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Member Since: 17 Aug 2011 12:51am

Last Seen: 3 May 2012 12:18am

user id: 208874

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Holaaaa <3
My names Loni
I blow out my candles on February 8th :D
I'm 15 years young right now,
I love to draw and write :]
I teach myself random songs on piano by ear..
I play violin.. 7 years..
Tacos are my favorite food, but come on, who doesn't love tacos?
Wolves are my favorite animal :]
Purple, lime green, and neon orange are my favorite colors :]]
I've cut before... Its a bad habit.
I've stopped eating most days because people call me fat...
I don't trust a lot of people..
I'm broken..
Adioooooos <3


  1. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2011 7:07pm UTC
    I am so sad... :(
    I like him so much,
    But I'm afraid that if I tell him the stuff that makes me sad that he won't like me anymore,
    and he will walk out of my life just as easy as everyone else did..
    I don't want to be alone anymore :(
    I don't know how to deal with this anymore..
    I've stopped eating before, and I've cut myself,
    ^stupid decisions..
    I just don't know how to deal with this.
    Someone help me :( I want to be happy, and for real this time. :(

  2. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2011 10:30pm UTC
    I asked him out..
    HE SAID YES!!!!! :D
    I think he's a keeper, but I wont get my hopes up yet :)

  3. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2011 7:55pm UTC
    I like this guy, and he told me that he liked me first...
    But its long distance...
    Should I ask him out?
    or should I just stay friends...?

  4. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2011 11:58pm UTC
    I can't help but blame myself for being cheated on.. I must have done something wrong ://

  5. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2011 8:13pm UTC
    I don't want to be hurt anymore...
    I wish I was good enough...

  6. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 9:28pm UTC
    Just this once...
    Why can't I be good enough....

  7. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2011 11:29pm UTC
    I can't help but blame myself for all of this..
    Maybe I deserve this treatment ://

  8. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2011 10:57pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2011 7:44pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2011 3:34pm UTC
    Just when I thought you were different...

  11. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 8:26pm UTC
    I realized...
    I have SUCH low self esteem, I get nervous and shy around people.
    Yeah, I've cut myself before, I have the marks to show it.
    My mom has called me fat.
    I've cried myself to sleep more than once,
    I've gone a few days without eating trying to get skinny and impress people.
    And in the end, I'm lost.

  12. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2011 9:24pm UTC
    Word to the wise:
    Don't let your friends talk to the guy you like before you do.
    I learned my lesson the hard way.

  13. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 7:39pm UTC
    Story of A Demon
    Chapter 4
    “Sir, the raid was a failure. Three of the men died before we got to them. Someone was there. And they had training. Our best men were in those trees, and they are all dead now.”
    The kings eyes glowed in fury, “I’m glad this is a joke to all of you! Who would be there! Who would have the training! ARE YOU SERIOUS! Do I have to do everything by myself?!?”
    The guard looked down, “Sir, no sir. My greatest apologies. I will send the next group out, and you will have no worries in no time… But sir, may I ask a question?”
    Sighing, the king replied, “Yes, because we have all the time in the world. What do you want!”
    “Who are we looking for sir? And why are you so worried? You are king, after all. Everyone fears you. You fear nothing.”
    “I do have fear. The prophecy is my fear.” Replied the king under his breath. “No one. We are looking for no one, and everyone. I don’t quite know who we are looking for, but whoever took out my greatest men will pay with their life. DISMISSED!”

