and my mom started talking to me. She asked what kind of things and I told her. She didn't expect that to happen with my friend. Probably because my mom had always thought she had a "heart of gold." My mom promised she wouldnt say anything to her parents. Then a couple days later, she started talking to me about it again. She said that it would be for the best if her parents found out since she wasn't going to stop. but she also said she wouldn't tell them unless i approved because she didn't want to lose my trust. This took a lot of thinking. but after a while i realized. her parents have the right to know. their daughter, a straight A student, was making decisions every day that could ruin her life. Even though I had told her i wasn't going to be her friend anymore, she still meant so much to me and if anything happened to her, I would be devastated. So i let my mom tell. And that was the end of our friendship, maybe forever. I tried so many times explaining to her why i would do that, but she always insisted it was "to ruin her life" or "out of jealousy" She claims that I ruined her life, but I did it for a good thing. She would be the one ruining her life if I let her keep doing that stuff...

  16. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2011 1:15pm UTC
    Everything Happens For A

  17. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2011 4:32pm UTC
    Heres to the guys; you know the ones that actually care?the ones that are always there for you. the ones that will listen to all of your problems. the ones that will tell their friends when they think theyre in love with you; and won't be embarrassed. the one that does anything he can to make sure he doesn't lose you. the one that will kiss or hug you when he knows your upset; or when he just thinks you need it. the ones that don't lead you on and actually mean what they say. the ones who text you saying "good morning beautiful" and make sure you know that your the one person on their mind before they go to bed. you know? the guys that actually care...Heres to the girls;you know the ones that always get hurt? the ones that always need to make sure theyre not falling for the wrong guy. the ones that have been played way too many times. the beautiful ones that feel bad about themselves because of stupid guys with no feelings. the ones that have cried theirselves to sleep. the ones that get butterflies so easily and fall for a guy way too fast. the ones that just need someone to be there for them;someone they can tell everything to and who they can trust. the ones that are just sick of going through the heartbreak and need a guy to love. you know? the ones that aways get hurt...

  18. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2011 9:35pm UTC
    Most unattactive thing to do:Putting down your chair at the beginning of the day.

  19. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2011 9:33pm UTC
    I'll favorite your quote when you die...
    not your unicorn..

  20. vickyt008 vickyt008
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2011 7:24pm UTC
    On Witty:
    That quotes too long, not reading it
    That fonts too confusing, not reading it
    All those words are scrunched together, not reading it
    This persons telling me to favorite for a fish....no thanks
    AWE THATS CUTE....favorite<3


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