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jessicaaak · 1 decade ago
your ignorance is sickening to me.

cheerchick6897 · 1 decade ago
ok. you have no room whatsoever to talk. we have to do 75 pushups, 5 sets of 10 sec. and 10 junp squats, 100 crunches, 10 slow pushups, 100 jumping jacks, and run 1 mile. all befoer we even start our real practice. we have to lift 100 pound girls in the air and while shes up ther, she has to switch her feet and trust enough to throw her up in the air and cautch her 1foot. id like to see you try to do a standing full. that takes over 5 years of classes to learn how to do. i have broken so many bones and got a concusion from cheer. id like to see you throw a girl up in the air 30 feet and while in the air, do a backflip then get caught again. id also like to see you have a perfect tripletoe tuck. funny since all you do in softball is benchwarm, hit balls, throw balls, and run around to bases. we have to come up with a 2 minute and 30 second routine consiting of jumps, stunting 4 times, standing tumbling, running tumbling, basket tosses, with some dancing in between. youre so cool. you have no idea what cheer really even is. it teaches you leadership, determination. confidence, endurance, trust, strength and somuch more. my team isnt even a team anymore to me. there my second family. my coach is like my second mom. so yea leave

XO_Summer_XO · 1 decade ago
Stfu, you're a . You shouldn't say anything until you've actually played the sport. Even if you dont like cheerleading that doesnt give you the right to run around .

lovedove976 · 1 decade ago
lemme see you try to do it

emiilyx211 · 1 decade ago
hey girl! uuh, what the hhellll did we alll do to you? tell me, in softball, do you throw people in the air using your arms, all the strength you have, and alll the bones in your body? or do you run around plastic bases screaming 'i made a homerun'. now tell me; what takes more strength? running around plastic bases after hitting a 1 lbs. ball with a piece of wood, or taking months to learn routines, work your assss off at practice, having to sit in the hot sun for 2 hours once a week cheering on guys acting like you dont have yuor period, or you don't have a sprained ankle, or yuo dont have a soar throat? hmm, i think anyone in their right mind would pick the second one, right? i tihnk you have to be pretttty screwed up in the headdd to think that softball is harder than cheerleading. cheerleading has been recorded as one of the top 10 most dangerous sports. if anything, softball is the sport for . go try a backtuck, backhandspring, frontuck&front handspring, split, and stunts, then come and tell me if your opinion is gunna be restated. but at this point, i think you need some mental help. adios, ;*

born2bblonde322 · 1 decade ago
ok..this is complete b.s!!! i play soccer nd lacrosse nd i do cheerleading and cheerleading is by FAR the HRADEST out of all of those! so screw off! nd ur seriously messed up if what u do is trash other people to probably make urself feel better, cheerleading tkes so much work. i wld like to see u do a round off-back handsrping- back tuck and then go ahead and try a 360 nd then try and tell me its easy! nd i bet u dnt even know what any of tht is...so leave all of us cheerleaders alone!

alyssamariexoxo · 1 decade ago

shopperchick33 · 1 decade ago
STFU YOU KNOW NOTHING. yes,m because its so easy to do a flip in the air and pray that you'll be caught. because its so easy to tumble across a mat an dnot hit people or step off. because its so easy to memorize 2 1/2 minutes of cheer and dance and hope you do it right at competitions. people have been hurt, paralyzed, and KILLED from cheerleading. so think again.

cheerchick999 · 1 decade ago
stfu, cheerleading is a sport and it is hard. i've already told all of this to elizagace but you need to hear it too. ive been an allstar cheerleader for 8 years. i just recently joined my 4th organization. i could tell you stories about the i've met while cheering, but i'm also gonna tell you that i honestly havent met many. cheerleaders become stereotyped based on how they act on the floor, alot of people have never met one off. on the floor we're told to look like we own the place, and most of the time we pull it off pretty well. but its all just a show, kinda like acting ? i used to know a girl from my old team, she was really nice and extremely smart, she could be catagorized as a "geek" at school and nobody would of guessed she was a cheerleader. but when she was put on the floor she gave it her all and did great, she does cheerleading because she loves the sport, not because she fits the stereotype. cheerleading takes alot of effort too. you train for months in advance to make a two and a half minute routine flawless. there is nothing better than the feeling when you hit your elite stunt with perfect timing and it looks clean. so yeah we might not run around a field, or hit balls going 60 miles per hour, but just because our sport doesnt take the same kind of strength and effort as yours doesnt mean it doesnt mean it doesnt take any.

x0cheerbabe0x · 1 decade ago
i do softball and cheerleading and i think out of both cheerleading is harder in cheerleading me go to competitions not just a championhsip game and in softball u baiscly sit on the bench til itds ur turn to bat or ur fielding time but in cheerleading ur moving all the time so shut up

xnixcolex18 · 1 decade ago
heey asswholee...watt did we do to you?i do both those spoortsandd those 2 minutes and thirty seconds onn thtt bluee matt is totttallly waatt we sweatt andd gett yelled att for...coaches are tougher then anyother sportt letts see u nail a lay outt and throw some on 20 feet high ....u dontt noo tht wee work justt as hard as anyother teeam ....ppl die from cheerleading...watt did we do to you

christinex0x0x0x0 · 1 decade ago
im a cheerleader and i play softball....they r both hard....but i think cheerleading is harder, just saying, i have been dropped so many times(which really hurts) we have 2 b super ( and i mean super) flexible.....im sure u cant do the splits....softball you hit a ball and run the bases......but i love both sports

rissssybearr · 1 decade ago
wtf?! i do cheerleading and it was one of the highest death rates last year, probably higher than softball. i did competition cheer, and we work our off. if you think it's soooo easy, you try it. bet you can't get your jumps even close enough to good. and i bet you can't do a backtuck even if you tried. You don't understand the muscle you need to do some of the stunts and flips we do.

dancecheerxoxo · 1 decade ago
also, hav u realized tht ppl hav died from cheerleading?!

dancecheerxoxo · 1 decade ago
i hav 2 much 2 say u can just ask me personally but rite here rite now i can just start it off sayin tht is some fukin bull shittt!
(excues my lang. i just hate wen ppl diss the SPORT)

jake513 · 1 decade ago
one u would look like a if u even tried one of our cheers. and most girls do compition cheerleading not only just at games. take this off witty ur just annoying!

blndbyehrt · 1 decade ago
we also throw people in the air in 98degree weather and ice storms 2...we drop a person we do 50 push-ups..sometimes im lifting girls BIGGER air

xxsmileyxfaces · 1 decade ago
whoa, cheerleading is such a sport. i hate people who diss it, check out my quote 976900.

rockinout815 · 1 decade ago
CHEERLEADING IS A SPORT!! We work sooo hard to get those gold medals in our hands. I know softball is a sport but cheering is too.

sweetiesarah996 · 1 decade ago
okaay errm cheer? practice 5 DAYS A WEEK every week no matter what the weather. we have conditioning constantly, and we have a lot to shoow in championships too, you knoow. dont be a trasher okaay? softballs funn, buut cheer is actually really hard. it takes a looooot more stregnth thaan softball, but dont takee me wrong! i


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