  14. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 7:34pm UTC
    Story of A Demon
    Chapter 3
    We got far enough away from the village and covered our tracks, now it was time to get to business.
    “Okay then. You’re Damon, and I am Kahlen. Tell me how you matched my speed. No one ever has. And don’t say I won’t believe you, because I have been going through a lot of stuff you wouldn’t believe. So start talking.” I said, almost angry.
    “Well, I guess I should start with this,” he started, “I am not a normal boy. I was told to find someone, but I don’t know who. My parents lied to me all my life about who I am. So I don’t know who I am ---“
    I stopped him from talking and started in,
    “Woah, woah, woah. How did you know that about me? I am going through the exact same thing. I have to find… Nevermind. Why am I telling you this? I was told to trust no one. Well whatever, I have to find the white wolf. I have no idea how I am going to do this..”
    His eyes widened in surprise, and he gulped,
    “The white wolf? Uh, that’s me…”
    I stared at him, dumbfounded.
    “No way. No. You can’t be. You’re not a wolf at all. NOT AT ALL! I trusted you! Why would you use my own story against me?!?”
    He was talking, more calm now, “It’s fine, I understand. I told you that you wouldn’t believe me.”
    He stood up, and started growling a low growl in the pit of his stomach, then he was closer to me, almost guarding me. Then I heard it, someone was hunting us. I heard the arrow slice against the string, and then I saw it coming toward us. He grabbed me, and formed a cage over me as the arrow shot by my face. That’s when we heard it. More people hunting us.
    “Kahlen, go! Now! I will catch up to you!”
    “Damon, no. I will stay and fight. I won’t let them get away with this!”
    I pulled out my bow and arrows, and shot them into the darkness, and listened as the bodies fell to the ground. When I felt that it was safe enough, I ran to one of the bodies. He was a knight, sent by the king. We needed to get out of here right now. Tonight was just the start of a massacre.
    “Damon!” I screamed, “Damon! We need to run, NOW!”
    We began running again, our pace seemed to be faster, and all I could hear now was my heartbeat racing as I was being hunted down.
    Apparently I hadn’t finished the job of killing them, and the next thing I knew there was an arrow through my shoulder. I hadn’t ever been shot before. I was caught off guard, and the only thing I remember was blacking out. I fell to the ground, and with a thud, I was out.
    My eyes opened, and my shoulder started to ache. All I could see around me were shades of green blurring into one. I was running, but how? I’m not moving… I sit up and realize that I am on a wolf, solid white. My eyes widened as I realized he was telling the truth. It was Damon. He saved me.

  15. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 7:04pm UTC
    Story of A Demon
    Chapter 2
    I woke up early, before the sun was up, and climbed down, and my adventure to find the white wolf began once again.
    I felt better today, like a new power had been born within me. My sight was sharper, I could hear a stick snap from a mile away, running came easy to me, and I felt invincible.
    As fast and as much as I was running, I wasn’t tired. I came to an open field, and laid down for a while, after all, I was far from any harm.
    I woke up some time later and started my journey again. I didn’t even know if I was going the right way, but it felt right. Nothing was going on, and I had no idea what to do next, so I decided that I would start making my bow. I found the perfect tree, and got y knife, and went right to work. Finally, I finished my bow, putting on final touches, and going on my way. I had done everything grandfather told me so far, so I figured I would relax, and get a good night sleep.
    I stopped to camp for a night, hoping I would be safe. I laid under the stars, but I couldn’t fall asleep because of the violent flashbacks I was having, but I just dealt with it and watched the sky until I was asleep. I woke up to the rustle of leaves, and the whisper of the wind. I didn’t get the sleep I was looking for, but I knew that had to be enough. My journey began again but today I took it slower.
    I had ran about five miles until I came to a village. I’ve been on my own for three days. Being stuck in my own thoughts wasn’t as bad as I thought, but I was running low on supplies. This village seemed weird and suspicious. Everyone was staring at me, and with my new hearing abilities, I could hear them talk about me. One woman whispered,
    “Maybe we should turn her in… there haven’t been any kids around in years. Maybe this is the child the king was talking about.”
    I stopped to listen, but before I could make an escape, people were surrounding me and all trying to grab at me. One man threw a net over me. This was the end… or so I thought. Without realizing, I ripped the net, and made a run for it. My senses were telling me I was in danger, so on my way out of all this craziness, I knocked down some fruit stands to slow them down, not that they had any chance of actually catching me.
    I got about a hundred feet out, when I felt like someone was following me. I kept running, pushing that feeling to the back of my mind. I got a couple miles into no where. I was scared, unprepared, and lost in the dark world I call my reality. I still had that feeling someone was following me though, so I stopped in my tracks, and just listened.
    “Who are you?! I can hear you! Just come out, I won’t hurt you!”
    It was dark outside, but my eyes focused on a figure, it looked like a teenage boy.. What was he holding? He walked closer to me and stood where I could see. He had white hair that almost looked silver under the moonlight, and golden colored eyes.
    “How were you keeping up with me? No one has ever matched my speed… Who are you? And how old are you!? I was told that I was the only child born since the year 3047.”
    “For starters, my name is Damon. I have been on the run since yesterday, when my family was attacked while I was away. I can’t tell you why I was able to match your speed, because you wouldn’t believe me. I am sixteen, same as you I assume. We don’t have enough time to get to know each other right now, are you ready to run? I am guessing you hear them coming for you. They don’t know about me, but they soon will. Lets go.”
    He was right, I heard them coming. How did he know? My grandfather told me to trust no one, but he also told me I was the only child born since then…

