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Story of A Demon

Chapter 3
            We got far enough away from the village and covered our tracks, now it was time to get to business.
   “Okay then. You’re Damon, and I am Kahlen. Tell me how you matched my speed. No one ever has. And don’t say I won’t believe you, because  I have been going through a lot of stuff you wouldn’t believe. So start talking.” I said, almost angry.
   “Well, I guess I should start with this,” he started, “I am not a normal boy. I was told to find someone, but I don’t know who. My parents lied to me all my life about who I am. So I don’t know who I am ---“
I stopped him from talking and started in,
   “Woah, woah, woah. How did you know that about me? I am going through the exact same thing. I have to find… Nevermind. Why am I telling you this? I was told to trust no one. Well whatever, I have to find the white wolf. I have no idea how I am going to do this..”
            His eyes widened in surprise, and he gulped,
 “The white wolf? Uh, that’s me…”
            I stared at him, dumbfounded.
  “No way. No. You can’t be. You’re not a wolf at all. NOT AT ALL! I trusted you! Why would you use my own story against me?!?”
He was talking, more calm now, “It’s fine, I understand. I told you that you wouldn’t believe me.” 
            He stood up, and started growling a low growl in the pit of his stomach, then he was closer to me, almost guarding me. Then I heard it, someone was hunting us. I heard the arrow slice against the string, and then I saw it coming toward us. He grabbed me, and formed a cage over me as the arrow shot by my face. That’s when we heard it. More people hunting us. 
   “Kahlen, go! Now! I will catch up to you!”
   “Damon, no. I will stay and fight. I won’t let them get away with this!”
            I pulled out my bow and arrows, and shot them into the darkness, and listened as the bodies fell to the ground. When I felt that it was safe enough, I ran to one of the bodies. He was a knight, sent by the king. We needed to get out of here right now. Tonight was just the start of a massacre.
   “Damon!” I screamed, “Damon! We need to run, NOW!”
            We began running again, our pace seemed to be faster, and all I could hear now was my heartbeat racing as I was being hunted down.
            Apparently I hadn’t finished the job of killing them, and the next thing I knew there was an arrow through my shoulder. I hadn’t ever been shot before. I was caught off guard, and the only thing I remember was blacking out. I fell to the ground, and with a thud, I was out.
            My eyes opened, and my shoulder started to ache. All I could see around me were shades of green blurring into one. I was running, but how? I’m not moving… I sit up and realize that I am on a wolf, solid white. My eyes widened as I realized he was telling the truth. It was Damon. He saved me.


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Story of A Demon Chapter 3 We got far enough away from the village

3 faves · Aug 24, 2011 7:34pm






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