  16. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 6:24pm UTC
    Story of A Demon
    Chapter 1
    “Wake up, now! You must leave! Get out while you can child! Run, and don’t stop for anyone! Trust no one, and most of all, find a solid white wolf, she is the only way you will ever know who you are. You must get out of here. I packed your clothes, and food to last you enough days. RUN!”
    I escaped through the back door, more afraid than usual. I felt like I was frozen in time. I had a flashback of an experience I never had… What was going on today? I lurked around my grandfathers hut, until I heard a door slam
    “So you’re the man keeping the forbidden child. Looks like you trusted the wrong person” spat the king
    Then a splatter of blood made it through the door and onto my face. The blood of my own grandfather stained my face, and I started running. Nonstop. I made my way through the forest, quicker than I ever had before. I had nothing to run from last time, this time, I am escaping and running for my life.
    Searching through the small bag my grandfather packed, I found interesting items, not just food and clothing. There was a small knife, and a paper full of instructions on how to make a bow. I unfolded the piece of paper, and saw my grandfathers handwriting, warning me about this day,
    ‘Kahlen, if you are reading this then you know that I have not been totally honest with you. I am most likely dead, but that does not matter, you are safe for now. Trust no one. I kept you away from everyone from your own safety. You have been the only child born in sixteen years. You are the only child to make it through the massacre of the year 3047. I know this is a lot to take in, but you can’t waste any time. Get to high ground, and start the crafting of your bow.’
    I ran, like never before. This was all starting to make sense. I have been training my whole life, and this was my moment. I am on my own now. I have to be strong. I will avenge my grandfather. Finding high land, I climbed a tree, and made my home for the night.

  17. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 6:07pm UTC
    Story of A Demon
    The stench of blood filled the air; an ear piercing scream was heard through the village. People scurrying to get off the streets and into the safety of their own home. He was on the way. More screams filled the streets, as the king shoved aside everyone. His loud voice silenced the whispers of the village people. Only one woman made an escape to her fathers house in an unknown village.
    “No women here, sir.” Said the kings men,
    The words of Sheerah filled his mind, ‘A baby girl, first born, will be a reincarnation of the great wolf spirit, she knows what you have been doing. She knows all about you. She will come for you and kill you, trust no one.’
    Running faster, faster now as the lights began to dim, and the cries for help were silenced. The woman made her way, sneaking through the forest to her fathers house, where finally, she would give birth to her baby. Only there, would her baby be safe.
    This is my new story... comment? let me know if you like it.. I have the first chapter done also.

  18. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2011 10:58pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2011 9:58pm UTC
    This Is the Story of A Girl
    Chapter 1
    School starts in tomorrow, and yet I’m stuck in this place, when I should be off making new friends. Being the new kid isn’t easy. I nod off a little, then wake up to a nudge from my mother. The minister stops talking, and an echo of ‘amens’ fill the room.
    I’m totally not into this whole ‘god can save me if I let him’ stuff. My mom just assumes that and hopes that if I find god, I will change my lifestyle. I don’t get it, what’s so wrong with my lifestyle? I hate all those preppy stores, so what. I don’t want to be another photo copy of todays society, so I’m just being me.
    We leave church and head home, on the long thirteen mile drive to our house. My mom looks at me concerned and says, “Hey kiddo, how did church make you feel today?” I just stare at her, dumbfounded, then grab out my ipod and slip in my headphones, tuning out the world. My mom taps my arm as a way to get my attention. I take out my headphone, and look at her,
    “What’s wrong honey? You seem upset, was it something I said?”
    “No, mom, I’m fine.” I put my headphone back in, and stare out the window, watching the blurry shades of green blend into one.
    We make it back to the house, quicker than usual, and I walk slowly into the house, and up into my room where it is peace and quiet. Not even five minutes after being home, my mom yells up the stairs,
    “Kahlen! Get down here! We need to talk!”
    I slump off my bed, and make my way downstairs, “Yes, mother?”
    She stares into my eyes and says, “You need to get ready for school, right now.”
    “You called me down for this? Really? I am ready.” I stomp my way back upstairs and throw myself on my bed, hoping to fall asleep before the annoying ring of her voice is beaconing me again.
    Please give feedback, I have the second chapter done, Let me know if you want me to post it...

  20. spidermanxlove15 spidermanxlove15
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2011 11:30am UTC
    No man chooses EVIL because it is evil, he mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks <3


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